
Execute Command-Line Command from NSIS

和自甴很熟 提交于 2021-02-17 21:22:07
问题 I'm creating my first NSI script and I'm just wondering if I can execute a command-line command from NSIS or should I just execute a batch file? I don't really know where to begin and other similar topics have gone a little over my head. 回答1: I would recommend taking a look at the nsExec plugin. I just recently had a situation where I needed to ping a server from inside an NSIS script, and the following code worked perfectly for me. nsExec::Exec '"C:\Windows\System32\PING.EXE" $URL' The

How to run exe files in NSIS Script?

﹥>﹥吖頭↗ 提交于 2021-02-06 08:49:26
问题 In InnoSetup, there is a part called run which will execute the exe, batch file and msi. We can also give command line parameters to this run. I provide the Innosetup sample: [Run] Filename: "{app}\msdirent.exe "; Filename: "msiexec.exe"; Parameters: "/i ""{tmp}\NETCFSetupv2.msi""" ; Check:ShouldInstallComCtlUpdate ; But in NSISS Script, how to run my exe and also I have to provide command line arguments to the concerned exe? 回答1: Try the following commands Exec "$APPS\msdirent.exe" For

How to run exe files in NSIS Script?

倾然丶 夕夏残阳落幕 提交于 2021-02-06 08:47:42
问题 In InnoSetup, there is a part called run which will execute the exe, batch file and msi. We can also give command line parameters to this run. I provide the Innosetup sample: [Run] Filename: "{app}\msdirent.exe "; Filename: "msiexec.exe"; Parameters: "/i ""{tmp}\NETCFSetupv2.msi""" ; Check:ShouldInstallComCtlUpdate ; But in NSISS Script, how to run my exe and also I have to provide command line arguments to the concerned exe? 回答1: Try the following commands Exec "$APPS\msdirent.exe" For

Adding License information to NSIS installer

故事扮演 提交于 2021-01-29 14:11:49
问题 We distribute the software created by my group via Windows installers generated via NSIS. We generate our NSIS configuration files from a python script written by a developer who no longer works with us, so we currently do not have anyone on staff who knows how to write NSIS config files. I have been tasked with modifying this script to add a section to the installer that displays our licensing information prior to performing the actual install. What would such a section in a NSIS config file

NSIS Inetc get: can I make the downloaded file a variable?

百般思念 提交于 2021-01-28 12:10:26
问题 The code is working when I have File_1234.exe added there. But the file name changes and download.php redirects to the exe. So instead of having a fixed file name there, I would like to have a code where i don't need to specify file name. Is it possible to replace the first File_1234.exe with code to download whatever file the URL gives, and therefore to replace the second File_1234.exe with code that would run (ExecShell) this downloaded file?? Thanks The code itself is here: Section "File"


蓝咒 提交于 2020-11-08 16:32:14
1、安装electron-builder npm install electron-builder --save-dev 2、在项目的package.json文件中配置 electron-builder相关参数 具体参数可以参考官方文档: https://www.electron.build/configuration/configuration 下面贴出我自己的配置: { "name" : "electron-quick-start" , "version" : "1.0.0" , "description" : "A minimal Electron application" , "main" : "main.js" , "scripts" : { "start" : "electron ." , "build" : "electron-builder" }, "build" : { "appId" : "com.imaxue.app" , "productName" : "yangyi" , "win" : { "icon" : "build/favicon.ico" , "target" : [ "nsis" ] }, "nsis" : { "oneClick" : false , "perMachine" : true ,


生来就可爱ヽ(ⅴ<●) 提交于 2020-10-29 11:09:37
参考: https://blog.csdn.net/mr_orange_klj/article/details/104226409 一个流程下来几乎无报错; 项目结构和vue-cli3搭建出来的一样,写法几乎无差异: 最后打包时和前面的用electron-vue做的一样,winCodeSign和nsis,注意下载对应包放到对应位置,加快打包速度。 来源: oschina 链接: https://my.oschina.net/u/3455362/blog/4693546


a 夏天 提交于 2020-10-03 03:13:42
开发客户端一定要做的就是自动更新模块,否则每次版本升级都是一个头疼的事。 下面是Electron应用使用electron-builder配合electron-updater实现自动更新的解决方案。 1.安装 electron-updater 包模块 npm install electron-updater --save 2.配置package.json文件 2.1 为了打包时生成latest.yml文件,需要在 build 参数中添加 publish 配置。 "build": { "productName": "***",//隐藏软件名称 "appId": "**",//隐藏appid "directories": { "output": "build" }, "publish": [ { "provider": "generic", "url": "http://**.**.**.**:3002/download/",//更新服务器地址,可为空 } ], "files": [ "dist/electron/**/*" ], "dmg": { "contents": [ { "x": 410, "y": 150, "type": "link", "path": "/Applications" }, { "x": 130, "y": 150, "type": "file" } ] }


扶醉桌前 提交于 2020-08-18 07:02:45
导航: (一)Electron跑起来 (二)从零搭建Vue全家桶+webpack项目框架 (三)Electron+Vue+Webpack,联合调试整个项目 (四)Electron配置润色 (五)预加载及自动更新 (六)构建、发布整个项目(包括client和web) 摘要: 整个项目就剩最后一哆嗦了,但仅仅是当作demo模版来说,实际项目的话,还有很多需要细化的地方。项目完整代码: https://github.com/luohao8023/electron-vue-template ,随博客更新。 一、打包客户端 首先是要改一下build.js,把上篇文章没做的事儿给做了。 上篇文章已经构建出了可执行文件目录app,这次我们要做的就是使用electron-builder把app目录打包为安装包。 在之前的基础上引入electron-builder,然后对app目录进行打包: const builder = require('electron-builder' ); // 在所有的打包逻辑执行完成之后,确认已经正确生成了app目录 builder.build().then(() => { del([ './pack/*.yaml', './pack/*.blockmap' ]); // 为了方便,打包完成之后我们打开文件管理器 openFileManager(); });


一世执手 提交于 2020-08-15 17:08:33
一、功能特点 自定义打包界面大家基本用的都是NSIS,INNO等打包工具去制作。但是Qt作为专业的界面定制,专业的跨平台框架。我觉得Qt很好也很强大,我便写了一个这样的打包工具,支持自定义安装,卸载Qt界面自定义。 支持安装,卸载自定义Qt界面编写。 一键式脚本build.bat,生成安装包EXE。 兼容XP系统。 支持配置文件填充安装包信息:指定应用程序中文名称,指定生成安装包的名称,指定版本号,指定发布者,安装图标,卸载图标。 二、效果图 三、体验地址 体验地址: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1ZxG-oyUKe286LPMPxOrO2A 提取码:o05q 名称:bin_audiorecord.zip 国内站点: https://gitee.com/feiyangqingyun 国际站点: https://github.com/feiyangqingyun 个人主页: https://blog.csdn.net/feiyangqingyun 知乎主页: https://www.zhihu.com/people/feiyangqingyun/ 备注:本作品作者是雨田哥(QQ:3246214072) 来源: oschina 链接: https://my.oschina.net/u/4330227/blog/4496999