
ASP Classic Named Parameter in Paramaterized Query: Must declare the scalar variable

旧城冷巷雨未停 提交于 2019-11-26 23:33:30
问题 I'm trying to write a parameterized query in ASP Classic, and it's starting to feel like i'm beating my head against a wall. I'm getting the following error: Must declare the scalar variable "@something". I would swear that is what the hello line does, but maybe i'm missing something... <% OPTION EXPLICIT %> <!-- #include file="../common/" --> <% Response.Buffer=false dim conn,connectionString,cmd,sql,rs,parm connectionString = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Data

Table-Valued Functions in ORACLE 11g ? ( parameterized views )

泄露秘密 提交于 2019-11-26 16:17:51
问题 I've seen discussions about this in the past, such as here. But I'm wondering if somewhere along the line, maybe 10g or 11g (we are using 11g), ORACLE has introduced any better support for "parameterized views", without needing to litter the database with all sorts of user-defined types and/or cursor definitions or sys_context variables all over. I'm hoping maybe ORACLE's added support for something that simply "just works", as per the following example in T-SQL: CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].

How to pass string parameter with `IN` operator in stored procedure SQL Server 2008

送分小仙女□ 提交于 2019-11-26 14:08:30
问题 I have a stored procedure when I execute it I got error Conversion failed when converting the varchar value '+@dptId+' to data type int I am getting DepartmentId as a string like (1,3,5,77) and am passing this to my stored procedure. SQL FIDDLE create table dummy (id int,name varchar(100),DateJoining Datetime, departmentIt int) insert into dummy values (1,'John','2012-06-01 09:55:57.257',1); insert into dummy values(2,'Amit','2013-06-01 09:55:57.257',2); insert into dummy values(3,'Naval',

Changing names of parameterized tests

跟風遠走 提交于 2019-11-26 12:47:12
Is there a way to set my own custom test case names when using parameterized tests in JUnit4? I'd like to change the default — [Test class].runTest[n] — to something meaningful. This feature has made it into JUnit 4.11 . To use change the name of parameterized tests, you say: @Parameters(name="namestring") namestring is a string, which can have the following special placeholders: {index} - the index of this set of arguments. The default namestring is {index} . {0} - the first parameter value from this invocation of the test. {1} - the second parameter value and so on The final name of the test

How should I pass a table name into a stored proc?

不打扰是莪最后的温柔 提交于 2019-11-26 11:24:17
I just ran into a strange thing...there is some code on our site that is taking a giant SQL statement, modifying it in code by doing some search and replace based on some user values, and then passing it on to SQL Server as a query. I was thinking that this would be cleaner as a parameterized query to a stored proc, with the user values as the parameters, but when I looked more closely I see why they might be doing it...the table that they are selecting from is variably dependant on those user values. For instance, in one case if the values were ("FOO", "BAR") the query would end up being

Changing names of parameterized tests

喜你入骨 提交于 2019-11-26 02:48:33
问题 Is there a way to set my own custom test case names when using parameterized tests in JUnit4? I\'d like to change the default — [Test class].runTest[n] — to something meaningful. 回答1: This feature has made it into JUnit 4.11. To use change the name of parameterized tests, you say: @Parameters(name="namestring") namestring is a string, which can have the following special placeholders: {index} - the index of this set of arguments. The default namestring is {index} . {0} - the first parameter

How should I pass a table name into a stored proc?

天大地大妈咪最大 提交于 2019-11-26 02:24:26
问题 I just ran into a strange thing...there is some code on our site that is taking a giant SQL statement, modifying it in code by doing some search and replace based on some user values, and then passing it on to SQL Server as a query. I was thinking that this would be cleaner as a parameterized query to a stored proc, with the user values as the parameters, but when I looked more closely I see why they might be doing it...the table that they are selecting from is variably dependant on those