
What is the “JNP” protocol?

烂漫一生 提交于 2019-12-10 02:47:29
问题 I see URLs like jnp://localhost:1099/ mentioned when reading about HornetQ. What is the jnp protocol? What does it stand for? Where is the specification? All I could find was this forum thread, "What is JNP", in which the question does not get answered. 回答1: In short, JNP is the official JNDI naming implementation of JBoss AS prior to its version < 7.x, based on the JNP project (refer to the code repo URL). From the new AS7 documentation: Previous versions of JBoss AS (versions < 7.x) used

What is the “JNP” protocol?

半腔热情 提交于 2019-12-05 01:19:40
I see URLs like jnp://localhost:1099/ mentioned when reading about HornetQ. What is the jnp protocol? What does it stand for? Where is the specification? All I could find was this forum thread, "What is JNP" , in which the question does not get answered. In short, JNP is the official JNDI naming implementation of JBoss AS prior to its version < 7.x, based on the JNP project (refer to the code repo URL ). From the new AS7 documentation : Previous versions of JBoss AS (versions < 7.x) used JNP project ( http://anonsvn.jboss.org/repos/jbossas/projects/naming/ ) as the JNDI naming implementation.