
MySQL insert ISO8601 Datetime format

邮差的信 提交于 2019-12-24 06:45:26
问题 I am having trouble with inserting ISO8601 Datetime format into my MySQL database. I would like to insert ISO format (i.e. yyyymmddThhmmss+|-hhmm ) into my database table, DATETIME column. When I try to insert I got problem with: Operation failed: There was an error while applying the SQL script to the database. Executing: UPDATE db . orders SET date ='20080915T155300+0500' WHERE id ='1'; ERROR 1292: 1292: Incorrect datetime value: '20080915T155300+0500' for column 'date' at row 1 SQL

validate MPD file - using MPEG-DASH

谁说胖子不能爱 提交于 2019-12-24 06:07:17
问题 I have just started using MPEG-DASH (from the client side), following the c057623_ISO_IEC_23009-1_2012 spec. Does anyone know if there is a public lib or open source to validate MPD file I receive? I have no problem in processing the xml. Any help will be appreciated. 回答1: You may want to check this MPEG-DASH MPD Validator The DASH Industry Forum provides great software resources for all things MPEG DASH. 回答2: Here another MPD Validator from dashif: DASHIF Validator. In respect to the error

Java library/api which converts language code to language name

扶醉桌前 提交于 2019-12-24 03:49:15
问题 Is there a Java library/api which , given an iso language code, returns the corresponding language name. For example zh-cn should return chinese, en should return english and so on. 回答1: The Java Locale class can do this: new Locale("zh", "cn").getDisplayName(); --> Chinese (China) You just have to parse the language/country names. 回答2: You don't need a library; you can use java.util.Locale for this. Locale locale = new Locale("zh", "cn"); System.out.println(locale.getDisplayLanguage()); This

javascript Date.parse assumes 31 days in February and all months?

我们两清 提交于 2019-12-23 12:27:39
问题 It seems to me that Date.parse assumes all months have 31 days. Including months with 30 days and including February(which should only ever have 28/29 days). I checked this question 31 days in February in Date object But the answer there suggested there was nothing wrong with Date in his issue..Somebody said something to the questioner about zero indexing and he pretty much said "oh ok", and determined that it was his mistake and not a mistake of Date. Another question Date is considering 31

converting Time class object to RFC3339 in Ruby

不羁岁月 提交于 2019-12-23 07:34:43
问题 Google Calendar API(v2)'s time-related query is required to be RFC3339-formatted. When I looked up Time class after 'require "time"', I could not see rfc3339 method. 回答1: You'll need to convert the time to a DateTime object: #=> "2014-11-06T10:40:54+11:00" See: 回答2: Does this help? DateTime.parse('2001-02-03T04:05:06

converting Time class object to RFC3339 in Ruby

∥☆過路亽.° 提交于 2019-12-23 07:31:37
问题 Google Calendar API(v2)'s time-related query is required to be RFC3339-formatted. When I looked up Time class after 'require "time"', I could not see rfc3339 method. 回答1: You'll need to convert the time to a DateTime object: #=> "2014-11-06T10:40:54+11:00" See: 回答2: Does this help? DateTime.parse('2001-02-03T04:05:06

No bootloader found on bootable medium

被刻印的时光 ゝ 提交于 2019-12-23 02:45:36
问题 I'm currently playing with mkisofs, dd and assembly. I've created simple bootloader: BITS 16 ;------------------- ;SIMPLE BOOTLOADER ;------------------- start: mov ax, 0x07C0 mov ds, ax mov si, welcmsg call printstr mov ah, 0Eh mov al, 65 int 10h cli; hlt; printstr: pusha mov ah, 0Eh .loop: mov al, byte [ds:si] cmp al, 0 jz .end int 10h inc si jmp .loop .end: popa ret ;------------------- ;DATA ;------------------- welcmsg: db "Welcome!", 0x0D, 0x0A, 0 ;------------------- ;FILL ;-----------

Change android camera's iso value after startPreview()

吃可爱长大的小学妹 提交于 2019-12-23 01:51:12
问题; Get parameters of camera and set iso value 100 (default value was "auto") set parameters to camera camera.startPreview(); camera's iso value is 100 at this time. It works fine. change the iso value to 400, and iso value is shown well as I expected. ("iso = 400") 7. but preview image has not changed at all.. <---- image must be brighten! but nothing has been changed.. Is there a way to change iso value after start preview? autoWhitebalanceLock = true, autoExposureLock = true,

Leaks while adding to array in while loop

梦想与她 提交于 2019-12-23 01:43:36
问题 I have function named: - (void) AddSortedCustomFeed :(NSMutableArray*) rssList; this function adds items(Articles) from sqlite database to NSMutableArray here how this function works: - (void) AddSortedCustomFeed :(NSMutableArray*)rssList { NSLog(@"\n\n\n ----- Add Sorted SQL Database -----"); NSLog(@"Start"); // Create Query String. NSString* sqliteQuery = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"SELECT mainLink, title, summary, pubDate, author, imageLink, body, favorites, pubdatetime FROM ARTICLES

__isoc99_scanf and scanf

南笙酒味 提交于 2019-12-22 04:01:29
问题 I was studying various compiler option in GCC and observing changes when I made changes in the standard to be used. $ gcc Q1.c -Wall -save-temps -o Q1 $ vi Q1.s I see one of the opcodes as call __isoc99_scanf and now when I compile with the C89 standards $gcc Q1.c -Wall -save-temps -std=c89 -o Q1 $ vi Q1.s I see the opcode as call scanf What is the difference between these two forms of scanf ? Any link where I can see their source would be highly appreciated. 回答1: The reason is strict