
Concurrent Sound on Android Device

ε祈祈猫儿з 提交于 2019-12-24 08:39:23
问题 I have been developing simple drum pads for my phone and have run into a block when it comes to playing two sounds at once (ie during a multitouch event when the user presses down on two or more drum sounds at the same time). For playing the sounds I have been using the SoundPool class. I have a HashMap that hashes a Point to a sound. So my thinking was that when a point is pressed, its corresponding sound will be played. I have a feeling that getting two sounds to play at once involves

Android: How to: implement image drag and zoom extending ImageView using multi touch capability of 2.1 up

折月煮酒 提交于 2019-12-24 07:24:53
问题 I have this kind of behavior when I drag or zoom the image. If you have noticed, the image seems left the previous state during dragging. Any inputs are appreciated. 回答1: Please try to build the following a project. This project is Running fine on Nexus S/Android 2.3.4 Please compare the your code and this project. 回答2: Call invalidate in ondraw method. 回答3: Try this, I have a very sucessive solution for you,i m very sure

Now that Android 4.0 is out, is Multi Touch possible in android emulator?

孤街浪徒 提交于 2019-12-24 02:52:22
问题 There are similar questions like this uptill Android 2.3 sdk on Stackoverflow. But as per the answers it was not supported back then. I have even seen a feature request ticket for it with Google but it is still pending! With the recent release of 4.0 sdk, does any one know if it is now possible to simulate the multi-touch feature in the emulator? If yes, please do information on how to do it. Thanks in advance! 回答1: Multitouch in the emulator is still unsupported and has not been announced as

Android 1.5 Multitouch

妖精的绣舞 提交于 2019-12-24 01:24:50
问题 Does anyone know if it's possible to use Multitouch on an Android 1.5 device? I have a HTC Hero, and it's still running 1.5 (HTC have been a little slow on getting the 2.1 ROM out). The Android MotionEvent documentation shows the constants (ACTION_POINTER_1_DOWN, ACTION_POINTER_1_UP.....etc...) I need to implement multitouch as only avaliable from API 5 :( Is there a way round this other then waiting for HTC to get the update out or buying a 2.1 handset? Code Snippet: public boolean

Touch events in Meteor

*爱你&永不变心* 提交于 2019-12-24 00:57:46
问题 The first thing I started to do with Meteor was start writing a touch-based web application for mobile/tablets. Here's how you reproduce the problem: First step: create a blank project meteor create touch_example cd touch_example meteor Second, add these things to the .js file This first bit spits out an alert for touch devices and because they have no console. Meteor.log = function(input){ if (typeof console !== 'undefined' && typeof Touch !== "object") console.log(input); else alert(input);

How to catch and process JavaFX TouchEvent in Swing Application?

不想你离开。 提交于 2019-12-23 12:05:18
问题 I developed a Swing application in which I now need to implement a customized multi-touch gesture. After some research, the easiest approach seemes to be the use of JavaFX, because it can be embedded in Swing and provides events for every finger on the touch screen seperately. I then tried to implement touch handling according to the following examples: I decided to

Android multitouch?

爷,独闯天下 提交于 2019-12-23 09:31:55
问题 As a developer, I tend to program first then research later. I was trying to implement a screen that would handle multiple user inputs. Basically map more than just one finger. I tried two things.. I had an Activity class that implemented OnTouchListener. Here I had two separate child views that added the Activity as their ontouch listeners. And then I had a print line that printed out the event.getPointerCount() and printed out the location of each of the pointers.. Downloaded it to the

Google Maps Multi-Touch: Touching on Google Maps while simultaneously touching outside of the container hijacks touch event

烈酒焚心 提交于 2019-12-23 04:26:30
问题 I'm creating an Angular project in which I'm using the Google Maps Javascript API to create a multi-touch application where users can interact with the map as well as other components simultaneously. (For example, one user can be moving the map around while another user is moving a separate component all simultaneously) I'm already able to successfully do multi-touch actions between other components so I know it's not a problem with my code but I think there may be something wrong with Google

Android - touch two buttons at same time

别说谁变了你拦得住时间么 提交于 2019-12-22 18:42:41
问题 What is the best way to touch two buttons at the same time? I am working on an app that has buttons, like a D-pad and a jump button, to move your character around. Right now I am just using normal buttons and handling them with an OnClickListener. I am having problems when I am running and need to jump at the same time, or if I am running to the right, then want to go left without having to pick my finger up. I know this is possible because it works greats on game like Sonic CD and some

How to calculate the diameter of the TouchPoint on an iPhone,iPad and Android Device?

不问归期 提交于 2019-12-22 11:27:39
问题 Now i understand we can have 5 touch points by default in iPhone and have varied touch points enabled onto the different SDKs. However i have accomplished registering the touch points and getting distances, actual number of touch points. I would want to know if there's a way to accomplish and get the Diameter of a particular touch point for e.g. calculating the thumb touch in comparison with the index finger, Any ideas? 回答1: I think Apple makes it fairly clear that they don't intend to give