
NativeScript + Vue.js + FontAwesome

余生长醉 提交于 2020-05-12 18:58:14
问题 I'm trying to use FontAwesome icon set to build an application over NativeScript and Vue.js but I can't figure out the problem since I not even have an error prompt message. I'm following the documentation as a faithful but nothing happens. I search everywhere but.. nothing. If you can help me with this I'd be so grateful. Documentation: Thanks! SOLUTION Create a folder named fonts in the app folder Generate a style file and put the following

NativeScript + Vue.js + FontAwesome

跟風遠走 提交于 2020-05-12 18:54:25
问题 I'm trying to use FontAwesome icon set to build an application over NativeScript and Vue.js but I can't figure out the problem since I not even have an error prompt message. I'm following the documentation as a faithful but nothing happens. I search everywhere but.. nothing. If you can help me with this I'd be so grateful. Documentation: Thanks! SOLUTION Create a folder named fonts in the app folder Generate a style file and put the following

NativeScript + Vue.js + FontAwesome

房东的猫 提交于 2020-05-12 18:54:10
问题 I'm trying to use FontAwesome icon set to build an application over NativeScript and Vue.js but I can't figure out the problem since I not even have an error prompt message. I'm following the documentation as a faithful but nothing happens. I search everywhere but.. nothing. If you can help me with this I'd be so grateful. Documentation: Thanks! SOLUTION Create a folder named fonts in the app folder Generate a style file and put the following

Nativescript-vue Not Live Updating

岁酱吖の 提交于 2020-04-17 22:10:33
问题 I used to run the command : tns run android --bundle . And when i saved the changes, they were automatically updated in the physical and virtual android emulators. Now when i save the changes, nothing happens and have to run the command again to see the changes. When i save the project, it appears the following message: File change detected. Starting incremental webpack compilation... Hash: 2e482eb5460af6f4127a Version: webpack 4.27.1 Time: 1119ms Built at: 12/04/2019 11:31:32 AM Asset Size

Nativescript-vue Not Live Updating

我的梦境 提交于 2020-04-17 22:10:30
问题 I used to run the command : tns run android --bundle . And when i saved the changes, they were automatically updated in the physical and virtual android emulators. Now when i save the changes, nothing happens and have to run the command again to see the changes. When i save the project, it appears the following message: File change detected. Starting incremental webpack compilation... Hash: 2e482eb5460af6f4127a Version: webpack 4.27.1 Time: 1119ms Built at: 12/04/2019 11:31:32 AM Asset Size

Nativescript-vue Not Live Updating

跟風遠走 提交于 2020-04-17 22:09:51
问题 I used to run the command : tns run android --bundle . And when i saved the changes, they were automatically updated in the physical and virtual android emulators. Now when i save the changes, nothing happens and have to run the command again to see the changes. When i save the project, it appears the following message: File change detected. Starting incremental webpack compilation... Hash: 2e482eb5460af6f4127a Version: webpack 4.27.1 Time: 1119ms Built at: 12/04/2019 11:31:32 AM Asset Size

How to integrate Apollo with NativeScript vue?

情到浓时终转凉″ 提交于 2020-03-25 12:33:41
问题 How to consume GraphQL API from a Nativescript-vue application? How to modify it for nativescript-vue ? Should vue-apollo package work directly? There are even some examples of "apollo with angular". But unfortunately I couldn't find instruction for nativescript-vue. @khalifa-gad said it works fine with nativescript core. But does it work also with nativescript-vue? There is an complete implementation with angular. Angular answer is: import { NativeScriptModule } from 'nativescript-angular

Nativescript-Vue Creating Dinamyc Elements

非 Y 不嫁゛ 提交于 2020-01-16 17:10:10
问题 I was wondering how could i create new elements dynamically like buttons, labels, or textfield which are inside a layout. I have the following code: <AbsoluteLayout ref="abs"> <Label :text="L('')" top="10" left="10" /> <Label class="stk-table-row-data" :text="clockInTimes[0]" top="10" left="100" /> <Label class="stk-table-row-data" :text="clockInTimes[1]" top="10" left="165" /> <Label class="stk-table-row-data" :text="clockInTimes[2]" top="10" left="230" /> </AbsoluteLayout>

Nativescript-Vue Creating Dinamyc Elements

旧城冷巷雨未停 提交于 2020-01-16 17:09:48
问题 I was wondering how could i create new elements dynamically like buttons, labels, or textfield which are inside a layout. I have the following code: <AbsoluteLayout ref="abs"> <Label :text="L('')" top="10" left="10" /> <Label class="stk-table-row-data" :text="clockInTimes[0]" top="10" left="100" /> <Label class="stk-table-row-data" :text="clockInTimes[1]" top="10" left="165" /> <Label class="stk-table-row-data" :text="clockInTimes[2]" top="10" left="230" /> </AbsoluteLayout>

How to manage the logged in state of user in nativescript vue?

自闭症网瘾萝莉.ら 提交于 2019-12-25 01:44:06
问题 I was wondering how to handle login/logout of the user so I did this: store.commit('load_state'); store.subscribe((mutations, state) => { ApplicationSettings.setString('store', JSON.stringify(state)); }); new Vue({ store, render: h => h('frame', [h(store.state.is_logged_in ? App : Login)]), created() { this.$store.commit('setNav', this.$navigateTo); if (this.$store.state.is_logged_in) { this.$store.dispatch('init'); } }, }).$start(); please note that loadstate initially loads the state from