
Why char is not taken as numeral in C++?

大憨熊 提交于 2020-06-08 19:44:09
问题 I wrote a code in C, which ran perfectly, I translated it to C++ . There it was giving wrong output. I had an iteration where I used both the input and the iterator variable as char to save space. But didn't behaved as expected. unsigned char repeat, i; cin >> repeat; for(i= 0; i < repeat; i++) What is the equivalent line for scanf("%hhi", &repeat) ? 回答1: Why char is not taken as numeral in C++? Because C and C++ are different programming languages. See for example n3337, a draft C++ standard

Generate numbers in sequence Order

时光毁灭记忆、已成空白 提交于 2020-06-08 19:05:10
问题 I want to generate the value being searched by the position entered in the check. For example, if 20 is entered, the function should generate numbers starting from 0 and continue in ascending order until 20 digits are created, then output the value of the 20th digit in the generated number string (01234567891011121314), which is 4. I tried this below, however it is not efficient when it comes to numbers like 1,000,000,000, [...Array(5).keys()]; output => [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] Edit this post to

JS function for validation of the brackets in a string

亡梦爱人 提交于 2020-06-08 06:20:42
问题 guys! I want to ask you how can a make a function, that checks if the brackets in a string are put correctly. For example "(a + b).4,2 - )c + 5)" and I have to check the brackets. I tried something, but it doesn't seem to work(sorry, I'm a newbie in javascript): function checkBrackets(str){ var newOrder = []; var bracket1 = "("; var bracket2 = ")"; for(var bracket1 in str){ newOrder.push("1"); } for(bracket2 in str){ newOrder.pop(); } if(newOrder.length == 0){ console.log("Right!" + newOrder)

JS function for validation of the brackets in a string

 ̄綄美尐妖づ 提交于 2020-06-08 06:20:10
问题 guys! I want to ask you how can a make a function, that checks if the brackets in a string are put correctly. For example "(a + b).4,2 - )c + 5)" and I have to check the brackets. I tried something, but it doesn't seem to work(sorry, I'm a newbie in javascript): function checkBrackets(str){ var newOrder = []; var bracket1 = "("; var bracket2 = ")"; for(var bracket1 in str){ newOrder.push("1"); } for(bracket2 in str){ newOrder.pop(); } if(newOrder.length == 0){ console.log("Right!" + newOrder)

How to convert Int to Hex String in Kotlin?

淺唱寂寞╮ 提交于 2020-06-08 04:40:33
问题 I'm looking for a similar function to Java's Integer.toHexString() in Kotlin. Is there something built-in, or we have to manually write a function to convert Int to String ? 回答1: You can still use the Java conversion by calling the static function on java.lang.Integer : val hexString = java.lang.Integer.toHexString(i) And, starting with Kotlin 1.1, there is a function in the Kotlin standard library that does the conversion, too: fun Int.toString(radix: Int): String Returns a string

Prevent input type=“number” from getting more than one dot in its value and limit decimals numbers

為{幸葍}努か 提交于 2020-06-07 07:38:45
问题 Inbefore: I know this question has been asked more than once on this forum. I know I could post my answer on these other posts. My issue is that the users who asked those questions did it 3 - 4 years ago, and looking at their autors profile, they do not seem very active and I beleive the questions would never be marked as solved. So I've been looking around every where to find help on doing exactly that, with no simple solutions allowing to limit the user from typing more than one dot in an

Triangular distribution in Java

守給你的承諾、 提交于 2020-05-30 06:21:38
问题 I have 4 parts, every part 10000 times, which should fit into case, and the dimensions of the parts are given by uniform, normal and triangular distribution by randomly generating numbers in added dimensions of each distribution. For each 4 parts there is decision if they fit or not. But that shouldn't be a problem. I've managed somehow to do uniform and normal distribution: public double uniformDistrubution(double min, double max) { Random rand = new Random(); return Math.random() * max +

Triangular distribution in Java

橙三吉。 提交于 2020-05-30 06:20:26
问题 I have 4 parts, every part 10000 times, which should fit into case, and the dimensions of the parts are given by uniform, normal and triangular distribution by randomly generating numbers in added dimensions of each distribution. For each 4 parts there is decision if they fit or not. But that shouldn't be a problem. I've managed somehow to do uniform and normal distribution: public double uniformDistrubution(double min, double max) { Random rand = new Random(); return Math.random() * max +

How do I merge consecutive numbers in a sorted list of numbers? [duplicate]

前提是你 提交于 2020-05-29 08:15:45
问题 This question already has answers here : Converting a sequence of numbers in an array to range of numbers (12 answers) Closed 26 mins ago . I want to concatenate a sequence of numbers in a readable string. Consecutive numbers should be merged like this '1-4' . I'm able to concatenate an array with all the numbers into a complete string but I'm having trouble combining / merging consecutive numbers. I tried comparing the previous and next values with the current one in the loop with several if

Converting Numbers into Words

情到浓时终转凉″ 提交于 2020-05-14 02:27:51
问题 I have taken this code from Stackoverflow and modified it, but i am unable to convert number for more than 3 digits. Here is the code: var num = this.rawValue; var a = ['','one ','two ','three ','four ', 'five ','six ','seven ','eight ','nine ','ten ','eleven ','twelve ', 'thirteen ','fourteen ','fifteen ','sixteen ','seventeen ','eighteen ','nineteen ']; var b = ['', '', 'twenty','thirty','forty','fifty', 'sixty','seventy','eighty','ninety']; var c = ['thousand', 'million', '']; num = num