
can not find the variable location with reversegeocodeAsync

浪子不回头ぞ 提交于 2020-04-18 05:46:07
问题 Hello everyone who sees that question I need help in that and full of hope that someone is gonna help I am trying to get the exact location for the user to pass it finally in some other functionalities. I am using Expo init and expo-location while using (reversegeocodeAsync({})) for the first render it's giving me the correct location but while testing it's crashing and giving an error and even works it's not making the data like after setting state it's not being available globally to use it

JavaScript location对象

我的未来我决定 提交于 2020-04-16 08:39:29
【推荐阅读】微服务还能火多久?>>> 示例 URL:http://b.a.com:88/index.php?name=kang&when=2011#first 属性 含义 值 protocol: 协议 "http:" hostname: 服务器的名字 "b.a.com" port: 端口 "88" pathname: URL中主机名后的部分 "/index.php" search: "?"后的部分,又称为查询字符串 "?name=kang&when=2011" hash: 返回"#"之后的内容 "#first" host: 等于hostname + port "b.a.com:88" href: 当前页面的完整URL "http://www.a.com:88/index.php?name=kang&when=2011#first" window.location和document.location互相等价的,可以交换使用 location的8个属性都是可读写的,但是只有href与hash的写才有意义。例如改变location.href会重新定位到一个URL, 而修改location.hash会跳到当前页面中的anchor(<a id="name">或者<div id="id">等)名字的标记(如果有),而且页面不会被重新加载 注意 URL:http://b.a.com:88

Missing location options when creating new Azure Cosmos DB

有些话、适合烂在心里 提交于 2020-04-16 05:49:16
问题 I would like to create a new Azure Cosmos DB under my free MPN Subscription and would like to set the location to "(Europe) West Europe" just like I did for my ResourceGroup, but this location (and a lot of other locations) is not available? See the complete list here If I create a new Resource Group it's not a problem to choose "(Europe) West Europe" and all the other locations/regions that I can normally choose among. Anyone who knows why this happens and what I can do to fix it? 回答1: I

nginx location 404 not found

末鹿安然 提交于 2020-04-08 04:08:16
问题 Here are my nginx configure files. On the default.conf, the first location is used to access /usr/share/nginx/html directory, it is ok while I access But when I add up a new location for directory /usr/share/nginx/public directory, nginx return me a 404 page while I access So, what is the matter? Am I misuse the directive of nginx? /etc/nginx/nginx.conf user nginx; worker_processes 1; error_log /var/log/nginx/error.log warn; pid /var/run/nginx

nginx location 404 not found

心不动则不痛 提交于 2020-04-08 04:08:09
问题 Here are my nginx configure files. On the default.conf, the first location is used to access /usr/share/nginx/html directory, it is ok while I access But when I add up a new location for directory /usr/share/nginx/public directory, nginx return me a 404 page while I access So, what is the matter? Am I misuse the directive of nginx? /etc/nginx/nginx.conf user nginx; worker_processes 1; error_log /var/log/nginx/error.log warn; pid /var/run/nginx

nginx location 404 not found

北城以北 提交于 2020-04-08 04:04:13
问题 Here are my nginx configure files. On the default.conf, the first location is used to access /usr/share/nginx/html directory, it is ok while I access But when I add up a new location for directory /usr/share/nginx/public directory, nginx return me a 404 page while I access So, what is the matter? Am I misuse the directive of nginx? /etc/nginx/nginx.conf user nginx; worker_processes 1; error_log /var/log/nginx/error.log warn; pid /var/run/nginx


限于喜欢 提交于 2020-04-07 02:09:00
前言 Nginx-包教包会-入门 一文中介绍了怎么使用 Nginx 搭建 web 服务器。 但有的时候呢,我们需要对资源进行访问控制。比如说需要登录才能访问,访问链接具有时间段限制。 又比如说防止恶意攻击,使用限流,限制带宽等等 我们也会使用 Nginx 作为代理服务器,将我们的动态内容的请求转发到应用服务器去处理。 下一期,总结一下 Nginx 相关的配置,给出一个配置模板 本文内容 基于 ngx_http_auth_basic_module 模块,使用用户名和密码限制资源的访问 基于 ngx_http_auth_request_module 集成已有的授权验证 基于 ngx_http_secure_link_module 限制连接的时效性和访问控制 基于请求的限流、基于并发链接数限流,限制每个链接的带宽 为什么要使用 Nginx 作为代理服务器及代理的配置,及获取用户的真实 ip 。 基于代理的负载均衡 授权才能访问 Nginx 中的资源 有的时候我们想简单限制用户的访问。可以使用 ngx_http_auth_basic_module 模块,我们预先设置好账号和密码,用户需要使用特定的用户和密码才能访问。在网站没有用户登录管理功能的时候,可以作为一个替代品。 | Syntax: | auth_basic string | off; | | :------- | --------


微笑、不失礼 提交于 2020-04-06 12:16:18
• Node.js v12.16.1 to /usr/local/bin/node • npm v6.13.4 to /usr/local/bin/npm 来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/lwwen/p/12641399.html

linux Nginx部署

断了今生、忘了曾经 提交于 2020-04-04 09:22:35
一. Nginx的部署 tips:此文档适用于linux centos6或者centos7 1. Nginx介绍 Nginx(“engine x”)是⼀款是由俄罗斯的程序设计师Igor Sysoev所开发⾼性能的 Web和 反向代理 服务器,也是⼀个 IMAP/POP3/SMTP 代理服务器。 轻量级的web服务器 延伸版本tengine(淘宝)、openresrt(章亦春)等 http://nginx.org 官⽹ http://www.nginx.cn/doc/index.html 中⽂⽂档 2. 安装依赖工具 [root@localhost ~]# yum -y install make zlib zlib-devel gcc-c++ libtool openssl openssl-devel 3. 安装PCRE # PCRE 作用是让 Nginx 支持 Rewrite 功能。 [root@localhost ~]# cd /usr/local/src/ [root@localhost src]# wget http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/pcre/pcre/8.35/pcre-8.35.tar.gz [root@localhost src]# tar zxvf pcre-8.35.tar.gz [root@localhost


自古美人都是妖i 提交于 2020-03-31 18:53:15
Nginx_Rewrite 一、介绍 Rewrite根据nginx提供的全局变量或自己设置的变量,结合正则表达式和标志位实现url重写和者重定向。 Rewrite和location类似,都可以实现跳转,区别是rewrite是在同一域名内更改url,而location是对同类型匹配路径做控制访问,或者proxy_pass代理到其他服务器。 Rewrite和location执行顺序: 执行server下的rewrite 执行location匹配 执行location下的rewrite 二、语法和参数说明 1.rewrite语法格式 rewrite <regex> <replacement> <flag>; 关键字 正则表达式 代替的内容 重写类型 Rewrite:一般都是rewrite Regex:可以是字符串或者正则来表示想要匹配的目标URL Replacement:将正则匹配的内容替换成replacement Flag:flag标示,重写类型: - last:本条规则匹配完成后,继续向下匹配新的location URI规则;相当于Apache里德(L)标记,表示完成rewrite,浏览器地址栏URL地址不变;一般写在server和if中; - break:本条规则匹配完成后,终止匹配,不再匹配后面的规则,浏览器地址栏URL地址不变;一般使用在location中; -