
Returning an objects subclass with generics

别来无恙 提交于 2019-12-17 18:42:18
问题 With an abstract class I want to define a method that returns "this" for the subclasses: public abstract class Foo { ... public <T extends Foo> T eat(String eatCake) { ... return this; } } public class CakeEater extends Foo {} I want to be able to do things like: CakeEater phil = new CakeEater();"wacky cake").eat("chocolate cake").eat("banana bread"); Arguably banana bread would throw an IllegalArgumentException with the message "Not a cake!" 回答1: public abstract class Foo<T extends

Excluding a non param test in parameterized test class

旧时模样 提交于 2019-12-17 15:38:11
问题 Is there any annotation in JUnit to exclude a non param test in parameterized test class? 回答1: JUnit 5 As of Junit 5.0.0 you can now annotate your test methods with @ParameterizedTest . So no need for inner classes. There are many ways to supply the arguments to the parameterized test apart from ValueSource as shown below. See the official junit user guide for details: import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test; import org.junit.jupiter.api.ParameterizedTest; import org.junit.jupiter.params.provider

Running an application automatically every day

我与影子孤独终老i 提交于 2019-12-13 19:06:43
问题 I have an application that tests web services. And I want to run this application every day at 6 pm . I wonder if it is possible to do this automatically ? *For information: this application is developed with Java, JUnit parameterized tests, maven..., OS : Windows 7 * 回答1: You can create schedule task in windows and cron job in UNIX to trigger your application which test web services. 回答2: You can do something like this ScheduledExecutorService executor = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(1);

OdbcCommand. Parametrization with table name

淺唱寂寞╮ 提交于 2019-12-13 15:16:07
问题 I have a problem doing a parametrized sql query to a OdbcConnection to a odbc driver in C#. The column name and table name will be configurable from a web gui so I want it protected from injections using (OdbcCommand command = connection.CreateCommand()) { command.CommandText = "SELECT ? FROM ?"; command.CommandTimeout = SynchTimeout; command.CommandType = CommandType.Text; command.Parameters.Add(new OdbcParameter(string.Empty, "User")); command.Parameters.Add(new OdbcParameter(string.Empty,

Parameterized queries WITHOUT stored procedures?

最后都变了- 提交于 2019-12-13 12:08:32
问题 Every sample I've seen uses stored procedures. I've adopted an old application written in Classic ASP that uses inline SQL. This is an obvious issue, so I need to convert it to safer code. The client does not wish that I use stored procedures in this application, so is there a way to run parameterized queries without stored procedures? Thanks 回答1: Yes, there is. Have a look at some of these examples: http

parameterized data structures in haskell [closed]

≯℡__Kan透↙ 提交于 2019-12-13 09:33:17
问题 It's difficult to tell what is being asked here. This question is ambiguous, vague, incomplete, overly broad, or rhetorical and cannot be reasonably answered in its current form. For help clarifying this question so that it can be reopened, visit the help center. Closed 7 years ago . Can you advise on how to represent parameterized data structures in haskell? e.g. in an application which represents contents of a garments shop, I might have instances of racks for men's and women's clothes.

pytest parameterized method setup

萝らか妹 提交于 2019-12-13 07:19:17
问题 I have a parameterized pytest test method, test_1 . Before all the parameterized cases are run for this test method, I'd like to call another method, tmp_db_uri , which creates a temporary database and yields the uri for the database. I only want to call that generator once, so that I can use the same temporary database for all the test cases. I thought that if I called it from a fixture ( db_uri ), that would do the trick, since I thought that fixtures are created once per test, but it seems

PDO and Microsoft SQL: Must declare the table variable “@P1”

こ雲淡風輕ζ 提交于 2019-12-13 06:31:18
问题 I'm trying to use binding in PDO to select some entries from a Microsoft SQL database. The code I'm using looks like it's similar to what I've found in the documentation. However, when I run it, I get the warning below: Warning: PDOStatement::execute() [pdostatement.execute]: SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1087 [Microsoft][SQL Native Client][SQL Server]Must declare the table variable "@P1". (SQLExecute[1087] at ext\pdo_odbc\odbc_stmt.c:254) in (long file path) on line 40

Multiple parameterized Delphi SQL updates within a transaction

折月煮酒 提交于 2019-12-11 13:41:10
问题 I am trying to update two different SQL tables in the same loop using parameterized queries in Delphi XE8. I also want to wrap the whole thing in a transaction, so that if anything in the loop fails, neither table gets updated. I don't really know what I'm doing, would appreciate some help. The code below is a simplified version of what I'm trying to achieve, and my best guess as to how to go about it. But I'm not really sure of it at all, particularly the use of two datasets connected to the

How to parameterize http methods in Jmeter using CSV data config?

自作多情 提交于 2019-12-11 13:13:19
问题 How to parameterize http methods in Jmeter using CSV data config ? What I did: created an HTTP Request Sampler (method POST) , but I need to create http request sampler from a csv file including method also. 回答1: You can change the HTTP method using Beanshell Preprocessor. Add a Beanshell preprocessor for your existing HTTP request. Your default HTTP method is POST. Now lets change it to GET whenever the csv variable 'method' is 'GET' if(vars.get("method").equalsIngoreCase("GET")){ sampler