
Load testing with Postman REST/RESTFUL tool

Deadly 提交于 2019-12-05 08:55:52
问题 I have added the plugin Postman to Chrome browser for load testing of my API. But I am clueless about how to do the load test with Postman tool. My query is how to simulate "Virtual Users" in this tool? 回答1: I don't think you'll be able to conduct load testing using Chrome Extension, consider more specialised tools for it, i.e. SoapUI or Apache JMeter References: Using SoapUI for load testing Testing SOAP/REST Web Services Using JMeter SoapUI is designed for testing web services and load

How to simulate 120 concurrent users of a web application with real conditions?

冷暖自知 提交于 2019-12-05 06:58:51
How to you simulate > 120 concurrent users using a Load Test Framework such as JMeter? Real concurrency, as far as I understand, would be possible if I would use 120 servers or 120 CPU cores. How did/do you test your web application or service with real conditions? I have found JMeter to work fine, but I generally use is across 4-5 PC's to get the most accurate results. Although you may believe 120 concurrent users may be difficult to simulate from a single PC, you have to realise that in a real work scenario, 120 simultaneous users will not be accessing the server at exactly the same time,

How to change content of Post Body in JMeter HTTP Request

夙愿已清 提交于 2019-12-05 05:23:52
Please forgive my ignorance as I'm a jmeter noob. My webservice accepts JSON objects so I was able to write a rudimentary test where I create an HTTP Request with a JSON object in the "Post Body" portion of the http request. Anyway, what I want to do is have the HTTP Request choose a different JSON object from a csv file or some other input mechanism so that I can randomize the types of queries that are being run during the load test. Is there a way to do this? The closest is probably using variables (section 4.11 in the user manual) but I have a feeling that's not how variables are used. A

How to setup IP spoofing in jmeter?

陌路散爱 提交于 2019-12-05 03:14:06
I am now load testing a website through jmeter from my machine. But I want a real world scenario , so can ip aliasing or ip spoofing be used by jmeter which will look like requests are being sent from different ip addresses.? Yes it can, see property Source IP address: : http://jmeter.apache.org/usermanual/component_reference.html#HTTP_Request Note that you must use HTTPClient implementations. For a full tutorial, see : http://blog.milamberspace.net/index.php/2009/12/03/changer-ladresse-ip-source-dune-requete-http-lors-dun-test-avec-jmeter-549.html 来源: https://stackoverflow.com/questions

Bees with machine gun using Amazon free tier

别来无恙 提交于 2019-12-04 21:31:11
I've been trying to use bees with machine gun without success. As far as I understand, this is just a fabric script that uses AWS to create EC2 instances (bees) in order to perform distributed load tests to a target (website). These are the steps I took: . Went to AWS IAM and created a new user and assigned to a group that has admin permissions: { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": "*", "Resource": "*" } ] } . The creation of this user gave me an aws_access_key_id and and an aws_secret_access_key. . I used these credentials to create a .boto file where I put

VS2008 Load Testing - Page Response Time

六眼飞鱼酱① 提交于 2019-12-04 19:52:07
I am running a load test from VS 2008 on my asp.net web application. The thing I notice is that for some of my pages Average Page Time is around 20. Does this mean it takes 20 seconds for the server to render the page before it sends the request? Or is it simply 20 seconds until the whole page is fully loaded on the client's browser? Does this statistic take Network Type into an account; so say that I change from 52kbps to 1.5mbps, is this statistic supposed to change? Another thing is - my Average Response Time is 0.21, whilst some pages have Average Page Time at 20. Why is it so different?

RequestVerificationToken is not idetifying/or getting assigned to variable by JMeter in a ASP MVC 5 Project

眉间皱痕 提交于 2019-12-04 19:41:26
I am currently in a need of a Load test for a web-solution, which requires for a user authentication in Homepage (Welcome Page). When I seek for the POST SignIn parameters which are passing along with the login credentials using FireBug in FireFox, i found out that Password, TenantName, UserName, __RequestVerificationToken are the parameters which are passing along with their values for a successful login. I needed to simulate this process using the JMETER. Therefore i have made a HTTP REQUEST (Visit Login Page) to Navigate to the page using JMETER, which successfully work. Within the HTTP

Locust : How to make locust run for a specific amount of time

﹥>﹥吖頭↗ 提交于 2019-12-04 16:08:01
问题 official locustio documentation tells about how to write simple locust tasks which run indefinitely. Couldn't find out how to run load which lasts for a specific amount of time, so that the test will automatically stop after the specified interval. I dont need it from the web interface, command line/code option will be just great. 回答1: I recently started using locust myself and unfortunately locust 0.7.1 does not provide a way to terminate a test based on a length of time. It does however

Siege aborted due to excessive socket failure

烂漫一生 提交于 2019-12-04 10:38:14
问题 I have encountered this problem whilst trying to run off the following cmd from siege on Mac OS X 10.8.3. siege -d1 -c 20 -t2m -i -f -r10 urls.txt The output from Siege is the following: ** SIEGE 2.74 ** Preparing 20 concurrent users for battle. The server is now under siege... done. siege aborted due to excessive socket failure; you can change the failure threshold in $HOME/.siegerc Transactions: 0 hits Availability: 0.00 % Elapsed time: 27.04 secs Data transferred: 0.00 MB Response time: 0

In Jmeter, What would be syntax of parameters in Body Data section of HTTP Request Sampler, if i am using Rest APIs and taking input from CSV files?

狂风中的少年 提交于 2019-12-04 08:19:10
问题 I am trying to create 10 users at the same time in Jmeter, using REST APIs. Test Data i.e. input is taken from CSV files (The details of users like user name, last name , mobile) For this I have added one thread group,User Defined Variable,HTTP Header Manager, HTTP Request Sampler (which perform successful login into web application), JSON PATH EXTRACTOR ( to extract auth token, which will be used while adding user) To Add User, I have used one "Loop Controller" - "HTTP Request Sampler" -