
pyside qtreewidget constrain drag and drop

那年仲夏 提交于 2019-12-31 16:02:06
问题 I'm trying to add a constraint to the QTreeWidget drag and drop function to prevent the branches from entering another branch in another root. Here's an example to make things more clear: I have 4 objects. Lets call them apple, banana, carrot, durian. The tree looks like this: isDelicious (Root) |-- BackgroundObjects (Branch) |-- Durian |-- ForgroundObjects (Branch) |-- Apple |-- Banana |-- Carrot isSmelly (Root) |-- BackgroundObjects (Branch) |-- Apple |-- Carrot |-- ForgroundObjects (Branch

My Open Source Projects

限于喜欢 提交于 2019-12-31 14:10:05
• MyMagicBox ( ) Role: Creator Miscellaneous projects for exercises. Projects & Descriptions: node_template  This is a project template for my maya node. dynamic_enum  This project demostrate that how to update a enumerate attribute dynamically in AETemplate UI. mystring     This project implements a basic MyString class for consolidating my C++ skills. tornado_field   A simple maya field node for simulating tornado particle effect. More details: version_control  This project aims to implement a framework

How to create Maya sliders to move objects in interface

我只是一个虾纸丫 提交于 2019-12-31 05:20:09
问题 I am trying to use sliders to move objects along the x,y and z axis. This is my code so far: import maya.cmds as cmds cmds.columnLayout( adjustableColumn=True ) cmds.intSlider(min=-100, max=100, value=0, step=1, dc = cmds.move(x=True)) cmds.showWindow() I keep getting this error # Error: line 1: TypeError: file <maya console> line 10: Invalid arguments for flag 'dc'. Expected string or function, got NoneType # I am very new to Python so I am not sure what it means. Many Thanks, Martyn 回答1:


て烟熏妆下的殇ゞ 提交于 2019-12-28 06:20:49
影视动画制作流程 剧本 设定 角色设定 场景设定 故事版分镜 Maya工作流 Maya建模 角色建模、分UV、绘贴图 场景建模、分UV、绘贴图 道具建模、分UV、绘贴图 Maya角色绑定 骨骼绑定 表情绑定 UE4工作流 UE4素材 UE4角色 角色模型 角色模型材质与贴图 角色动画 UE4场景 场景模型 场景材质 场景灯光 UE4特效 UE4音效 背景音乐 基础音效 角色配音 UE4镜头 镜头动画预演 Sequence剪辑 序列帧通道渲染输出 后期编辑 镜头合成 分层调节 整体色彩调节 软件说明: Maya 2019 UE4.24 SpeedTree Quixel Megascans Advanced Skeleton 剧本 设定 角色设定 场景设定 故事版分镜 Maya工作流 Maya建模 角色建模、分UV、绘贴图 场景建模、分UV、绘贴图 道具建模、分UV、绘贴图 Maya角色绑定 使用AdvancedSkeleton ,请参阅 MayaToUE4之角色绑定 骨骼绑定 表情绑定 UE4工作流 UE4素材 素材使用UE4.24支持的Quixel Megascans ,请参阅 [MayaToUE4之素材] UE4角色 毛发使用UE4.24自带的Groom ,请参阅 [MayaToUE4之毛发] 角色模型 角色模型材质与贴图 角色动画 UE4场景 森林植被使用SpeedTree

Link procedure to each button command maya

折月煮酒 提交于 2019-12-25 12:03:30
问题 I made this script that creates two material with different color values.How can I attach this procedure so that when I click color 1 button it creates material color 1 and color 2 when I click second button.If there is a much better way to achieve this is python.Please let me know global string $list_of_names[]; global float $matColor[]; $list_of_names = {"color1","color2"}; $matColor = { 1.0,0.355,0.5,0.545,0.5,1.0}; global proc create() { global string $list_of_names[]; global float

Link procedure to each button command maya

一世执手 提交于 2019-12-25 12:03:28
问题 I made this script that creates two material with different color values.How can I attach this procedure so that when I click color 1 button it creates material color 1 and color 2 when I click second button.If there is a much better way to achieve this is python.Please let me know global string $list_of_names[]; global float $matColor[]; $list_of_names = {"color1","color2"}; $matColor = { 1.0,0.355,0.5,0.545,0.5,1.0}; global proc create() { global string $list_of_names[]; global float

Maya (Python): Running condition command and scriptJob command from within a module

你说的曾经没有我的故事 提交于 2019-12-25 09:22:48
问题 I'm creating a UI tool that loads during Maya's startup, and executes some modules AFTER VRay has initialized (otherwise an error is thrown). A suggestion from my broader question here has lead me to try out the condition and scriptJob commands. The code below works when run from within Maya's script editor, but when I import the listener module and run it using the code, I get this error: Error: line 1: name 'is_vray_loaded' is not defined Traceback: (most recent call

Maya 2015 Python - textField input, radioButton selection not working in UI

流过昼夜 提交于 2019-12-25 07:49:28
问题 I'm studying python for developing tools for maya (at the moment 2015) and can't understand exactly how I should define variables or ui objects to be used inside functions. A lot of different errors pop up when I try running my script (e.g. for this script: # Error: NameError: file line 1: name 'inputTextA' is not defined ) I run into the same problem over and over again, so I would like someone to explain to me what kind of mistake I'm making and what to study to solve this kind of troubles

Opening a commandPort in standalone maya for unit testing

六月ゝ 毕业季﹏ 提交于 2019-12-25 04:48:08
问题 I am writing unit tests for a script that sends python code to Autodesk Maya trough the commandPort. The script works; it sends code fine to Maya which executes it. For testing purposes however, I want to write a unit test that in its setUp() opens a standalone (commandline) Maya with a commandPort which I can send commands to and then close again in tearDown(), so that I don't have to keep the real Maya application open whenever I work on the scripts. How do I go about doing that? 回答1: You

Disconnecting/connecting plugs gives internal failure in compute()

做~自己de王妃 提交于 2019-12-25 04:28:51
问题 What's the right way to disconnect/connect plugs during MPxNode compute() method? I have a modified plugin that it's plugs are already connected to some other objects transform nodes, it always gives me the internal failure error when I want to update its plugs connection during the compute() method. Both MDGModifier connect and disconnect fails. Why do I keep getting this error? If this is not possible, is there a way I can update the connections before compute() kicks in? I've tried doing