
一、什么是Spring Boot Admin ?

放肆的年华 提交于 2019-12-05 04:22:47
Spring Boot Admin是一个开源社区项目,用于管理和监控SpringBoot应用程序。 应用程序作为Spring Boot Admin Client向为Spring Boot Admin Server注册(通过HTTP)或使用SpringCloud注册中心(例如Eureka,Consul)发现。 UI是的Vue.js应用程序,展示Spring Boot Admin Client的Actuator端点上的一些监控。服务端采用Spring WebFlux + Netty的方式。Spring Boot Admin为注册的应用程序提供以下功能: 显示健康状况 显示详细信息,例如 JVM和内存指标 micrometer.io指标 数据源指标 缓存指标 显示构建信息编号 关注并下载日志文件 查看jvm system-和environment-properties 查看Spring Boot配置属性 支持Spring Cloud的postable / env-和/ refresh-endpoint 轻松的日志级管理 与JMX-beans交互 查看线程转储 查看http-traces 查看auditevents 查看http-endpoints 查看计划任务 查看和删除活动会话(使用spring-session) 查看Flyway / Liquibase数据库迁移 下载heapdump

Micronaut: How to get metrics in the Prometheus format?

我与影子孤独终老i 提交于 2019-12-05 01:06:12
问题 How should I configure the Micronaut to get the /metrics in the Prometheus format ? Used: micronaut 1.0.0.M3 Now: micronaut: ... metrics: enabled: true export: prometheus: enabled: true and result: metrics name list {"names":["jvm.memory.max","executor.pool.size"...]} I need to get: metrics in the prometheus format(formats) 回答1: At the moment, we solved the problem as follows. Added a new endpoint. Or create a controller with a mapping on /metrics . The new endpoint added a return of scrape()

Configuring SpringBoot 2 application for Micrometer for AWS cloudwatch

夙愿已清 提交于 2019-12-05 00:30:43
问题 I have a springboot 2 application, and I want to display metrics in AWS Cloudwatch. I have included micrometer cloudwatch dependency in pom. Here setting is documented for various metric systems but not cloudwatch. Whar else configurations I need to do for cloudwatch? 回答1: First of all you may have to add some additional dependecies. I needed the following: org.springframework.boot - spring-boot-starter-actuator org.springframework.cloud - spring-cloud-starter-aws io.micrometer - micrometer

Micrometer - Prometheus Gauge displays NaN

北城余情 提交于 2019-12-04 09:59:57
I am trying to generate Prometheus metrics with using Micrometer.io with Spring Boot 2.0.0.RELEASE. When I am trying to expose the size of a List as Gauge, it keeps displaying NaN. In the documentation it says that; It is your responsibility to hold a strong reference to the state object that you are measuring with a Gauge. I have tried some different ways but I could not solve the problem. Here is my code with some trials. import io.micrometer.core.instrument.*; import io.swagger.backend.model.Product; import io.swagger.backend.service.ProductService; import org.springframework.beans.factory

Micronaut: How to get metrics in the Prometheus format?

僤鯓⒐⒋嵵緔 提交于 2019-12-03 16:41:18
How should I configure the Micronaut to get the /metrics in the Prometheus format ? Used: micronaut 1.0.0.M3 Now: micronaut: ... metrics: enabled: true export: prometheus: enabled: true and result: metrics name list {"names":["jvm.memory.max","executor.pool.size"...]} I need to get: metrics in the prometheus format( formats ) At the moment, we solved the problem as follows. Added a new endpoint. Or create a controller with a mapping on /metrics . The new endpoint added a return of scrape() . Correlated endpoint with /prometheus (new endpoint can not be mapped on /metrics ). Disconnected

Configuring SpringBoot 2 application for Micrometer for AWS cloudwatch

二次信任 提交于 2019-12-03 14:44:17
I have a springboot 2 application, and I want to display metrics in AWS Cloudwatch. I have included micrometer cloudwatch dependency in pom. Here setting is documented for various metric systems but not cloudwatch. Whar else configurations I need to do for cloudwatch? First of all you may have to add some additional dependecies. I needed the following: org.springframework.boot - spring-boot-starter-actuator org.springframework.cloud - spring-cloud-starter-aws io.micrometer - micrometer-core io.micrometer - micrometer-registry-cloudwatch Boot was not able to manage the versions for these


