
figure out the file size of a m3u8 url referenced video

淺唱寂寞╮ 提交于 2019-12-12 06:38:26
问题 If a m3u8 url references to a streming, there is no video size, however , If the m3u8 url references to a video, any way to figure out the video file size ? I don' t want adding up all the http content-length header of each video segment because it is a bit tedious. I provide this m3u8 url as an example usage. 回答1: The duration of a particular video stream within a M3U8 manifest file is not mandatory, but if a given video stream will typically have this information in the header of its own

Retrieving M3U8 via PHP vs. via Website gives different session variables

不羁岁月 提交于 2019-12-12 02:25:01
问题 I'm trying to scrape a website (www.glturk.com). When I run the below link via a browser: http://www.glturk.com/ajax.aspx?stream=live&type=free&ppoint=ATVTurkiye_LR I get the following response: The above M3U8 link works perfectly in that instance. But, if I try to replicate this

Regex: match line if previous line satisfies a criteria

≡放荡痞女 提交于 2019-12-11 14:52:55
问题 What's a regex that will match lines whose previous line starts with a set of characters? I'm trying to parse M3U files, and I need to match the lines whose preceding line starts with #EXTINF: So if we take this example: #EXTM3U #EXT-X-VERSION:3 #EXT-X-TARGETDURATION:10 #EXTINF:11.54 ASMIK_tid_0000250058_m.600000-00000.ts #EXTINF:8.51 ASMIK_tid_0000250058_m.600000-00001.ts #EXTINF:11.76 ASMIK_tid_0000250058_m.600000-00002.ts #EXTINF:10.05 ASMIK_tid_0000250058_m.600000-00003.ts etc... I only

Android HLS- Streaming failed to fetch segment

拥有回忆 提交于 2019-12-11 12:19:22
问题 I write a Videoplayer for Android to stream Video over HLS. On my Server I have the m3u8-Playlist and the .ts-Segments. My Code look like this: protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_main); vidSurface = (SurfaceView) findViewById(R.id.surfView); vidHolder = vidSurface.getHolder(); vidHolder.addCallback(this); } public void surfaceCreated(SurfaceHolder arg0) { try { mediaPlayer = new MediaPlayer(); mediaPlayer

passing .m3u8 file to AudioStreamer iOS

Deadly 提交于 2019-12-11 08:14:40
问题 Can any one suggest me a m3u8 parser that works on iOS 10. I used this but its giving me errors M3U8_BASE_URL undecleared indentifier, No visible interface declared in NSString for isExtendedM3Ufile these kind of errors,, more than 17 in NSString+m3u8.m . I want to pass an m3u8 file to AudioStreamer. Please help me. Thanks 回答1: According to the screenshot, I copied all the files into one folder and import to the project. Then m3u8 file URL to the M3U8PlaylistModel let playlistModel =

Scraping a json request `ak` parameter value

时间秒杀一切 提交于 2019-12-10 22:47:13
问题 I'm currently trying to scrape embedded m3u8 url paths for self-study. So far, I managed to pin down the request produces a json response with the m3u8 information. For example, the https://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/videonews/ann?a=20190527-00000051-ann-soci page would make the following request: https://feapi-yvpub.yahooapis.jp/v1/content/1579522?appid=dj0zaiZpPVZMTVFJR0FwZWpiMyZzPWNvbnN1bWVyc2VjcmV0Jng9YjU-&output=json&space_id=2078710307&domain=headlines.yahoo.co.jp&ak

How to get video duration from mp4,m3u8 or any other file

雨燕双飞 提交于 2019-12-10 12:19:04
问题 I found the NReco.VideoInfo library to be the best option and simpler 1] Find the NReco.VideoInfo library in NuGet Package Manager and import it in your project 2] After that import the namespace "using NReco.VideoInfo" 3] Add the below line of code into the method. var ffProbe = new FFProbe(); var videoInfo = ffProbe.GetMediaInfo(blob.Uri.AbsoluteUri); return videoInfo.Duration.TotalMilliseconds; here you can see some other option 回答1: Why don't you use the windows media player to solve this

Streaming .m3u8 format using Chromecast [closed]

老子叫甜甜 提交于 2019-12-10 11:33:45
问题 Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it's on-topic for Stack Overflow. Closed 10 months ago . Hi i developed the application to cast my videos to TV via Chromecast.Now trying to play m3u8 videos via Chromecast is it possible as m3u8 videos buffering is good and control is good compare to mp4 any links will also do i cannot find how to stream m3u8 using Chromecast. 回答1: The .m3u8 format is for HLS (HTTP

网页播放 .m3u8 视频文件

只愿长相守 提交于 2019-12-10 01:03:21
1,使用 dplayer ,官网上有例子 <link href="https://cdn.bootcss.com/dplayer/1.25.0/DPlayer.min.css" rel="stylesheet"> <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/hls.js@latest"></script> <script src="https://cdn.bootcss.com/dplayer/1.25.0/DPlayer.min.js"></script> <div id="dplayer"></div> <script> const dp = new DPlayer({ container: document.getElementById('dplayer'), video: { url: '这个放你自己的视频文件.m3u8', type: 'customHls', customType: { customHls: function(video, player) { const hls = new Hls(); hls.loadSource(video.src); hls.attachMedia(video); }, }, }, }); </script> 2,用的是阿里云的对象储存服务,结果访问的时候报错了,是跨域问题 3

nginx rtmp HLS直播

别等时光非礼了梦想. 提交于 2019-12-06 22:36:55
二、安装Nginx相关模块 1.环境准备 yum install –y pcre pcre-devel yum install –y zlib zlib-devel yum -y install openssl openssl-devel 2.下载nginx及rtmp模块 wget http://nginx.org/download/nginx-1.6.2.tar.gz tar xzvf nginx_1.6.2.tar.gz git clone git://github.com/arut/nginx-rtmp-module.git 3.编译nginx-rtmp ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/nginx --add-module=../nginx-rtmp-module --with-http_stub_status_module 如果需要安装pcre,则 yum -y install pcre-devel openssl openssl-devel make make install 安装完成后,nginx位于/usr/local/nginx/sbin目录下,配置文件nginx.conf在/usr/local/nginx/conf目录下 ++++++++测试nginx是否安装正确+++++++++++ #cd /usr/local/nginx #.