
['1', '2', '3'].map(parseInt) 输出答案和解析

纵然是瞬间 提交于 2019-12-11 19:39:01
根据题目可以了解到这道题主要考我们的是对 map 函数和 parseInt 函数的熟悉程序,所以我们先来了解这两个函数 map 根据 MDN 上对于map的解释: map() 方法创建一个新数组,其结果是该数组中的每个元素都调用一个提供的函数后返回的结果。 上面的话读起来可能比较晦涩,我个人理解其实就是遍历数组,对数组的每一项进行遍历并做数据处理。这道题的关注重点就是在于map对于数组处理的方法,所以我们着重看下在MDN对于map参数的解释: callback 生成新数组的元素的函数,使用三个参数: currentValue callback数组中正在处理的当前元素 index |可选 callback 数组中正在处理的当前元素的索引。 array |可选 map 方法调用的数组。 *** 这样的解释就很明白了,map方法的参数是一个回调函数,这个函数会有三个参数:当前元素、当前元素的下标和当前数组。所以这道题可以转换成一下写法: parseInt('1',0,['1','2','3']) parseInt('2',1,['1','2','3']) parseInt('3',2,['1','2','3']) parseInt MDN 上对于parseInt的解释非常清晰, parseInt(string, radix) 将一个字符串 string 转换为 radix 进制的整数,


*爱你&永不变心* 提交于 2019-12-11 15:40:27
JavaScript """ JavaScript(JS)是脚本编程语言,JS语言开发的文件是以.js为后缀,通过在html文件中引入该js文件来控制html代码的交互功能以及前台数据处理的业务逻辑(js语言代码也可以直接写在html文件中),采用的ECMAScript语法,属于编程语言。 ECMAScript目前普遍使用的存在ES5与ES6两个版本,我们也会基于这两个版本来介绍JS这么应用的学习 ES5:基于对象语言(没有class),通常学的多。 ES6:面向对象语言,有新特性,新框架。 """ """ 学习方向:从JS代码书写位置、JS基础语法、JS选择器和JS页面操作四部分进行学习 学习目的:完成页面标签与用户的人机交互及前台数据处理的业务逻辑 """ 脚本语言 脚本语言:通过这门语言,可以去写一些代码片段,这些代码片段可以嵌入到其他语言中,只要给予一个执行的入口,就可以执行代码。如c,java,这些语言必须要有明确的入口,也就是main函数,从main函数入,从main函数出。python则处处是入口处处是出口,没有所谓的main函数,这就是脚本语言的特点,也就是说只要给一个执行的入口,我就能够让代码跑起来。 脚本:像python可以直接用解释器运行,不管文件中有没有main函数,甚至是空的,也可以跑起来,只是没结果,也就是说可以通过代码块来执行

.toLocaleString('fr-FR') not showing spaces in amount, but working in console

↘锁芯ラ 提交于 2019-12-11 09:01:31
问题 I display some prices and numbers from server with PHP, using functions to format in french. Then I want to use Jquery to do some calculations client-side. I use .toLocaleString('fr-FR') to format the results to show. It works in console but not in DOM. Here is the code: resultat_partiel = 1; resultat_partiel *= parseFloat($(this).text().replace(/ /g, ''), 10); console.log(resultat_partiel, resultat_partiel.toLocaleString('fr-FR')); $('div.resultat_partiel').text(parseFloat(resultat_partiel)

Changing properties of a Javascript object from string to int

会有一股神秘感。 提交于 2019-12-11 05:29:59
问题 I have an array of objects with three properties each (year, total, per_capita). Example: 0: Object per_capita: "125.8" total: "1007.2" year: "2009" Those properties are strings and I want to create a loop that goes through the array and converts them to int. I tried the following loop: for (i=0; i<data.length; i++){ parseInt(data[i].year, 10) parseInt(data[i].total, 10) parseInt(data[i].per_capita, 10) } However when I do typeof(data[0].total) it says its a string. I am having problems later

Integer.parseInt( or scan.nextInt()?

浪子不回头ぞ 提交于 2019-12-11 04:46:53
问题 I oscillate with using import java.util.Scanner; . . . Scanner scan = new Scanner(; . . . Integer.parseInt(; or import java.util.Scanner; . . . Scanner scan = new Scanner(; . . . scan.nextInt(); Which one is more useful, or more precisely; which would be running faster? 回答1: Now granted, this is just the Sun implementation, but below is the nextInt(int radix) implementation. Note that it uses a special pattern ( integerPattern() ). This means if you use next()

Getting data from JTextField that is one of several local variables

你。 提交于 2019-12-11 03:08:50
问题 So I am reading a file and I get the amount of lines in that file. Based on that I generate my interface. Now I need to have the ability to edit valus trougth UI . Rows is the variable that has how lines the input document has . Of course the code below doesnt work . I want to write new values to the array from which i read . for(int i=0;i<Rows;i++) { //System.out.println("!"+Symbol[1]+"!"); //if(Symbol[i]!=""&&Symbol[i]!=null) // { JTextField symbol = new JTextField(6); symbol.setText(Symbol

Parse a substring?

本秂侑毒 提交于 2019-12-10 21:35:52
问题 I'm trying to convert the first two characters of a String using the parseInt method but I cannot. It's supposed to look like this: String firstChars = IntMessage.substring(0,2);// firstChars is a String that corresponds to the first two characters of the string. message=ASCII[(Integer.parseInt(firstChar))-32];//The message variable is a String that is supposed to take a firstChars variable and make it an integer so it can be used by the ASCII array in determining which element of the array

parseInt changes the integer

一个人想着一个人 提交于 2019-12-10 10:52:27
问题 I am trying to pull a number (721576481415319 78 ), which starts at the 21st character, out of the title of a page like so: parseInt(document.title.substring(21), 10); This returns the string as an integer of 721576481415319 80 . I can't seem to figure out why it is changing the last two numbers. Any help would be appreciated. 回答1: According to What is JavaScript's highest integer value that a Number can go to without losing precision? the max value of an integer is 9007199254740992. I tried

why parseInt('08') is giving 0, whereas parseInt('07') is giving 7 [duplicate]

元气小坏坏 提交于 2019-12-09 14:20:05
问题 This question already has answers here : Closed 7 years ago . Possible Duplicate: Workarounds for JavaScript parseInt octal bug I am working on javascript, and I seem to find this strange, that the javascript function parseInt('08') is returning 0 and parseInt('07') is returning 7. this behavior seems to be there in Firefox. parseInt('08') is returning 8 in IE, but 0 in Firefox.. Why? I want parseInt('08') to return 8, as expected and getting in IE. 回答1: Yeah, I came across this one before.

Crashing due to Integer.parseInt

我的梦境 提交于 2019-12-08 17:07:19
问题 I'm trying to import text from a text file which has been generated in another Activity . The generated text file is made up of a String ArrayList which only contains numbers and the other random text generated by Android. When I import the text from the file I'm using a BufferedReader and readLine() to get each new number into an Integer ArrayList . I'm removing any non-numerical values from the text file and the numbers that are generated in the other Activity are split up by an "\n". The