
Couchdb in Nodejs

|▌冷眼眸甩不掉的悲伤 提交于 2021-02-17 22:50:24
问题 I am just getting started with couchdb in nodejs. I am looking for a tutorial or article that would help me get started or at least some lines of code. I don't want to use any module for db abstraction because that would defeat the purpose of learning . I am looking to make my own module that works with Couch and from my understanding this could easily be accomplished with the request module but I haven't found anything about this. Thanks! 回答1: I wrote a blog

Node using wrong version after Brew Install

倾然丶 夕夏残阳落幕 提交于 2021-02-17 21:35:46
问题 I'm using a Macbook with the latest macOS (10.12.3), and I installed Homebrew by running: /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL" After that I installed node: brew install node And tried to upgrade it: > brew upgrade node > Error: node 7.8.0 already installed I got an error saying the version 7.8.0 is already installed, that was expected since I had just installed the most recent version. Problem: on the terminal I ran: > node -

how to export json data to pdf file with specify format with Nodejs?

南楼画角 提交于 2021-02-17 19:44:09
问题 I am a beginner with nodejs. And I am writing a program, which convert text data from json file to pdf file: This is my input file (input.json) { "Info": { "Company": "ABC", "Team": "JsonNode" }, "Number of members": 4, "Time to finish": "1 day" } And I want to convert it to a .pdf (report.pdf) file with following style. Info 1.1 Company ABC 1.2 Team JsonNode Number of members 4 Time to finish 1 day My problems are: 1: How to change style from input.json file to style of report.pdf. 2: How to

“Npm install --global” and “--save” together?

独自空忆成欢 提交于 2021-02-17 19:19:06
问题 I was wondering if makes any sense to use in the npm install command the --global and the --save parameters all together. For example: npm install gulp -g -s As far as I know there is no package.json in the npm system folder, so I suppose the answer is "no", but I want to clear all doubt. 回答1: The npm install command does not support installing a module both globally and save it to the package.json in one step. There is, however, a way to install a module globally indirectly. The package.json


我与影子孤独终老i 提交于 2021-02-17 18:27:21
作者:吕小鸣 链接: 前端架构师, 听起来就是个很高大上的职位,在大多数程序员的眼中,架构师一般从事后端开发,Java或者C++出身,它们往往拥有这十八般武艺,可以解决业务中出现的各种问题。好像架构师就从来没有和前端有过关系,那么真的是这样么,通读此文,便可豁然开朗。 前端的意义 首先,我们先来谈谈本职工作,前端的意义。前端源自用户界面,是最先和用户接触的地方,也是衡量一个项目产品好坏的第一道关口。 到底什么是前端 从最早的DOS系统说起,那时是没有前端的概念的,大多数的软件界面显示的都是冷冰冰的黑底白字的控制台命令,于是,慢慢的不仅是用户,就连广大的程序员也不满足现状,开发出一套图形化的用户界面,让一些功能更加便于操作。那时前端叫做GUI(图形用户界面)。还没有区分出多端的概念,大多数是基于操作系统开发出的原生界面。 上图来自DOS系统经典软件DOS Navigator 随着互联网的发展,第一代浏览器Netscape(网景浏览器)的诞生以及后续的IE系列浏览器的到来,”网上冲浪“这个词逐渐进入到大多数的用户生活中。直到现在大行其道浏览器Chrome,以及国内各种百花齐放的浏览器。主要给浏览器服务,实现各种特效的JavaScript语言,迎来了第一波春天。 上图来自网景浏览器 直到现在,前端逐渐拆分成:

Compare passwords BcryptJS

醉酒当歌 提交于 2021-02-17 14:54:44
问题 So I'm trying to build a very basic user login. I'm trying to create a user, then login with those credentials and get back a JSON Web Token. Where I'm stuck is trying to compare the passwords then send a response. Steps: Create User: enter email and password salt/hash user password store user into database return success Login find user by request email value if found compare passwords passwords good send JSON Web Token User Model email:{ type: String, required: true, unique: true },


 ̄綄美尐妖づ 提交于 2021-02-17 08:38:23
作者: Java的小本家 链接: 一、API网关的用处 API网关我的分析中会用到以下三种场景。 Open API 企业需要将自身数据、能力等作为开发平台向外开放,通常会以rest的方式向外提供,最好的例子就是淘宝开放平台、腾讯公司的QQ开发平台、微信开放平台。 Open API开放平台必然涉及到客户应用的接入、API权限的管理、调用次数管理等,必然会有一个统一的入口进行管理,这正是API网关可以发挥作用的时候。 微服务网关 微服务的概念最早在2012年提出,在Martin Fowler的大力推广下,微服务在2014年后得到了大力发展。在微服务架构中,有一个组件可以说是必不可少的,那就是微服务网关,微服务网关处理了负载均衡,缓存,路由,访问控制,服务代理,监控,日志等。API网关在微服务架构中正是以微服务网关的身份存在。 API服务管理平台 上述的微服务架构对企业来说有可能实施上是困难的,企业有很多遗留系统,要全部抽取为微服务器改动太大,对企业来说成本太高。但是由于不同系统间存在大量的API服务互相调用,因此需要对系统间服务调用进行管理,清晰地看到各系统调用关系,对系统间调用进行监控等。 API网关可以解决这些问题,我们可以认为如果没有大规模的实施微服务架构,那么对企业来说微服务网关就是企业的API服务管理平台。 二

What is the meaning of the `async` keyword?

安稳与你 提交于 2021-02-17 07:18:34
问题 I have been reading up on async/await in node.js. I have learnt that the await keyword waits for a promise to be resolved, or throws an exception if it was rejected. I have also learnt that every function that wants to use await needs to be marked async . However, what does it mean for a function to be marked async ? All the resources and blog posts I was able to find seem to explain await in great detail, but ignore the concept of an async function, or briefly gloss over it. For instance,

CORS problem with NodeJS Express and ReactJS

天大地大妈咪最大 提交于 2021-02-17 07:11:13
问题 I have some CORS problem with NodeJS Express and ReactJS. Please help me. Now, I have both frontend( http://locahost:3000 ) and backend( http://locahost:4000 ) using different PORT . The frontend is using 3000 port with ReactJS and the Backend is using 4000 port with NodeJS Express. Frontend API call source code axios.get("/tube/latestted", { headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", }, }) .then(response => { console.log(response); }); Backend CORS setting source code app.all('/*',

CORS problem with NodeJS Express and ReactJS

ぐ巨炮叔叔 提交于 2021-02-17 07:11:13
问题 I have some CORS problem with NodeJS Express and ReactJS. Please help me. Now, I have both frontend( http://locahost:3000 ) and backend( http://locahost:4000 ) using different PORT . The frontend is using 3000 port with ReactJS and the Backend is using 4000 port with NodeJS Express. Frontend API call source code axios.get("/tube/latestted", { headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", }, }) .then(response => { console.log(response); }); Backend CORS setting source code app.all('/*',