What is the most mature MongoDB driver for C#?

荒凉一梦 提交于 2019-12-18 10:51:03
问题 So, there are mongodb-csharp simple-mongodb NoRM as C# drivers for MongoDB available. Which one of them is the most mature and stable one? Why would you choose one over the other two? Are they production ready? 回答1: The mongodb-csharp driver is about to make a huge push regarding support for typedcollections which will include full Linq support. I think you'll find that it is easy to work. The other 2 projects are also steaming ahead. If you want .NET 4.0 support, simple-mongodb would be your


怎甘沉沦 提交于 2019-12-13 18:51:32
# pandas_1 import pandas food_info = pandas.read_csv("food_info.csv") #print(type(food_info)) print (food_info.dtypes) ''' NDB_No int64 Shrt_Desc object Water_(g) float64 Energ_Kcal int64 Protein_(g) float64 Lipid_Tot_(g) float64 Ash_(g) float64 Carbohydrt_(g) float64 Fiber_TD_(g) float64 Sugar_Tot_(g) float64 Calcium_(mg) float64 Iron_(mg) float64 Magnesium_(mg) float64 Phosphorus_(mg) float64 Potassium_(mg) float64 Sodium_(mg) float64 Zinc_(mg) float64 Copper_(mg) float64 Manganese_(mg) float64 Selenium_(mcg) float64 Vit_C_(mg) float64 Thiamin_(mg) float64 Riboflavin_(mg) float64 Niacin_(mg)

How to set the hilo sequence starting value in MongoDB Norm?

徘徊边缘 提交于 2019-12-13 04:46:20
问题 i imported a lot of existing values into my mongodb via the norm driver (including the "old" id - integer value). Now i got duplicate key errors from time to time. To solve this, i have to set the starting value for the hilo sequence manually. How can this be done? Thanks in advance 回答1: The HiLo key information is stored in the NormHiLoKey collection. You can increment the value in this collection to change the starting value of the generated keys, using the following command in the Mongo

Norm.MongoException: Connection timeout trying to get connection from connection pool

こ雲淡風輕ζ 提交于 2019-12-11 17:09:15
问题 I'm using Rob's mvc startesite with ASP.Net MVC 2, Ninject2, NoRM ( and MongoDB. It works so fast and the developpement is even faster but I'm facing a big problem, I at some points, get connection timeout. I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. I already asked a question here : I get this error that I don't understand why, using NoRM and Mongo in my MVC project and here

Preserve Joins by code in MongoDB

独自空忆成欢 提交于 2019-12-11 05:48:07
问题 What are the best solution to preserve left joins in a NoSQL solutions like MongoDB/Norm if you can not modify the complete architecture of one cms. Experiences, Samples, Cost. Thanks. 回答1: I can suggest two ways: Create big documents, i mean combine two, three, ten entites into one. So if you, for example, have reference one to many and you know that 'many' not more than 100 for most cases you can combine these entities into one. Create 'denormalized' documents with data that you need at

I get this error that I don't understand why, using NoRM and Mongo in my MVC project

梦想与她 提交于 2019-12-11 05:17:25
问题 Cannot access a disposed object. Object name: 'System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient'. I don't understand why it happen and how to deal with it. I use Ninject, my application is based on what I do is delete some user or pages from my database and it happen for no reason(that I can find). Any help would be appreciated! Thanks a lot! *Edited Also, after a while it get back to normal and I can fetch my data from Mongo... My unit tests work fine... Here's my code for my session :

Mongodb NoRM and POCO

我怕爱的太早我们不能终老 提交于 2019-12-10 11:27:52
问题 I am experimenting with Mongodb and NoRM in C#. From what I have read the ObjectId that uniquely identifies a document in Mongodb is a sort of "special" Guid (in the sense that is unique) but has some significant parts in it that permit a more easy sorting and indexing (timestamp,machine hash,processId and increment in it). I'd like to keep my objects really POCO with an autogenerated Guid as Id so with no external types like ObjectId that would prevent me to migrate to another technology or

Normalizing rows of matrix, so that their norm is equal to 1 (MATLAB)

爱⌒轻易说出口 提交于 2019-12-09 03:36:26
问题 I have a following problem - I have a matrix A of size 16x22440. What I need to do is to normalize each row of this matrix, so that the norm of each of them is equal to 1 ( for n=1:16 norm(A(n,:))==1 ) How can I achieve that in matlab? Edit: Each row in this matrix is a vector created of an 160x140 image and thus must be considered separately. The values need to be normalised to create an eigenfaces matrix. 回答1: Does your install of Matlab include the Neural Network Toolbox? If so, then try

When should i be opening and closing MongoDB connections?

岁酱吖の 提交于 2019-12-08 15:29:25
问题 i am very new to MongoDB and NoSQL in general and i've just started building a site with MongoDB / Norm / ASP.NET MVC 3. I am wondering how i should be scoping the connections to my Mongo database. Right now i have a Basecontroller that instanciates the MongoSession and onActionExecuted i dispose it so all my deriving controllers will have access to my MongoSession. The MongoSession class opens a connection in its constructor and disposes it on Dispose(), the way it's working today. private


核能气质少年 提交于 2019-12-08 02:32:09
opencv 2 归一化函数normalize详解 1. 归一化定义与作用 归一化 就是要把需要处理的数据经过处理后(通过某种算法)限制在你需要的一定范围内。首先归一化是为了后面数据处理的方便,其次是保证程序运行时收敛加快。归一化的具体作用是归纳统一样本的统计分布性。归一化在0-1之间是统计的概率分布,归一化在某个区间上是统计的坐标分布。归一化有同一、统一和合一的意思。 归一化的目的 简而言之,是使得没有可比性的数据变得具有可比性,同时又保持相比较的两个数据之间的相对关系,如大小关系;或是为了作图,原来很难在一张图上作出来,归一化后就可以很方便的给出图上的相对位置等。 在使用机器学习算法的数据预处理阶段,归一化也是非常重要的一个步骤。例如在应用SVM之前,缩放是非常重要的。Sarle的神经网络FAQ的第二部分(1997)阐述了缩放的重要性,大多数注意事项也适用于SVM。缩放的最主要优点是能够避免大数值区间的属性过分支配了小数值区间的属性。另一个优点能避免计算过程中数值复杂度。因为关键值通常依赖特征向量的内积(inner products),例如,线性核和多项式核,属性的大数值可能会导致数值问题。我们推荐将每个属性线性缩放到区间[-1,+1]或者[0, 1]。 当然,我们必须使用同样的方法缩放训练数据和测试数据。例如,假设我们把训练数据的第一个属性从[-10,+10]缩放到[-1,