Byte array gets truncated when writing to memory of RFID tag using Adafruit PN532 library
问题 I'm trying to write a byte array that was converted from a hex string into the memory of an NTAG203 RFID tag. I'm using a Raspberry Pi 3, a PN532 chip and the Adafruit PN532 python library. hex_string = '59e7168f267df300018e15b0' formatted_hex = bytearray.fromhex(hex_string) byte_data = bytearray(16) byte_data[3:15] = formatted_hex if not pn532.mifare_classic_write_block(4, byte_data): print('Error! Failed to write to the card.') sys.exit(-1) When I do pn532.mifare_classic_read_block(4) to