MATLAB Slicing variable for PARFOR loops

我与影子孤独终老i 提交于 2020-01-06 15:18:28


I am trying to make the following loop parallel-friendly in MATLAB so that I can use parfor:

for ivert = 1 : nVerts
    b = obj.f( obj.neighIDs{ ivert } ); 
    x = obj.coeffMatrix{ ivert } \ b;
    obj.solution( ivert, : ) = x( 1 : 3 );

I tried to slice the variables according to MATLAB documentation posted here:

parfor ivert = 1 : nVerts
    i = obj.neighIDs{ ivert };
    b = obj.f( i ); 
    A = obj.coeffMatrix{ ivert }
    x =  A \ b;
    obj.solution( ivert, : ) = x( 1 : 3 );

But MATLAB complains that:

Valid indices for `obj` are restricted in PARFOR loops.

Could someone give me some hints how to slice the variables in the above loop?


The problem here is that MATLAB sees the first three lines of your parfor loop, and treats those as indexing expressions on obj - and it concludes that obj must be a parfor "broadcast" variable. The final line of your parfor loop is treated as an indexed assignment into obj (even though it looks like an indexed assignment into a field of obj). Because obj has been classified as "broadcast", you cannot assign into it. To fix this, I'd recommend doing something like this:

tmpSolution = zeros(nVerts, 3);
parfor ivert = 1:nVerts
    ... %# calculate 'x'
    tmpSolution(ivert, :) = x(1:3);
obj.solution = tmpSolution;

