
Calling python functions from MATLAB workers

与世无争的帅哥 提交于 2021-01-28 04:52:49
问题 I'm trying to run a MATLAB script using parfor which runs a simulink model in parallel by sim function, and this simulink model contains a MATLAB Function Block. The function defined in this block calls a python function using "py." mechanism. Unfortunately, the run sometimes seems stuck in the middle, when I fed a large number of simulations. The debugging output stops to show up. I suspect a deadlock somewhere. So, my questions are Can we run a simulink model which contains python functions

parfor with Matlab “the variable __ in a parfor cannot be classified”

ぐ巨炮叔叔 提交于 2020-01-22 02:54:06
问题 So I am trying to call this function using a parfor (basically curve fitting using Fourier series through a vector in a parfor loop): function[coefnames,coef] = fourier_regression(vect_waves,n) coef = zeros(length(vect_waves)-n,18); current_coef = zeros(18,1); % All the terms of the fourier series x = 1:n; parpool_obj = parpool; parfor i=n:length(vect_waves) take_fourier = vect_waves(i-n+1:i); f = fit(x,take_fourier,'fourier8'); current_coef = coeffvalues(f); coef(i,1:length(current_coef)) =

Matlab Parallel Computing with Simulink Model

那年仲夏 提交于 2020-01-13 06:31:27
问题 I'm working on a project in which parallel computing would be a huge advantage. The project simulates multiple Simulink models. I did the simulation with a normal for-Loop, but since it takes days to simulate I decided to try the "parfor"-Loop . But that's where the problem begins. First I'll give you pictures of my code, the workspace and the Simulink-part which is causing me problems: Here's my code: apool = gcp('nocreate'); if isempty(apool) apool = parpool('local'); end wpath = pwd;

How to parallel 4 works with PARFOR with a Core i3 in Matlab

半腔热情 提交于 2020-01-12 07:42:48
问题 I have Matlab R2012b for Ubuntu 64 bits. I have a Intel Core i3 CPU M 330 @ 2.13GHz × 4. I want to use parfor to parallelize 4 loops at same time. Because Intel Core i3 has 2 Cores and 4 Threads I use this code: if matlabpool('size') == 0 % checking to see if my pool is already open matlabpool(4) else matlabpool close matlabpool(4) end And I obtain the following error: Error: You requested a minimum of 4 workers, but the cluster "local" has the NumWorkers property set to allow a maximum of 2

Bad version or endian-key in MATLAB parfor?

a 夏天 提交于 2020-01-11 04:43:06
问题 I am doing parallel computations with MATALB parfor . The code structure looks pretty much like %%% assess fitness %%% % save communication overheads bitmaps = pop(1, new_indi_idices); porosities = pop(2, new_indi_idices); mid_fitnesses = zeros(1, numel(new_indi_idices)); right_fitnesses = zeros(1, numel(new_indi_idices)); % parallelization starts parfor idx = 1:numel(new_indi_idices) % only assess the necessary bitmap = bitmaps{idx}; if porosities{idx}>POROSITY_MIN && porosities{idx}

MATLAB Slicing variable for PARFOR loops

我与影子孤独终老i 提交于 2020-01-06 15:18:28
问题 I am trying to make the following loop parallel-friendly in MATLAB so that I can use parfor : for ivert = 1 : nVerts b = obj.f( obj.neighIDs{ ivert } ); x = obj.coeffMatrix{ ivert } \ b; obj.solution( ivert, : ) = x( 1 : 3 ); end I tried to slice the variables according to MATLAB documentation posted here: parfor ivert = 1 : nVerts i = obj.neighIDs{ ivert }; b = obj.f( i ); A = obj.coeffMatrix{ ivert } x = A \ b; obj.solution( ivert, : ) = x( 1 : 3 ); end But MATLAB complains that: Valid

Matlab multiplied iterator for array index inside parfor - slicing

拟墨画扇 提交于 2020-01-03 03:57:08
问题 Is it possible to slice 3'rd line (tt)? This code is simplified, but the problem is similar. I am using multiplied iterator (3*i) in array index, however it doesn't work. Maybe it is possible to change it somehow. parfor i = 1 : NE tmp = i * [1, -1; -1, 1]; tt(3*i-1:3*i+1) = tmp([3,2,4]); pp(i) = tmp(1,1,i); end; Thanks :) 回答1: To be a sliced output variable, tt must be indexed using literally only the loop variable i , and other constant terms (including : ). Perhaps you can make tt

save high resolution figures with parfor in matlab

可紊 提交于 2019-12-29 08:59:32
问题 I am using parfor loop to produce and save quite big number of figures. Due to the amount of data which will be presented in the figures, the resolution of the figures need to be high, something around 920 dpi. Using the normal for , the function works fine. But when we switch to parfor the resolution of the produced and saved pictures becomes totally low. This is the figure handle creation part: mainFig=figure('visible','off'); set(mainFig, 'Renderer', 'OpenGL'); and here is the saving part

Parallel computing and number of cores in Matlab

生来就可爱ヽ(ⅴ<●) 提交于 2019-12-25 00:27:04
问题 I am trying to run some code that creates a sketch from an image: After getting it going on windows, im running into what I think are performance issues. The program is supposed to complete the task in 5 minutes, but my computer wont complete the task at all (ive waited at least 30 minutes) My computer has only 4GB of RAM and is an Intel I3. The code uses parallel computing apparently, so to active Parfor I did: if matlabpool('size') == 0 matlabpool

parfor loop won't work with IF statement in MATLAB

纵然是瞬间 提交于 2019-12-24 13:10:09
问题 parfor EEG_temp=10:100; EEG_temp_filter=filter(ones(1,EEG_temp),1,EEG_amp_vals(eeg_temp_subset,:),[],2); EEG_vertices=eeg_temp_subset((max(EEG_temp_filter,[],2)==EEG_temp)>0); connected_EEG_vertices=EEG_vertices((sum(surface.VertConn(EEG_vertices,EEG_vertices))>=2)>0); if length(connected_EEG_vertices)<5000 && length(connected_EEG_vertices)>500 for fMRI_index=1:length(fMRI_thresholds); signal_union=union(connected_EEG_vertices,unique(fMRI_Vertices(fMRI_index,:))); signal_intersection