
Cordova inAppBrowser Hide / Show in Java Android

本秂侑毒 提交于 2021-01-28 04:10:56
问题 I am working with Cordova and the inAppBrowser plugin for Android I am trying to control the hardware back button for Android in Java file public void onBackPressed() { if (this.inAppBrowser == null) { this.dismiss(); } else { if (this.inAppBrowser.hardwareBack() && this.inAppBrowser.canGoBack()) { // this.inAppBrowser.goBack(); } else { // this.inAppBrowser.closeDialog(); } } } I do not want it to "goBack" or

html5 如何打包成apk,将H5封装成android应用APK文件的几种方法

两盒软妹~` 提交于 2021-01-10 04:23:43
直接使用编程软件提供的方法: 1、需要下载安装MyEclipse2014,Android SDK,eclipse(需配置 Android开发 环境) Java和Android环境安装与配置。 2、打开MyEclipse2014,新建一个HTML5 Mobile Application Project,命名,例如:hello。 3、html5程序在工程www目录下编辑;编辑好html5程序,下面就要开始学习打包了。 4、这里介绍两种打包方式: 4.1、PhoneGap Build Service 打包。 4.2、android SDK +eclispe 打包。 5、android SDK +eclispe 打包(前提已配置好, android开发 环境): Step1、启动eclipse,新建Android Application Project,即Android工程,命名,例如:hello。 6、Step2、将前面Myeclipse2014中编辑好的HTML5程序(www整个目录)拷至刚刚在eclipse新建hello工程对应assets目录下面。 7、Step3、下面要做的就是如何将HTML5程序在Android应用中启动,这里要使用Android系统自带的WebView控件(具体信息参考Adroid开发文档)---在工程下找到res->layout->activity_main

NFC Write and read tags between Android & iOs

这一生的挚爱 提交于 2020-12-15 06:39:04
问题 Need to have some information about NFC reading and writing tags, with phonegap in IONIC I would like to make an app with shared data between 2 mobiles, I want to know if it's possible to read and write it between two phones using a different OS like Android and iOs. Do you know if it's possible or if it will have any limitation with this use? 回答1: Without having a real NFC Card to acts as intermediary between devices, due to lacking NFC support in iOS iOS <=> iOS is impossible iOS <=>

NFC Write and read tags between Android & iOs

≯℡__Kan透↙ 提交于 2020-12-15 06:37:21
问题 Need to have some information about NFC reading and writing tags, with phonegap in IONIC I would like to make an app with shared data between 2 mobiles, I want to know if it's possible to read and write it between two phones using a different OS like Android and iOs. Do you know if it's possible or if it will have any limitation with this use? 回答1: Without having a real NFC Card to acts as intermediary between devices, due to lacking NFC support in iOS iOS <=> iOS is impossible iOS <=>

How to exit a “cordova build” command from a hook?

自闭症网瘾萝莉.ら 提交于 2020-07-22 07:55:53
问题 I use Cordova with a hook on after_prepare. I want to exit if the command is not correct. For example, this command is correct : cordova run android --ENV=PRD This one is incorrect and I want the lifecycle of Cordova be interrupted : cordova run android --ENV=AEZAZEZ My hook looks like : module.exports = function(ctx) { var env = ctx.opts.options.ENV; if ( !CONFIG[env] ) { // there is a problem in the CLI, I want to exit } else { How to modify a hook to exit from Cordova run command ? 回答1:

Swiper Slider is creating blank spaces after last slide

做~自己de王妃 提交于 2020-05-15 05:49:06
问题 I'm using Swiper Slider for a hybrid app i'm creating using Phonegap with Framework 7. Each slide is made with dynamic content that is being brought through an Ajax call. The problem is that i have two Sliders in the same page, and when i reach the last slide on both of them, a huge blank space starts appearing and the more we slide with our finger, the more blank space it will create. I will leave here some prints and the relevant bits of code. My HTML File: <div class="ementa-sobre pl30


孤人 提交于 2020-04-29 15:11:06
作者:刘望舒 链接: 来源:知乎 著作权归作者所有。商业转载请联系作者获得授权,非商业转载请注明出处。 1. 跨平台技术的诞生 我是2010年开始从事的Android开发,当时会Android和iOS开发的很少,也不火,所有人都在“摸着河底过河”,项目更没有第三方框架一说,大都是自己写的,不像现在各种的框架满天飞。随着移动开发的发展,互联网公司也是层出不穷,有些公司迫于竞争,想要更迅速的更省成本的进行开发,就不再满足Android端一套代码,iOS端一套代码。与此同时,其他技术领域和各大公司也都觊觎着这份大蛋糕,纷纷推出相关的技术,这样跨平台技术应运而生,并且开始在公司中生根发芽。 Android和iOS生态太大了,我们可以把它们比作第一级生态,想要颠覆这两个系统的曾经出现过,但都失败了,因此建立次级生态是最稳妥的策略,Android平台更加开放,因此次级生态的中心就是Android,次生态的形式多种多样,比如在Android系统的基础上魔改建立自己的生态,再或者推出各种跨平台技术建立生态。跨平台技术产生的框架实在太多了,很多还没等我们去学去了解,它们就没落了,成为了跨平台技术的发展的一个过度产物。跨平台技术的产物是不靠谱还是趋势,我想读完本篇文章你会有自己的理解。


邮差的信 提交于 2020-04-28 07:43:13
iOS-Cordova集成开发,已有项目集成cordova 项目组准备开发一个APP,要求Android和iOS端页面完全一致,除了一个页面跟业务相关的不同,其他界面基本一致,因此,萌生一个想法,关于webAPP的想法。于是乎苦逼的我们开始调研可行性以及整体的方案流程。为了达到除了业务数据页面用web,其他页面全是原生APP的作用。其中,关于业务的web页面需要调用原生的相机,相册,地理位置,麦克风,扬声器,扫描二维码等一系列功能,这就涉及到js与原生交互的问题了。 我们iOS端提出的方案是直接用WebView或者用WKWebView嵌套在实现web与原生的交互就可以了,不过安卓同事说安卓因为其平台多样性和特殊性这个就不兼容而且可行性交差,列出了集中方案,最终确定双方都用Cordova实现该功能。然后,开始了iOS端关于Cordova的学习之路(如果已经集成,请下翻到5节) 1 Cordova简介 Cordova前身是phonegap,而PhoneGap是Nitobi软件公司2008年推出的一个框架,旨在弥补web和iOS之间的不足,使得web和iPhone SDK之间的交互更容易。后来又加入了Android SDK 和BlackBerry SDK,再然后又陆续加入了更多的平台。但是在2011年,Nitobi公司被Adobe收购,PhoneGap也被提交到Apache

Phonegap desktop not launching properly stuck and keeps loading

假如想象 提交于 2020-04-16 03:35:47
问题 enter image description here Phonegap desktop not launching properly stuck and keeps loading using version 0.4.5 回答1: I faced the same issue and I solved by installed the older version like 0.3.1 and it runs without any issue. It will populate to update v0.4.5 but don't update it will produce same issue. Download the older version from this link here. This is the version I tried 0.3.1. After install the older version, it will appear like this. If you find any working solution for v0.4.5

PhoneGap Android hello android:minSdkVersion="8"

北城以北 提交于 2020-04-07 11:35:06
今天试试PhoneGap Android Hello 按照start说明,一切安好 可是最后就是在买的三星glaxy-Gt-p7500上运行不起来, 是因为p7500上是装的3.1的android,修改manifest的minsdkversion <uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="8" />即可 api版本查询: 来源: oschina 链接: