
fill directory textbox on button click in MUI NSI Installer , using ButtonEvent plug-in

笑着哭i 提交于 2019-12-20 05:49:30
问题 i have added custom button using Resource Hacker on the MUI Directory Page of the installer, now i want that when the button is clicked then the Default Textbox where the user enters the InstallDir (the path where the application is installed), is filled with some specified text. please help me with the code? I am using ButtonEvent plug-in, but i don't know what code to write in the event handler. Currently am just displaying a message box when the button is clicked to ensure that the event

Modern UI how to go to another page from another link

百般思念 提交于 2019-12-19 04:15:12
问题 I am currently using Modern UI from CodePlex. It is great and easy to use but there are some classes and events that I am not familiar with. Example: I have two GroupLinks named "Patients" and "Configurations". There are several pages in each of the GroupLinks. I tried to navigate from one page to another using a button click event. It worked. But when I tried navigating from Page1 of GroupLink2 to Page1 of GroupLink1, it still worked, but the problem was the active GroupLink remained in

Adding custom labels in NSIS dialog pages, showing and hiding labels in NSIS MUI Directory pages conditionally, how to get the ids of labels

折月煮酒 提交于 2019-12-13 05:16:55
问题 How to hide a Custom LABEL added on the Directory Page Dialog of the NSIS installer. The LABEL is added using the Resource Hacker and its id is 1300 How to change the text of the LABEL conditionally? If user choses to install DEMO, then the label text should be "DEMO" , and if user choses to install UPDATE , then the label text should be "UPDATE" I have added 2 labels, now i am hiding and showing them accordingly.Label1 ID is 1300 , Label2 ID is 1301. # Occurs on Directory page show. Function

Alter the z-index of windows on a NSIS MUI2 Page

随声附和 提交于 2019-12-12 03:16:10
问题 Is it possible to set the z-index of the header bitmap window on a NSIS MUI2 Page? I am trying to make a window that contains a large bitmap sit behind the other windows(labels, checkboxes etc.) on the MUI2 Pages MUI_PAGE_WELCOME & MUI_PAGE_COMPONENTS. I have seen I could use SetWindowPos but how do I access/find the HWND associated with the header bitmap? Also is there a way to set a static, label and checkboxes background to transparent? Maybe theres a Win32 flag I can use, or should I use

mui checkbox设置方形复选框样式

旧城冷巷雨未停 提交于 2019-12-11 18:28:09
mui的官方文档上mui checkbox的样式是圆形样式,乍一看以为是单选框。 查了一下,官方的回复是:设计理念以iOS 7为基础,借鉴部分Android系统特有控件;之前同时提供了圆形的checkbox和方形的checkbox,后来发现iOS上的圆形checkbox,大家都已习惯,因此就删掉了方形的checkbox。 所以对于有方形checkbox有需求的小伙伴可以自己设置。 /* 更改checkbox样式*/ .mui-checkbox input[type=checkbox]:before { content: '\e413'; } .mui-checkbox input[type=checkbox]:checked:before { content: '\e443'; } .mui-checkbox.mui-left input[type=checkbox] { left: 0px; } 来源: CSDN 作者: 腴i 链接:


こ雲淡風輕ζ 提交于 2019-12-09 11:24:29
html部分 <!--顶部搜索条件--> <div class="mui-bar iconListStorage secondLevel"> <div id="segmentedControl" class="regionalDiv "> <a class="regionalDivA" href="#middlePopoverLo"><span class="mui-controlLocation">所在地</span><img class="triangleDown" src="../themes/cool/img/public/triangle-down.png" alt=""> </a> <a class="regionalDivA" href="#middleobjective"><span class="mui-controlobjective">目的地</span><img class="triangleDown" src="../themes/cool/img/public/triangle-down.png" alt=""> </a> <a class="regionalDivA" href="#middlePopoverCart"><span class="mui-controlCart">车型</span><img class="triangleDown"

H5 实现类似QQ消息列表(已读,未读)拖拽点击事件功能

大憨熊 提交于 2019-12-09 09:03:27
HBulider实现消息列表,右侧滑动拖拽进行(已读,未读,删除)点击事件功能详情 首先第一步列表界面,并且列表上添加一个显示消息的标注;如:mui-badge; 对列表滑动拖拽事件; 拖拽事件上的标签进行监听以及逻辑的判断处理; 此功能牵涉到底部导航栏,类似QQ,底部会显示未读消息的总数; 通过事件的监听到总数,再进行本地存储,传给底部选项卡的标注处显示; 点击已读,消息列表总数-1,点击“标为未读”消息列表+1; 处理方法公式:总数=总数+1(判断当前列表为未读的状态); 时间可贵,上面阐述了对这个功能的逻辑和处理,现在直接进入主题看看代码吧! 创建列表界面(div-ui-li) < div class = "mui-content" > <ul class = "mui-table-view" id = "datalist_1" > </ul> </ div > 接口数据调用动态显示列表数据,此时需要注意调用全局变量divs,carlist; function Zx_meessage (username,id) { mui.ajax( '这里就是你们服务器的地址啦!' ,{ data:{ username:username, userid:id }, dataType: 'json' , //服务器返回json格式数据 type: 'post' , //HTTP请求类型

MUI 获取验证码

梦想与她 提交于 2019-12-09 09:00:56
获取验证码其实也不是MUI框架的东西,只是一些JS,刚好写注册和忘记密码页面的时候需要了,就把他记下来,以后哪里需要写哪里,可以单独写一个js文件,写create_code(num)方法,用于获取num位随机数字,然后生成一个定时器,具体代码如下,可以砍详细的注释 /*获取num位数字验证码*/ function create_code(num){ var arr=[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]; //获取1-10随机数字 //Math.floor(Math.random()*10+1); var create_code = ''; for(var k = 0; k< num; k++){ create_code += arr[Math.floor(Math.random()*10+1)-1]; } return create_code; } //点击获取验证码 var yzm = document.getElementById('yzm'); //是否可以点击【获取验证码按钮开关】 var onOff = true; //code_4用于注册信息时的验证,验证码,获取与输入的一致 var code_4 = ''; yzm.onclick = function(){ //如果onOff标志false则,不执行任何操作 if(!onOff) return; /


吃可爱长大的小学妹 提交于 2019-12-08 10:17:48
顺便说一下,这段时间主要是把MUI框架的控件关键代码拿出来看一下,并把每个控件主要用到的地方说一下, 并把js也拿出来看一下,控件了解清楚了,然后写个webservice,就能进行数据交互了,后面的话会做一个项目 1.卡片视图主要用于图文详解一些详情 <div class="mui-content"> <div class="mui-card"> <div class="mui-card-content"> <div class="mui-card-content-inner"> 这是一个最简单的卡片视图控件;卡片视图通常用来显示完整独立的一段信息,比如一篇文章的预览图,作者信息,点 赞数量等 </div> </div> </div> <div class="mui-card"> <div class="mui-card-header">页眉</div> <div class="mui-card-content"> <div class="mui-card-content-inner"> 包含页眉页脚的卡片,页眉通常用来显示面板标题,页脚通常用来显示额外的信息或者支持的操作(比如点赞,评论) </div> </div> <div class="mui-card-footer">页脚</div> </div> <div class="mui-card"> <div class=


|▌冷眼眸甩不掉的悲伤 提交于 2019-12-08 10:13:31
[java] view plain copy print ? MUI + SDK 使用笔记: MUI是什么:http: // /* MUI 使用说明: * * 1.每个用到mui的页面都调用下mui.init。 * 2.如果需要使用大H5+对象,就写到plusReady中,如plus对象。 */ ” ‘【MUI开发注意事项】———————————————————————————– //1.【固定栏靠前】 所谓的固定栏:也就是带有.mui-bar属性的节点 (.mui-bar-nav) (.mui-bar-footer) (.mui-bar-tab) 这些元素使用时需遵循一个规则:放在.mui-content元素之前 //2.【一切内容都要包裹在mui-content中】 除了固定栏之外,其它内容都要包裹在.mui-content中 //3.【始终为button按钮添加type属性】 若button按钮没有type属性,浏览器默认按照type=submit逻辑处理, 这样若将没有type的button放在form表单中,点击按钮就会执行form表单提交,页面就会刷新,用户体验极差 //4.【窗口管理】 //4.1 页面初始化:必须执行mui.init方法 mui在页面初始化时,初始化了很多参数配置,比如: 按键监听、手势监听等