

喜欢而已 提交于 2020-03-28 12:59:45
2015-07-21 16:59 原创 Randy Orton http://www.leiphone.com/news/201507/7j46BjWsSitKML13.html 虚拟现实 设备自从去年至今,一直是消费电子领域炙手可热的产品,特别是在Oculus被 Facebook 以高大20亿美金收购后,几乎所有科技巨头均开始涉及VR领域,国内各类型的VR眼镜(头盔)公司也如雨后春笋般的进入人们视野中,这些公司中除了少数有独立显示屏外,绝大部分都以手机作为媒介,这可以更进一步降低价格,从而推动VR产品快速进入市场。值得一提的是,国内已经有公司推出了不仅带有独立显示屏,还带手机模组的VR头盔,即正在淘宝 众筹 的星云Nebula。当然,笔者之所以会关注到星云Nebula,主要还是因为其采用了非球面双凸型透镜及弯月型透镜双镜片的镜片组方案。 目前VR头盔的价格差距很大,从只要几美元的谷歌Cardboard,到预计售价350美元的Oculus消费者版本,但他们的原理基本相同,最主要的部件都包括屏幕,陀螺仪,光学镜片以及一些塑料部件。其中对用户沉浸感影响最大的部件是两对光学镜片。在各类型的 智能硬件 中,大部分元件都是电子元器件,很少包含光学元件。较为困难的是,评价其质量的指标不能用常见的内存大小,主频高低,内核的数量等很直观的指标来衡量。看似简单的两个圆形镜片想要达到理想的成像效果

Detecting hovering on button event on Oculus Quest (Unity3D)

。_饼干妹妹 提交于 2020-03-23 07:57:10
问题 Stack: Oculus Quest Unity 2019.3 Oculus VR Integration macOS Catilina I have a Unity scene with a VR interface composed by a Canvas (World Space coordinates) and two buttons. The canvas has attached an OVR Raycaster objects which uses a laser pointer. Overall it works well, but when I try to intercept the event produced by hovering the laser pointer on the button, I can get only the click event. I'm using the following script (attached to the button): using System.Collections; using System


我的梦境 提交于 2020-03-12 18:49:49
近年来计算机的发展趋势之一是形态的多样化与应用情境的复杂化,自然交互(natural interaction)日益成为人机交互的重要发展方向之一。虚拟现实(Virtual Reality,VR)是新兴计算机形态之一,是自然交互的重要组成部分。2010年以来,随着Oculus、HTC Vive、Google Glass、PsvR、Micro soft hololens等商用头戴式显示设备(Head- Mounted Display,HMD)的发行,虚拟现实、增强现实(Augmented Reality,AR)技术逐渐进入人们的日常生活。在应用方面,除了常见的VR游戏、VR视频以外,VR和AR技术在教育、军事、医疗、商业等领域也有着广泛应用。由此,人们对VR技术产生了不同于以往桌面显示设备的需求,比如,高性能的VR系统应具有沉浸感、想象性和交互性特点(Immersion, Imagination, Interaction,3I)。这些需求促进了VR技术的发展。当然,作为一种新的人机交互形式,VR交互中还存在一些问题,需要我们注意并加以预防。下面就让大家和小编一起看看VR技术的新发展吧。 1. VR中输出技术的发展 与传统的桌面显示设备类似,视觉仍然是VR中输出信息的主要模态,但也有不同于桌面显示设备的需求,如分辨率及像素密度、近眼显示、视场角(Field of view,FOV)等

Problem using PUN2 for a VR multiplayer experience in Unity 3D

你说的曾经没有我的故事 提交于 2020-03-05 07:34:11
问题 I'm trying to create a simple VR demo where two users can connect to a room a manipulate objects on a table. I'm currently following this tutorial. I have followed it step-by-step: Duplicated LocalAvatar and RemoteAvatar prefabs and moved them to Resources Created the script PhotonAvatarView Script Attached and configured PhotonAvarView and PhotonView to both prefabs The problem is that I get stuck at the " Instantiate Avatars " section, specifically at the section: The following code can be


