How can I align the y-axis (latitudes) of a map plot and a plot in python
问题 I'm trying plot two panels in a plot. The first one (left) is a data with latitude values in its y-axis. The second panel is a map. I wanna that the latitude values of both panels coinciding, but I don't know how get it. I have a code like this: fig_mapa= plt.figure() '''Mapa''' ax1=fig_mapa.add_subplot(122) map = Basemap(llcrnrlon=-90,llcrnrlat=-58.1,urcrnrlon=-32,urcrnrlat=12.6, resolution='f',projection='merc',lon_0=-58,lat_0=-25, ax=ax1) map.drawparallels(np.arange(-90,90.,5), labels=[0,1