
Is it possible to use instanceof when passing objects between Threads?

故事扮演 提交于 2019-11-29 02:32:44
问题 I've run into an issue where instanceof works, and then it doesn't. Going into details is difficult, but I think this might be the problem: Reading this: (search for Thread.currentThread), it seems to imply that, even if the two objects are the same class, if you pass them between threads with different class loaders, instanceof (and isAssignableFrom) might still fail. This certainly would explain the behavior I'm having, but I was

PHP instanceof for traits

自古美人都是妖i 提交于 2019-11-29 00:08:22
问题 What is the proper way to check if a class uses a certain trait? 回答1: While nothing stops you from using instanceof with traits, the recommended approach is to pair traits with interfaces. So you'd have: class Foo implements MyInterface { use MyTrait; } Where MyTrait is an implementation of MyInterface . Then you check for the interface instead of traits like so: if ($foo instanceof MyInterface) { ... } And you can also type hint, which you can't with traits: function bar(MyInterface $foo) {

instanceof 关键字

久未见 提交于 2019-11-28 22:50:08
instanceof 严格来说是Java中的一个双目运算符,用来测试一个对象是否为一个类的实例,用法为: boolean result = obj instanceof Class ;  其中 obj 为一个对象,Class 表示一个类或者一个接口,当 obj 为 Class 的对象,或者是其直接或间接子类,或者是其接口的实现类,结果result 都返回 true,否则返回false。  注意:编译器会检查 obj 是否能转换成右边的class类型,如果不能转换则直接报错,如果不能确定类型,则通过编译,具体看运行时定。 1. obj 必须为引用类型,不能是基本类型; 2. obj 为 null , 返回 false ; 3. obj 为 class 类的实例对象 ; 4. obj 为 class 接口的实现类 ; 5. obj 为 class 类的直接或间接子类 ; 6. 如果 obj 不为 null 并且 (T) obj 不抛 ClassCastException 异常则该表达式值为 true ,否则值为 false 。 来源:


回眸只為那壹抹淺笑 提交于 2019-11-28 22:37:00
前言  在学习JS中的原型,原型链,继承这些知识之前,我们先学习下基础知识:函数和对象的关系。  我们一直都知道,函数也是对象的一种,因为通过instanceof就可以判断出来。但是函数和对象的关系并不是简单的包含和被包含的关系,这两者之间的关系还是有点复杂的。接下来我们就来捋一捋。 首先,阐述一点,对象都是通过函数创建的 对于下面这种类型的代码,一般叫做“语法糖” var obj = {a:10,b:20}; var arr = [5, 'x', true]; 但是,其实上面这段代码的实质是下面这样的: //var obj = { a: 10, b: 20 }; //var arr = [5, 'x', true]; var obj = new Object(); obj.a = 10; obj.b = 20; var arr = new Array(); arr[0] = 5; arr[1] = 'x'; arr[2] = true; 而Object和Array都是函数,可以自己用typeof函数进行验证。 所以,可以得出:对象都是通过函数创建的 正文 说完了前言,接下来我们进入正题。 1. 原型prototype 在前言中,我们说了函数也是一种对象,所以函数也是属性的集合,同时,也可以对函数进行自定义属性。 每个函数都有一个属性——prototype


╄→гoц情女王★ 提交于 2019-11-28 21:44:31
多态 1.什么是多态 同一父类的不同子类对象 对同一方法调用,产生的不同的行为 2.为什么使用多态 减少代码冗余,增强程序的可维护性和可扩展性 3.怎么使用多态 3.1定义父类 3.2定义子类继承父类 3.3子类重写父类方法 3.4子类对象赋给父类引用 3.5使用父类引用调用子类重写后的方法 强制类型转换 1.什么是类型转换 就是将一个类型引用,转换成另一个类型 2.为什么需要类型转换 父类引用无法调用到子类特有的成员,如果必须调用就是需要强制类型转换 3.怎么类型转换 (<类型>)<引用> Pet p=xxx; (Dog)p 4.强制类型转换的注意事项 如果将一个A子类的引用强转成B子类,会发生类型转换异常ClassCastException 为了防止这样的异常发生在强转前,一般要先判断一下实际的类型 instanceof运算符(关键字) 1.什么是instanceof(属于) 判断一个对象是否属于一个类型 2.为什么需要instanceof 为了防止类型转换异常 3.怎么使用instanceof 格式 <对象> instanceof <类型> 运算的结果是一个boolean值 来源:

How to perform runtime type checking in Dart?

大兔子大兔子 提交于 2019-11-28 21:19:58
问题 Dart specification states: Reified type information reflects the types of objects at runtime and may always be queried by dynamic typechecking constructs (the analogs of instanceOf, casts, typecase etc. in other languages). Sounds great, but there is no instanceof -like operator. So how do we perform runtime type-checking in Dart? Is it possible at all? 回答1: The instanceof-operator is called is in Dart. The spec isn't exactly friendly to a casual reader, so the best description right now

When is it acceptable to use instanceof? [closed]

僤鯓⒐⒋嵵緔 提交于 2019-11-28 21:02:00
问题 Closed . This question is opinion-based. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it can be answered with facts and citations by editing this post. Closed 12 months ago . I'm designing a game. In the game, various game objects extend different interfaces (and one abstract class) depending on what they need to be doing, and are passed to handlers which take care of items with a specific interface at defined intervals (they actually spread all

Is it good practice to often use instanceof?

六眼飞鱼酱① 提交于 2019-11-28 20:52:01
The scenario. I'm writting game-related code. In that game a Player (its also a class) has a list of Item . There are other types of items that inherit from Item , for example ContainerItem , DurableItem or WeaponItem . Obviously it is very conveniant for me to just have List<Item> . But when I get the players items, the only way for me to distinguish between what type of item is by using the instanceof keyword. I'm sure I've read that reliaing on it is bad practice. Is it ok to use it in this case? Or should I rethink all of my structure? Let's say I am writing some inventory code: public

What is the C# equivalent to Java's isInstance()?

若如初见. 提交于 2019-11-28 18:30:32
I know of is and as for instanceof , but what about the reflective isInstance() method? The equivalent of Java’s obj.getClass().isInstance(otherObj) in C# is as follows: bool result = obj.GetType().IsAssignableFrom(otherObj.GetType()); Note that while both Java and C# work on the runtime type object (Java java.lang.Class ≣ C# System.Type ) of an obj (via .getClass() vs .getType() ), Java’s isInstance takes an object as its argument, whereas C#’s IsAssignableFrom expects another System.Type object. bool result = (obj is MyClass); // Better than using 'as' Depends, use is if you don't want to

Java: instanceof Generic

房东的猫 提交于 2019-11-28 18:14:03
Isn't there any way to find the class-type of a generic? if (T instanceof String) { // do something... } The above definitely does not compile. Generics are a compile time feature. Generics add checks at compile time which may not have any meaning at runtime. This is one example. You can only check the type of the object referenced which could be a super type in code. If you want to pass the type T you have do this explicitly. void someMethod(Class<T> tClass) { if(String.class.isAssignableFrom(tClass)) or void someMethod(Class<T> tClass, T tArg) { Note: the type might not be the same,