
Repeat printf arguments with command line operators

烈酒焚心 提交于 2020-03-26 07:34:28
问题 I want to repeat the same argument $i for the instances 03-12. I'm really trying to use some nco operators - but the printf statement is hanging me up. I'm trying to use an netcdf operator on it - where these outputs of the printf are the input files to the command. While this works now with the printf statements, it's not piping into the netcdf command. Which goes as: ncea -v T,U inputfiles outputfile #!/bin/csh set i = 1 while ($i < 2) ncea -v T,U foreach j ( {3,4,6,7,8,9,10,11,12} )


醉酒当歌 提交于 2020-03-26 05:13:31
3 月,跳不动了?>>> Himawari-8( 向日葵 8 号,以下简称 H-8 )气象卫星是日本宇宙航空研究开发机构设计制造的向日葵系列卫星之一,是日本于2014年10月7日发射的新一代气象卫星。 H-8 是世界上第一颗可以拍摄彩色图像的静止气象卫星,以往的卫星每小时只能观测整个地球一次, H-8 的观测频率提高到了每 10 分钟一次,对云层等动向的持续观测性能也得到提升了,从彩色图像上还能掌握黑白图像中无法与云层相区分的沙尘的情况。该卫星 设计寿命15年以上,主要用于监测暴雨云团、台风动向以及持续喷发活动的火山等防灾领域。 1、数据介绍 H-8 数据产品有标准数据和基于此生产的产品数据。下面简单介绍 H-8 数据参数及下载。 H-8 数据有16个观测波段,分布于可见光-近红外-热红外。 H-8 搭载高级成像仪(AHI)能扫描五个区域:Full Disk(全球范围)、Japan Area(两个日本地区的范围)、特定区域(两个范围)、地标性区域(两个范围)。用于拍摄全球范围和日本地区的扫描范围是固定的,其他的两个特定区域和地标性区域是可以灵活调整的,不论是哪种拍摄模式,时间分辨率最少都能达到10分钟,观测范围和时间分辨率见下图表。 图 AHI扫描拍摄范围 表 各种拍摄模式的时间分辨率和空间分辨率 JMA官网查看数据详细信息:


寵の児 提交于 2020-03-26 05:09:42
3 月,跳不动了?>>> 今天来介绍葵花8号卫星数据以及下载流程。 1 葵花8号卫星数据简介 JMA于2015年7月7日开始运营Himawari-8,以取代MTSAT-2(也称为Himawari-7)。 Himawari-9号卫星于2017年3月10日开始后备运行。两颗卫星都位于向东约140.7度的轨道上,并将观测东亚和西太平洋区域15年。 源自Himawari-8 / 9的所有图像均通过Internet云服务分发到NMHS。 JMA进一步启动了HimawariCast服务,该服务通过通信卫星将主要图像集分发给NMHS( 谷歌翻译真好用 )。——摘自 葵花8号卫星官网 下面是几个相关网站。 JAXA Himawari Monitor User gudie JMA JAXA Himawari Monitor P-Tree System Meteorological Satellites JMA 2 葵花8号卫星数据下载 下面开始介绍数据下载过程。首先点击上面部分的P-Tree System网站,即下面的网站。 JAXA Himawari Monitor P-Tree System 首先第一步,注册用户,点击右上角按钮即可。 点击完以后调转页面如下。 该页面就是关于如何申请账户,数据的使用要求以及账户申请流程的说明。 第一部分是账户申请要求。

Keeping raster variable names when converting to NetCDF using R

假装没事ソ 提交于 2020-03-18 15:24:19
问题 Taking a raster file of monthly temperature data for multiple years which has a name attached accessible via names(object) in the following format 'Jan.1981', 'Feb.1981' etc (example files for two years that works with code below here - adding all files makes it too big. Reading in and writing this to NetCDF using the following code: #Load Packages library(raster) library(ncdf4) #Read in temperature files r1 <- brick('TavgM_1981.grd') r2 <- brick('TavgM_1982.grd') #stack them together

