Taurus is not taking the Jmeter Setting local path even after changing .bzt-rc file

半世苍凉 提交于 2020-03-03 07:27:29


I want to use the existing Jmeter Version (4.0) to run my scripts using Taurus.But Taurus is downloading & taking the latest Jmeter version though i change Jmeter setting Path: in .bzt-rc file.

Updated bzt-rc file to below:

# JMeter settings

#    properties:  # JMeter properties for every JMeter run
#    prop_name: prop value
#    system-properties:  # Java system properties
#      sun.net.http.allowRestrictedHeaders: "true"
#    memory-xmx: 4G  # allow JMeter to use up to 4G of memory
    path: C:\Trusted\apache-jmeter-4.0\bin\jmeter  # path to local jmeter installation
#    version: 3.2  # version to use
#    plugins:  # plugins to install
#    - jpgc-json=2.2
#    - jmeter-ftp
#    - jpgc-casutg

With the Path Provided in Jmeter setting section i expected Taurus to take my local Jmeter copy and run the scripts.But its taking the latest Version of Jmeter.


Path should be of JMeter main folder

  path: C:\Trusted\apache-jmeter-4.0

I'm assuming also you have uncommented modules:

Also consider using latest JMeter version, currently 5.1

