Automaticng “Save Table Data” from Summary Report/Aggregate Report of Jmeter

浪尽此生 提交于 2020-01-25 07:07:33


I would like to know how to "Save Table Data" from Summary Report of JMeter automatically so that I can conclude on the Throughput rate.

Currently I can click over "Save Table Data" button at the bottom of the report and store it but how can I automate it.

Also, adding File name in browser saves the data but the header's are different as shown onscreen of Summary/Aggregate report.

P.S: I want to download/save the headers that are displayed on screen of Summary Report / Aggregate Report automatically


Have a look at the jmeter Non-GUI-Mode options -e and -o. The generated HTML Dashboard contains a statistics table with this information.

However, further processing of the table data seems tricky, because it is hard-coded as JSON in the generated <report_name>/content/js/dashboard.js file.

