
Set the whole request url in jmeter

烂漫一生 提交于 2020-06-29 02:55:13
问题 I have a request, which gives upload url as response body. { "uploadUrl": "" } I'm able to extract the uploadUrl using JSON extractor. I want to use above upload url to in next http request. How to set the new request here ? adding directly doent work, because JMeter prepends http/https before request, in this case we already have https. It got failed because it has https://[] 回答1: Leave HTTP Request fields empty

Taurus is not taking the Jmeter Setting local path even after changing .bzt-rc file

半世苍凉 提交于 2020-03-03 07:27:29
问题 I want to use the existing Jmeter Version (4.0) to run my scripts using Taurus.But Taurus is downloading & taking the latest Jmeter version though i change Jmeter setting Path: in .bzt-rc file. Updated bzt-rc file to below: # JMeter settings #modules: jmeter: # properties: # JMeter properties for every JMeter run # prop_name: prop value # system-properties: # Java system properties # "true" # memory-xmx: 4G # allow JMeter to use up to 4G of memory path: C:

Taurus is not taking the Jmeter Setting local path even after changing .bzt-rc file

假如想象 提交于 2020-03-03 07:25:18
问题 I want to use the existing Jmeter Version (4.0) to run my scripts using Taurus.But Taurus is downloading & taking the latest Jmeter version though i change Jmeter setting Path: in .bzt-rc file. Updated bzt-rc file to below: # JMeter settings #modules: jmeter: # properties: # JMeter properties for every JMeter run # prop_name: prop value # system-properties: # Java system properties # "true" # memory-xmx: 4G # allow JMeter to use up to 4G of memory path: C:

In Jmeter - How can i get, how much time taken to navigate a page

纵饮孤独 提交于 2020-01-25 10:13:52
问题 Can anyone help me on this. While navigating to e.x landing page the blazemeter recorder gives 10 HTTP requests. In this case, how can i get, how much time taken to navigate landing page. If I summarize all the requests time based on View Results in Table listener, it is more than the reponse time of chrome time hence couldn't get the exact time. Kindly guide me on this. Note: HTTP Request might be sequential or parallel. Chrome Response time is 4sec but View Results in Table listener sum

Automaticng “Save Table Data” from Summary Report/Aggregate Report of Jmeter

浪尽此生 提交于 2020-01-25 07:07:33
问题 I would like to know how to "Save Table Data" from Summary Report of JMeter automatically so that I can conclude on the Throughput rate. Currently I can click over "Save Table Data" button at the bottom of the report and store it but how can I automate it. Also, adding File name in browser saves the data but the header's are different as shown onscreen of Summary/Aggregate report. P.S: I want to download/save the headers that are displayed on screen of Summary Report / Aggregate Report

Start Time and End Time removed from Scheduler in JMeter 5.0

匆匆过客 提交于 2020-01-15 08:33:13
问题 I've been using JMeter 3.1 forever, but recently I've upgraded to 5.0. Did they remove the Start Time and End Time from the scheduler in the Thread Groups? If so, is there another way to set them via the GUI? 回答1: It was removed in JMeter 4.0 Incompatible changes Start time and End date of Thread Group have been removed, see Bug 61549 You should move to execute scheduling on other software, for example using Jenkins which can integrate JMeter using Performance Plugin includes the feature of

Jmeter 4.0 unable to access menus

做~自己de王妃 提交于 2020-01-02 05:17:09
问题 I have downloaded a fresh copy of JMeter 4.0 a couple of times and everytime it opens it throws a Java.lang.exceptionInInitializerError. When I look at the log it mentions the following. I have not installed any third party libraries. Any ideas on how I resolve this would be appreciated. Thanks Error initializing menus, check configuration if using 3rd party libraries java.lang.NullPointerException: null at javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalFileChooserUI$IndentIcon.getIconWidth(Unknown Source) ~[?

How to extract viewstate and eventvalidation using regular expression parsing partial renders with JMeter

蹲街弑〆低调 提交于 2019-12-24 20:59:06
问题 In my case, I am able to extract viewstate and eventvalidation from response, when the response is like: <input type="hidden" name="__VIEWSTATE" id="__VIEWSTATE" value="UGflz/O67VPwTmNdi......" by giving expression as: name="__VIEWSTATE" id="__VIEWSTATE" value="(.+?)" but what is the expression i need to use, when the response is like: |hiddenfield|__viewstate|koflrijcjafaygr......| How can I extract this type of response. 回答1: use "\" to escape | as for example to extract viewstate value