Manifest attribute for java jar

孤街浪徒 提交于 2019-12-03 10:20:29
问题 With all the help from you i was able to finish my first project in java. Now i want to create a jar and run the application (Java project - it is a plain console application which is having another project(console application) as a dependence) from jar. I created a jar with eclipse by right click - export - created a jar. When i try to run this jar from my cmd, I have an error (below is the error I am geting) no main manifest attribute, in AAA.jar I Googled the error - most of them subjected

What is use of MANIFEST.MF in WAR/JAR/EAR?

邮差的信 提交于 2019-12-03 09:54:01
I am aware of usage of MANIFEST file in a mobile application, but am not aware of usage of same in a Java Application. My guess say like, its being used to keep BUILD information only. Am I correct?? Is this Mandatory?If not, then what are the key benefits that we can draw with this? gexicide carries attributes of the artifact. One of the most well known ones is for example the main class of the jar that is used to start the jar file when no other class is specified. Syntax: Main-Class: classname Other purposes are, for example, package sealing and package versioning. Check out the

Does the jar MANIFEST.MF max line length of 72 include the EOL bytes

江枫思渺然 提交于 2019-12-01 18:41:54
问题 My understanding of the Manifest specification is a little vague around the exact definition of a line . Specifically the part that reads No line may be longer than 72 bytes (not characters), in its UTF8-encoded form. I'm unsure as to whether a line in this regards includes the EOL ( CR LF | LF | CR ) characters or not. I have two third party implementations of libraries that write manifests and one produces content that appears to include the EOL characters as part of the line and one that

Does the jar MANIFEST.MF max line length of 72 include the EOL bytes

北城以北 提交于 2019-12-01 18:35:01
My understanding of the Manifest specification is a little vague around the exact definition of a line . Specifically the part that reads No line may be longer than 72 bytes (not characters), in its UTF8-encoded form. I'm unsure as to whether a line in this regards includes the EOL ( CR LF | LF | CR ) characters or not. I have two third party implementations of libraries that write manifests and one produces content that appears to include the EOL characters as part of the line and one that does not. While this isn't strictly answering the question of what does the specification mean when it

How to include the lib folder in the manifest classpath in Netbeans

那年仲夏 提交于 2019-12-01 01:02:53
A library that my java application uses needs looks for a file (log4j.xml) in the class path. I use netbeans to manage my project, but I can't find a way to include the lib/ folder. Netbeans automatically creates a MANIFEST.MF file inside the application jar and also creates a folder called lib/ which includes all dependencies. This manifest specifies a Class-Path attribute that overrides any -cp argument provided on the command line. I can select an arbitrary folder in netbeans' library panel, but it creates a sub folder in the manifest's classpath. I'd like all dependencies and the log4j.xml

How to read meta data from Manifest file

血红的双手。 提交于 2019-12-01 00:03:19
I'm trying to extract information from my manifest file to display in one of the methods in my jar file, but seem to be having some issues. Any help is appreciated. Manifest file: Manifest-Version: 1.0 Created-By: 1.8.0_60 (Oracle Corporation) Main-Class: com.example.package1.myClass Name: com/example/package1 Specification-Title: MyPackage Specification-Version: v1.1 Specification-Vendor: MyCompanyName Implementation-Title: MP Implementation-Version: 2015-11-05-C Implementation-Vendor: MyName Name: com/example/package2 Specification-Title: MySecondaryPackage Specification-Version: v2.0

How to get package version at running Tomcat?

混江龙づ霸主 提交于 2019-11-30 20:30:20
How to get package version at running Tomcat? I try getClass().getPackage().getImplementationVersion() but this always returns null . I guess it is because my war wasn't yet packaged and Tomcat executes .classes (aka exploded war). META-INF\MANIFEST.MF is present in final war, but not in target\<>\META-INF folder java.lang.Package Package objects contain version information about the implementation and specification of a Java package. This versioning information is retrieved and made available by the ClassLoader instance that loaded the class(es). Typically, it is stored in the

How to get package version at running Tomcat?

こ雲淡風輕ζ 提交于 2019-11-30 05:18:44
问题 How to get package version at running Tomcat? I try getClass().getPackage().getImplementationVersion() but this always returns null . I guess it is because my war wasn't yet packaged and Tomcat executes .classes (aka exploded war). META-INF\MANIFEST.MF is present in final war, but not in target\<>\META-INF folder java.lang.Package Package objects contain version information about the implementation and specification of a Java package. This versioning information is retrieved and

How do you create a MANIFEST.MF that's available when you're testing and running from a jar in production?

杀马特。学长 韩版系。学妹 提交于 2019-11-30 03:43:51
I've spent far too much time trying to figure this out. This should be the simplest thing and everyone who distributes Java applications in jars must have to deal with it. I just want to know the proper way to add versioning to my Java app so that I can access the version information when I'm testing, e.g. debugging in Eclipse and running from a jar. Here's what I have in my build.xml: <target name="jar" depends = "compile"> <property name="version.num" value="1.0.0"/> <buildnumber file="build.num"/> <tstamp> <format property="TODAY" pattern="yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" /> </tstamp> <manifest file="$

Netbeans manifest

不问归期 提交于 2019-11-30 01:45:02
Is it possible to add entries to the file of jars generated by netbeans? to build an osgi bundle for instance. Note that you can create a manifest on-the-fly via an ant task and set properties dynamically. First, you must update your Netbeans "" file found in the "nbproject" directory. Add the following line to the file: Next, create an ant task to create/update the manifest using the "build.xml" file. In this example, we will set the version number and date of the jar file. <target name="-pre-init"> <property name="" value=