
gyp ERR! stack Error: `C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\12.0\bin\msbuild.exe` failed with exit code: 1

懵懂的女人 提交于 2020-12-29 04:03:41
问题 When I run npm install , I face the following error. I am not able to find the problem. I need some help in finding this issue. d:\testing\node-sample-module\node_modules\ffi\node_modules\ref\node_modules\nan\nan_implementation_pre_12_inl.h(112): error C2668: 'v8::FunctionTemplate::New' : ambiguous call to overloaded function [d:\TESTING\node-sample-module\node_modules \ffi\node_modules\ref\build\binding.vcxproj] C:\Users\SELVA\.nw-gyp\0.8.5\deps\v8\include\v8.h(3344): could be 'v8::Local<v8:

How to run a clean build for a particular project from a solution in visual studio

泪湿孤枕 提交于 2020-12-24 03:09:55
问题 Suppose I need to build a whole solution (which has multiple projects) in command line, is it possible to run a clean build for a particular projects and run an incremental build for the rest of the project? Thanks. 回答1: Use msbuild and pass the Clean and Rebuild targets: msbuild path\to\solution\yoursolution.sln /t:Clean;Rebuild Or if you only want to rebuild a single project: msbuild path\to\project\yourproject.csproj /t:Clean;Rebuild msbuild is available in the Windows SDK or the Visual

How to run a clean build for a particular project from a solution in visual studio

こ雲淡風輕ζ 提交于 2020-12-24 03:09:06
问题 Suppose I need to build a whole solution (which has multiple projects) in command line, is it possible to run a clean build for a particular projects and run an incremental build for the rest of the project? Thanks. 回答1: Use msbuild and pass the Clean and Rebuild targets: msbuild path\to\solution\yoursolution.sln /t:Clean;Rebuild Or if you only want to rebuild a single project: msbuild path\to\project\yourproject.csproj /t:Clean;Rebuild msbuild is available in the Windows SDK or the Visual


好久不见. 提交于 2020-12-18 01:29:08
CI/CD 是一种通过在应用开发阶段引入自动化来频繁向客户交付应用的方法。CI/CD 的核心概念是持续集成、持续交付和持续部署。作为一个面向开发和运营团队的解决方案,CI/CD 主要针对在集成新代码时所引发的问题(亦称:“集成地狱”)。 具体而言,CI/CD 可让持续自动化和持续监控贯穿于应用的整个生命周期(从集成和测试阶段,到交付和部署)。这些关联的事务通常被统称为“CI/CD 管道”,由开发和运维团队以敏捷方式协同支持。 CI 是什么?CI 和 CD 有什么区别? 缩略词 CI / CD 具有几个不同的含义。CI/CD 中的“CI”始终指持续集成,它属于开发人员的自动化流程。成功的 CI 意味着应用代码的新更改会定期构建、测试并合并到共享存储库中。该解决方案可以解决在一次开发中有太多应用分支,从而导致相互冲突的问题。 CI/CD 中的“CD”指的是持续交付和/或持续部署,这些相关概念有时会交叉使用。两者都事关管道后续阶段的自动化,但它们有时也会单独使用,用于说明自动化程度。 持续 交付 通常是指开发人员对应用的更改会自动进行错误测试并上传到存储库(如 GitHub 或容器注册表),然后由运维团队将其部署到实时生产环境中。这旨在解决开发和运维团队之间可见性及沟通较差的问题。因此,持续交付的目的就是确保尽可能减少部署新代码时所需的工作量。 持续 部署 (另一种“CD”

How to define current system date in post build event

帅比萌擦擦* 提交于 2020-12-09 07:15:08
问题 I want to copy .dlls into a target directory of format "test\" Where yyyy - cuurent year, mm - current month, dd - current date. When I give the below command in my post build event, I am getting an error. xcopy /Y "$(TargetDir)*.*" test\Project_$(Year:yyyy).$(Month).$(DayOfMonth) I could not find any macro which define current date. Can someone please help me on this. 回答1: You can use MSBuild Property Functions to call some of the .Net API. You can use System.DateTime.Now