
What is the efficient way to create a live search using javascript or jquery?

时光毁灭记忆、已成空白 提交于 2020-04-12 07:31:31
问题 I was making a live search for more than 10000 rows of the dataset. I have mentioned the available dom structure. Although I try to make a live search check every result after a single input, my browser is getting hang. Is there any other efficient way that I can reduce its complexity. <label class="label"> <input type="checkbox" name="123" value=""> </label> <label class="label"> <input type="checkbox" name="123" value=" General AUX"> General AUX </label> <label class="label"> <input type=

What is the efficient way to create a live search using javascript or jquery?

▼魔方 西西 提交于 2020-04-12 07:31:10
问题 I was making a live search for more than 10000 rows of the dataset. I have mentioned the available dom structure. Although I try to make a live search check every result after a single input, my browser is getting hang. Is there any other efficient way that I can reduce its complexity. <label class="label"> <input type="checkbox" name="123" value=""> </label> <label class="label"> <input type="checkbox" name="123" value=" General AUX"> General AUX </label> <label class="label"> <input type=

Reactjs and redux - How to prevent excessive api calls from a live-search component?

别来无恙 提交于 2020-03-21 05:13:52
问题 I have created this live-search component: class SearchEngine extends Component { constructor (props) { super(props); this.handleChange = this.handleChange.bind(this); this.handleSearch = this.handleSearch.bind(this); } handleChange (e) { this.props.handleInput(; //Redux } handleSearch (input, token) { this.props.handleSearch(input, token) //Redux }; componentWillUpdate(nextProps) { if(this.props.input !== nextProps.input){ this.handleSearch(nextProps.input, this.props

Reactjs and redux - How to prevent excessive api calls from a live-search component?

依然范特西╮ 提交于 2020-03-21 05:12:23
问题 I have created this live-search component: class SearchEngine extends Component { constructor (props) { super(props); this.handleChange = this.handleChange.bind(this); this.handleSearch = this.handleSearch.bind(this); } handleChange (e) { this.props.handleInput(; //Redux } handleSearch (input, token) { this.props.handleSearch(input, token) //Redux }; componentWillUpdate(nextProps) { if(this.props.input !== nextProps.input){ this.handleSearch(nextProps.input, this.props

Jquery ajax search debounce

拈花ヽ惹草 提交于 2020-01-23 19:18:03
问题 I am building a live search for a website that will return results based on what the user types. I only want the request to be sent when the user has finished typing. I have tried a few implementations using timers and even the debounce method from underscore.js but I always seem to be getting a similar result. While I am typing, the request is delayed until I have finished typing. But then it seems to fire all the inputs as if they were queued. For example, if I type in "bikes" the results

Jquery ajax search debounce

烂漫一生 提交于 2020-01-23 19:16:31
问题 I am building a live search for a website that will return results based on what the user types. I only want the request to be sent when the user has finished typing. I have tried a few implementations using timers and even the debounce method from underscore.js but I always seem to be getting a similar result. While I am typing, the request is delayed until I have finished typing. But then it seems to fire all the inputs as if they were queued. For example, if I type in "bikes" the results

Livesearch php and ajax

一世执手 提交于 2020-01-03 03:34:47
问题 I'm having some troubles with my code, I want it to execute the php file whenever I enter something but it isn't working <!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> function getStates(value) { $.post("search.php", {name:value},function(data) $("#results").html(data); }); } </script> </head> <input type="text" onkeyup="getStates(this.value)"/> <br>

Facebook Style AJAX Search

会有一股神秘感。 提交于 2019-12-29 03:25:09
问题 I've created a Facebook style ajax search for my site where as you type it will bring up the results in a nice list below your search. $("#s").keyup(function() { var searchbox = $(this).val(); var dataString = 's='+ searchbox; if(searchbox!='') { $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "/livesearch.php", data: dataString, cache: false, success: function(html){ $("#display").html(html).show(); } }); } else {return false; } }); $("body").click(function() { $("#display").hide(); }); The problem with this is