天涯浪子 提交于 2020-02-27 13:52:58
扎克伯格谈2030年远景展望:AR、VR、隐私和监管 Facebook CEO马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)周四发帖称:“我一直都在试着思考我希望2030年的世界和我的生活会是什么样子,而不是应对年复一年的挑战。” 他在帖子中透露出来的要点如下: - AR(增强现实):在未来十年的大部分时间里,手机仍旧将是主要的计算平台,而增强现实设备能让人们建立起更好的联系——Facebook正在开发AR眼镜。 - VR(虚拟现实):更好的VR技术能让人在任何地方工作,从而解决住房危机——Facebook正在开发Oculus。 - 隐私:互联网创造出了一个全球社区,人们很难觉得自己是独一无二的,而规模较小的在线群组能让人们再次觉得自己很特别——Facebook正在打造更多的私人群组和消息选项。 字节跳动回应2019年完成1400亿营收业绩:消息不实 今日,有媒体报道称,字节跳动2019年达成了其业绩目标,全年营收超过1400亿元,较上年增长近280%。对此,字节跳动公关部人士回应称,“消息不实”。 根据报道,2019年11月,字节跳动的日均营收已经超过4亿。从2016年的60亿,到2017年的160亿,再到2018年500亿,字节跳动每年都保持了超过200%的增长速率。 消息称快手已完成3亿DAU目标 官方暂未回应 2019年6月18日,快手创始人宿华

hands not responding as expected on oculus Quest

。_饼干妹妹 提交于 2020-01-24 23:09:18
问题 I'm trying to develop an app to Oculus Quest yet i encounter many issues on the way. the app basically consist of a room and teleportation. the issue i encountered happens both on unity 2018.3.12 and 2019.1.8. I created an app that did work as expected before on Quest using Oculus integration v1.35. however, when re-exported and installed to a brand new Quest device: teleportation that worked before refuse to work pressing a button on 1 controller hids the other one from view. hands movement

Mirroring Oculus Rift controller positions in unity for bilateral movement

倖福魔咒の 提交于 2020-01-02 05:27:12
问题 Currently I am trying to write a script that will mirror the movements of one controller onto the other for users who only have 1 functioning arm. How do I mirror the position of the one controller onto the other that way the arms are in bilateral movement? Mirroring the y axis and z axis were easy since they move together and the rotation was easy to mirror. I am unable to mirror the x axis movement. I want it so that if the one hand moves out the other does the same, and they both move in

Unity and Oculus Go. Read/Write on the internal storage

只谈情不闲聊 提交于 2020-01-01 03:45:27
问题 I'm building a Oculus Go App with Unity. I'm trying to create a txt file in the internal storage of the GO. (The one you see when you plug the HMD to your PC). I tried those differents paths, none of them seems to work : Application.persistentDataPath /mnt/sdcard/myFolder //storage/emulated/0/Android/data/myFolder. If someone knows the correct one that would be cool Thank you ! 回答1: This is the write function: File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(_directoryPath, fileName), _text, System.Text

Play test GearVR game on dev computer

本小妞迷上赌 提交于 2019-12-25 17:00:08
问题 How can I play test my GearVR game on my development computer without building and running on my phone? I'm looking for either an answer for a game built with either Unreal Engine or a Unity3D. 回答1: Dont playtest without a headset "Playtesting" on a PC completely misses the point of playtesting in it's regular meaning. Playtesting VR apps is important, and has to be performed with a headset. One of the biggest challenges of designing VR games is ensuring a comfortable (not nauseating)

Connect OVRGearVrController to Scene

允我心安 提交于 2019-12-25 09:28:58
问题 It's should be simple but I can't find any proper tutorial/sample for this. I imported the OVR package to my Unity scene, and put the OVRGearVrController in the middle of it. I can see the controller in my scene, but that's it. How or where should I connect it to react to the real controller that it's in my hand? 回答1: Import the latest OculusUtilities package to your project Replace the default Camera with OVRCameraRig Add GearVrController under the RightHandAnchor 来源: https://stackoverflow