
What does “lvalue required” mean in a C compiler error? [closed]

旧时模样 提交于 2019-12-02 04:35:39
#include<stdio.h> //line 1 #include<conio.h> //line 2 void main() //line 3 { //line 4 int a=6,g=7,b=3; //line 5 clrscr(); //line 6 printf("%d",a>?g=a:g=b); //line 7 getch(); //line 8 } Case 1: before saving the file This will give an error at line no 7 'Lvalue required'. But when I compile no error will come and after running, it produced output 3. Case 2 : after saving the file And when we save this file then we get an error "Lvalue required'. sorry for my mistake and Write question here #include<stdio.h> //line 1 #include<conio.h> //line 2 void main() //line 3 { //line 4 int a=6,g=7,b=3; /

Not able to understand error condition wrt lvalues

送分小仙女□ 提交于 2019-12-02 04:32:08
问题 I am a beginner in programming and was trying out some combinations. #include<stdio.h> int main() { int a=5; printf("%d",&a); // STATEMENT 1 printf("\n%d",a); //STATEMENT 2 printf("\n%d",&(a++)); //STATEMENT 3 printf("\n%d",a); //STATEMENT 4 return 0; } I get a error in STATEMENT 3 saying [Error] lvalue required as unary '&' operand I expected the output of STATEMENT 1 & 3 to be same as both address are the same. Also I expected the output of STATEMENT 2 to be 5 & STATEMENT 4 to be 6. I

Casting Error: lvalue required as left operand of assignment

空扰寡人 提交于 2019-12-02 03:41:16
问题 So I'm trying to use ether_aton() which returns a struct ether_addr * . I'm trying to put this in my struct ether_header *eptr (from net/ethernet.h) which has the ether_shost member. I tried this: struct ether_header *eptr; /* net/ethernet.h */ ... (struct ether_addr*)(eptr->ether_shost) = ether_aton(SRC_ETHER_ADDR); This gives me the "Error: lvalue required as left operand of assignment" I know I'm just not casting it correctly, but can't figure out how. EDIT: Ended up getting it. Thanks for

Casting Error: lvalue required as left operand of assignment

你说的曾经没有我的故事 提交于 2019-12-02 02:44:12
So I'm trying to use ether_aton() which returns a struct ether_addr * . I'm trying to put this in my struct ether_header *eptr (from net/ethernet.h) which has the ether_shost member. I tried this: struct ether_header *eptr; /* net/ethernet.h */ ... (struct ether_addr*)(eptr->ether_shost) = ether_aton(SRC_ETHER_ADDR); This gives me the "Error: lvalue required as left operand of assignment" I know I'm just not casting it correctly, but can't figure out how. EDIT: Ended up getting it. Thanks for the help guys. struct ether_addr* eth_addr = ether_aton(SRC_ETHER_ADDR); int i; for(i=0; i<6; i++)

Not able to understand error condition wrt lvalues

一曲冷凌霜 提交于 2019-12-02 01:51:10
I am a beginner in programming and was trying out some combinations. #include<stdio.h> int main() { int a=5; printf("%d",&a); // STATEMENT 1 printf("\n%d",a); //STATEMENT 2 printf("\n%d",&(a++)); //STATEMENT 3 printf("\n%d",a); //STATEMENT 4 return 0; } I get a error in STATEMENT 3 saying [Error] lvalue required as unary '&' operand I expected the output of STATEMENT 1 & 3 to be same as both address are the same. Also I expected the output of STATEMENT 2 to be 5 & STATEMENT 4 to be 6. I looked up and found a similar question : Lvalue required error I understood the issue in that question.From

What is wrong with this assignment in a conditional operator?

梦想的初衷 提交于 2019-12-02 00:33:45
There is an error. Is it wrong to assign a value to a[i] in the following code? Or something is wrong with conditional operators? #include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> int main(){ char a[12]="sumit tyagi"; int i=0; while(a[i]!='\0'){ a[i]>90 ? a[i]=a[i]-32 : a[i]=a[i]+32; //error in this line i++; } printf("\n %s",a); a[i]>90 ? a[i]=a[i]-32 : a[i]=a[i]+32; is not evaluated as a[i]>90 ? (a[i]=a[i]-32) : (a[i]=a[i]+32); since = has lower precedence than ?: . In standard C you can't write it as above although some compilers allow it as an extension. You could write it as the more readable (and

“error: lvalue required as left operand of assignment” in conditional operator

无人久伴 提交于 2019-12-01 19:54:46
问题 I'm new to C and today I learnt "?" operator which is the short type of if-else statement. However, when I execute this code: int b; int x; b=3<2?x=12:x=34; I get an error "error: lvalue required as left operand of assignment". I don't understand why it happens. Process in my mind is that the program first assigns 34 to x, then it assigns value of x,which is 34, to b. On the other hand, I can use the statement as int b; int x; b=3<2?x=12:(x=34); without any errors. I looked to my book but

Intitialzing an array in a C++ class and modifiable lvalue problem

亡梦爱人 提交于 2019-12-01 19:26:39
I have a basic C++ class .The header looks like this: #pragma once class DataContainer { public: DataContainer(void); ~DataContainer(void); int* getAgeGroup(void); int _ageGroupArray[5]; private: int _ageIndex; }; Now inside the cpp file of the class I want to intialize the _ageGroupArray[5] with default values inside the class contructor like this: #include "DataContainer.h" DataContainer::DataContainer(void) { _ageGroupArray={20,32,56,43,72}; _ageIndex=10; } int* DataContainer::getAgeGroup(void){ return _ageGroupArray; } DataContainer::~DataContainer(void) { } Doing it I am getting

Intitialzing an array in a C++ class and modifiable lvalue problem

半城伤御伤魂 提交于 2019-12-01 19:23:24
问题 I have a basic C++ class .The header looks like this: #pragma once class DataContainer { public: DataContainer(void); ~DataContainer(void); int* getAgeGroup(void); int _ageGroupArray[5]; private: int _ageIndex; }; Now inside the cpp file of the class I want to intialize the _ageGroupArray[5] with default values inside the class contructor like this: #include "DataContainer.h" DataContainer::DataContainer(void) { _ageGroupArray={20,32,56,43,72}; _ageIndex=10; } int* DataContainer::getAgeGroup

assigning to rvalue: why does this compile?

不想你离开。 提交于 2019-12-01 17:58:06
In the following example: class A { private: double content; public: A():content(0) {} A operator+(const A& other) { content += other.content; return *this; } void operator=(const A& other) { content = other.content; } }; A is a simple wrapper for a double for which the + and = operators have been overloaded. In the following use: int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { A a, b, c; (a+b) = c ; // Why is this operation legal? } Why does (a+b) = c compile? I would like to know why this statement is legal, because the result of (a+b) must be an rvalue . I am not returning a reference from operator+ .