
How to obtain Phoenix table data via HBase REST service

戏子无情 提交于 2019-12-20 03:14:01
问题 I created a HBase table using the Phoenix JDBC Driver in the following code snippet: Class.forName("org.apache.phoenix.jdbc.PhoenixDriver"); Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:phoenix:serverurl:/hbase-unsecure"); System.out.println("got connection"); conn.createStatement().execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS phoenixtest (id BIGINT not null primary key, test VARCHAR)"); int inserted = conn.createStatement().executeUpdate("UPSERT INTO phoenixtest VALUES (5, '13%')"); conn

Column family with Apache Phoenix

▼魔方 西西 提交于 2019-12-18 13:34:01
问题 I have create the following table: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "events" ( "" VARCHAR(32), "" VARCHAR(32), "event.uuid" VARCHAR(32), CONSTRAINT pk PRIMARY KEY ("event.uuid") ) Inserting an event: upsert into "events" ("event.uuid", "", "") values('1', 'click', 'api') Getting data from HBase shell: hbase(main):020:0> scan 'events' ROW COLUMN+CELL 1 column=0:_0, timestamp=1449417795078, value= 1, timestamp=1449417795078, value=click

Column family with Apache Phoenix

旧街凉风 提交于 2019-12-18 13:33:16
问题 I have create the following table: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "events" ( "" VARCHAR(32), "" VARCHAR(32), "event.uuid" VARCHAR(32), CONSTRAINT pk PRIMARY KEY ("event.uuid") ) Inserting an event: upsert into "events" ("event.uuid", "", "") values('1', 'click', 'api') Getting data from HBase shell: hbase(main):020:0> scan 'events' ROW COLUMN+CELL 1 column=0:_0, timestamp=1449417795078, value= 1, timestamp=1449417795078, value=click


喜你入骨 提交于 2019-12-18 08:07:36
背景 一次无意的访问,点击到了一个专门做PHP性能测试的网站,看这里 PHP Benchmarks 。 在里面发现了框架性能测试的结果,发现Laravel的框架性能尽然是最低的。瞬间受到了一万点的暴击,谁让最近一直用Laravel开发项目的呢。 说到底还是Laravel好用呀,方便不说,各方面支持的也不错,业务方面做的也是内部系统,哪怕性能慢点,也可以用前后端分离、负载均衡等手段解决掉,大体上也是够用。 不过,作为一个开发人员,理想还是要有的,这时就在想能不能采取Laravel框架的优点,用到什么就装什么,去掉一些请求到响应之间用不到的组件,精简框架。 之前也熟读过Laravel的源码,知道它的底层用的是Symfony的组件,毕竟没必要重复的造轮子。那么我们的框架之旅也将基于Symfony组件。。。 目录 一、Composer运行机制 二、框架前期准备 三、HttpFoundation组件封装Request、Response 四、路由处理 五、控制器处理相应功能(C) 六、分离模板(V) 七、分离模型(M) 八、剥离核心代码 九、优化框架 十、依赖注入(Dependency Injection) 正文 一、Composer运行机制 Composer的使用最关键的得益于 PHP标准规范 的出现,特别是其中的psr4, 自动加载规范 ,规范了如何指定文件路径从而自动加载类定义


佐手、 提交于 2019-12-15 01:11:48
前言 最近在Hbase的使用过程中遇到了很多问题,通过各种查资料测试最终得到解决。趁此机会也对Hbase预分区及索引的原理作了一些较深入的学习,以便更好的使用Hbase及对数据库性能调优。 下面对Hbase的索引触发原理及Bulkload导入数据需注意的问题作了简要总结,希望能对大家起到一些帮助,共同学习进步。 1. Phoenix索引在Hbase中的存储形式 本文所说phoenix索引,默认都是指全局索引 使用phoenix为hbase中 表example 创建二级索引 INDEX_EXAMPLE 后,在Hbase或Phoenix中使用 list 或 !tables 命令查看当前表的时候,会发现多了数据库中多了一张原表对应的索引表。 phoenix索引表在Hbase中也是以表的形式存在,且该表的Row_key就是创建索引时的所有索引字段的拼接。当为多列建立索引时,rowkey实际上是这些column的组合,并且是按照它们的先后顺序的组合。 2. 多列索引的原理 在Phoenix中,我们可以为一张表的多个列(column)创建索引,但是在查询时必须要按照索引列的顺序来查询。例如,以下表为例: # 创建表 CREATE TABLE example ( row_key varchar primary key, col1 varchar, col2 varchar, col3

Filtering from phoenix when loading a table

穿精又带淫゛_ 提交于 2019-12-14 01:40:47
问题 I would like to know how this exactly works, df = \ .format("org.apache.phoenix.spark") \ .option("table", "TABLE") \ .option("zkUrl", "") \ .load() if this is loading the whole table or it will delay the loading to know if a filtering will be applied. In the first case, how is the way to tell phoenix to filter the table before loading in the spark dataframe? Thanks 回答1: Data is not loaded until you execute an action which requires it. All filter

Apache Phoenix illegal data exception

南笙酒味 提交于 2019-12-13 16:21:57
问题 I am having problems writing data from HBase and reading it with Phoenix. These are the steps to reproduce the problem: Create a table using Phoenix. CREATE TABLE test ( id varchar not null, t1.a unsigned_int, t1.b varchar CONSTRAINT pk PRIMARY KEY (id)) COLUMN_ENCODED_BYTES = 0; If I add information to the table using Phoenix using Upsert upsert into test (id, t1.a, t1.b) values ('a1',1,'foo_a'); And I try query the table, I get this: select * from test; +-----+----+--------+ | ID | A | B |

Save CSV file to hbase table using Spark and Phoenix

瘦欲@ 提交于 2019-12-13 15:04:46
问题 Can someone point me to a working example of saving a csv file to Hbase table using Spark 2.2 Options that I tried and failed (Note: all of them work with Spark 1.6 for me) phoenix-spark hbase-spark it.nerdammer.bigdata : spark-hbase-connector_2.10 All of them finally after fixing everything give similar error to this Spark HBase Thanks 回答1: Add below parameters to your spark job- spark-submit \ --conf "spark.yarn.stagingDir=/somelocation" \ --conf "spark.hadoop.mapreduce.output

spark connecting to Phoenix NoSuchMethod Exception

纵然是瞬间 提交于 2019-12-12 04:21:49
问题 I am trying to connect to Phoenix through Spark/Scala to read and write data as a DataFrame. I am following the example on GitHub however when I try the very first example Load as a DataFrame using the Data Source API I get the below exception. Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Put.setWriteToWAL(Z)Lorg/apache/hadoop/hbase/client/Put; There are couple of things that are driving me crazy from those examples: 1)The import statement import org

Renewing a connection to Apache Phoenix (using Kerberos) fails after exactly 10 hours

喜欢而已 提交于 2019-12-12 04:16:07
问题 I have a Java application with possibility to make some SQL select statements from Apache Phoenix. For this i'm using a principle with a keytab to create the connection. This is the class that support the connection : public class PhoenixDriverConnect { private static Connection conn; private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PhoenixDriverConnect.class); private PhoenixDriverConnect(String DB_URL) { GetProperties getProperties = new GetProperties(); try { Class.forName