一笑奈何 提交于 2019-12-02 05:34:13
序 本文主要研究一下HystrixMetricsPublisher HystrixMetricsPublisher hystrix-core-1.5.12-sources.jar!/com/netflix/hystrix/strategy/metrics/HystrixMetricsPublisher.java /** * Abstract class with default implementations of Factory methods for creating "Metrics Publisher" instances for getting metrics and other related data * exposed, published or otherwise retrievable by external systems such as Servo (https://github.com/Netflix/servo) * for monitoring and statistical purposes. * <p> * See {@link HystrixPlugins} or the Hystrix GitHub Wiki for information on configuring plugins: <a * href="https://github

Spring 官方出品应用监控度量指标门面类库Micrometer介绍

回眸只為那壹抹淺笑 提交于 2019-11-29 19:41:08
前言 上篇文章 Spring Boot 2.x 中的 Actuator 我们提到了在Spring Boot Actuator中的metirc指标。在Spring Boot 2.x中 官方引入了新的监控门面(facade)类库Micrometer。如果你对门面不是很清楚,你应该听说过SLF4J库,它可以对log4j2,logback等日志类库进行兼容。同样的Micrometer也对Actuator的指标功能进行了门面适配。本文将对其进行简单介绍。来帮你来了解它。 作用 Micrometer 的作用就是提供一个度量指标的客户端门面。你的Spring Boot 应用集成了它之后。可以对市面上流行的一些应用监控进行适配。帮助这些监控采集、格式化数据。这些监控包括:AppOptics, Azure Monitor,Netflix Atlas, CloudWatch, Datadog,Dynatrace,Elastic, Ganglia, Graphite,Humio, Influx/Telegraf,JMX,KairosDB, New Relic,Prometheus, SignalFx, Google Stackdriver, StatsD,Wavefront。作为度量门面类库,Micrometer允许您使用供应商中立的界面使用维度指标来检测代码,并作为最后一步决定监控系统


自闭症网瘾萝莉.ら 提交于 2019-11-29 13:27:25
在微服务体系当中,监控是必不可少的。当系统环境超过指定的阀值以后,需要提醒指定的运维人员或开发人员进行有效的防范,从而降低系统宕机的风险。在 CNCF 云计算平台中,Prometheus+Grafana是比较通用的解决方案,在SpringBoot2.0以后metrics默认与micrometer集成,而micrometer有关于Prometheus的MeterRegistry规范的实现,因此我们通过Micrometer这个桥梁能将SpringBoot的监控数据与Prometheus展示出来。然后通过Grafana提供的UI界面进行数据的实时展示。 Prometheus从对应的节点地址获取度量数据并在本地存储所有数据样例根据相关规则将现有数据聚合并记录新的时间序列(或者生成警报)。可以使用Grafana或其他API消费者来可视化收集的数据。 1. 编写SpringBoot项目并用docker启动 1.1 gradle依赖 compile 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-actuator' compile 'io.micrometer:micrometer-registry-prometheus:latest.release' compile 'io.micrometer:micrometer-core:1.1.0' 1.2

Spring Batch 4.2 新特性

亡梦爱人 提交于 2019-11-27 06:27:07
Spring Batch 4.2 的发行版主要增强了下面的改进: 使用 Micrometer 来支持批量指标(batch metrics) 支持从 Apache Kafka topics 读取/写入(reading/writing) 数据 支持从 Apache Avro 资源中读取/写入(reading/writing) 数据 改进支持文档 使用 Micrometer 的批量指标 本发行版本介绍了可以让你通过使用 Micrometer 来监控你的批量作业。在默认的情况下,Spring Batch 将会收集相关批量指标(包括,作业时间,步骤的时间,读取和写入的项目,以及其他的相关信息),和将这些指标通过 spring.batch 前缀(prefix)注册到 Micrometer 的全局指标中。 这些指标可以发布到任何能够支持 Micrometer 的 监控系统(monitoring system) 中。 有关这个新特性的更多细节,请参考 Monitoring and metrics 章节中的内容。 Apache Kafka item 读取/写入 本发行版本添加了一个新的 KafkaItemReader 和 KafkaItemWriter ,用来从 Kafka 的 topics 中读取和写入。 有关更多这个新组建的信息,请参考: Javadoc 。 Apache Avro item