Keeping raster variable names when converting to NetCDF using R

…衆ロ難τιáo~ 提交于 2020-03-18 15:22:18
问题 Taking a raster file of monthly temperature data for multiple years which has a name attached accessible via names(object) in the following format 'Jan.1981', 'Feb.1981' etc (example files for two years that works with code below here - adding all files makes it too big. Reading in and writing this to NetCDF using the following code: #Load Packages library(raster) library(ncdf4) #Read in temperature files r1 <- brick('TavgM_1981.grd') r2 <- brick('TavgM_1982.grd') #stack them together

converting an accumulated variable to timestep values in a netcdf file with CDO

爷,独闯天下 提交于 2020-02-25 04:40:29
问题 I have a netcdf-file with about 100 timesteps on a grid with one variable, which is accumulated over the timesteps. I am now interested in calculating the contribution of each timestep to the variable's value (i.e. the difference of consecutive timesteps). Currently I use the following sequence: To extract every single timestep into a new file I use cdo seltimestep,$i ... , calculate each difference into a new file with cdo sub $i ${i-1} ... and merge those new files in the end with cdo


Deadly 提交于 2020-02-05 19:37:15
(1)中详细讲了安装和运行./geogrid.exe的过程和有关bug。 ./ungrid.exe ./metgrid.exe .就相对简单了。 在运行WRF时遇到问题: (1)在WRFV3/test/em_real 下运行 ./real.exe 时 报错:bash:没有找到文件或目录 但是ls后发现有./real.exe 网上给的解决办法是再下载个32位的什么东西,但是没用。其实原因是:之前运行过WRF了,需要 ./clean -a 指令清除之前的过程, 然后重新编译,结果就出来了。 (2)在运行wrf时,要注意先确定WRFV3文件下main文件中四个.exe文件是否存在。如果不存在,需要先编译 ./configure.exe (3)编译WRF之前,需要对NETCDF进行链接,不然后面会报bug让fix。 语句为: export NETCDF=(你的netcdf路径) 我的是/usr/local/wrf/LIBRARIES/netcdf 安装WRF-Chem问题: (1)安装flex make 的时候报错:找不到yacc 网上教程说安装bison,但是教程中说, 所以flex也没敢用。结果是 安装bison之后就成功了。 来源: CSDN 作者: allein_STR 链接:

Create a NetCDF file with data masked to retain land points only

最后都变了- 提交于 2020-01-30 03:15:10
问题 I have masked a NetCDF file using script in grads. Here is what I got using the mask: So, I would like to obtain a NetCDF file which only contains the continental data, can anyone help me with this? 回答1: If I have understood the question correctly, the desire is to have a netcdf file with all the values set to missing (i.e. _Fillvalue) over the sea points. If so there are two solutions from the command line: SOLUTION 1: One way is to use CDO to create a land-sea mask and then set

Create a NetCDF file with data masked to retain land points only

北战南征 提交于 2020-01-30 03:14:54
问题 I have masked a NetCDF file using script in grads. Here is what I got using the mask: So, I would like to obtain a NetCDF file which only contains the continental data, can anyone help me with this? 回答1: If I have understood the question correctly, the desire is to have a netcdf file with all the values set to missing (i.e. _Fillvalue) over the sea points. If so there are two solutions from the command line: SOLUTION 1: One way is to use CDO to create a land-sea mask and then set

how to convert Grib1 to Netcdf using R?

霸气de小男生 提交于 2020-01-30 02:58:48
问题 I have just downloaded some climate data in grib format. I want to use "R" to convert it to NetCDF format. Furthermore, as the file consists of different variables, I would like to extract one variable at a time into individual files. 回答1: It's hard to answer this without your specific file. You should look into producing reproducible examples, especially if you're posting to the R board. For R, check out library(raster) and library(ncdf4) . I just grabbed the first grib1 file I saw, and put