
How can I use chart tooltip formatter in react-highcharts?

狂风中的少年 提交于 2021-01-27 03:50:14
问题 how can I use chart tooltip formatter? I am using react wrapper for highcharts. I have config like this: const CHART_CONFIG = { ... tooltip: { formatter: (tooltip) => { var s = '<b>' + this.x + '</b>'; _.each(this.points, () => { s += '<br/>' + this.series.name + ': ' + this.y + 'm'; }); return s; }, shared: true }, ... } But I can't access chart scope using this keyword and also I can't get point from tooltip param. Thanks 回答1: I've already encountered this problem. I've solved it by

How can I use chart tooltip formatter in react-highcharts?

删除回忆录丶 提交于 2021-01-27 03:50:13
问题 how can I use chart tooltip formatter? I am using react wrapper for highcharts. I have config like this: const CHART_CONFIG = { ... tooltip: { formatter: (tooltip) => { var s = '<b>' + this.x + '</b>'; _.each(this.points, () => { s += '<br/>' + this.series.name + ': ' + this.y + 'm'; }); return s; }, shared: true }, ... } But I can't access chart scope using this keyword and also I can't get point from tooltip param. Thanks 回答1: I've already encountered this problem. I've solved it by

Highstock Navigator always starts from 1970-1-1

只愿长相守 提交于 2021-01-27 02:58:11
问题 I have problem with Highstock navigator always displaying 1970-1-1 as a start point when creating dynamic series and data... does anyone have encountered this issue and has some workarounds? Here is an example: http://jsfiddle.net/sokarovski/SRtvn/ var $container = $('.canvas'); var chart = new Highcharts.StockChart({ chart: { renderTo: $container[0] }, xAxis: { type: 'datetime' , ordinal: false } }); chart.addSeries({ data: [ [Date.UTC(2013,1,1), 0], [Date.UTC(2013,1,5), 10], [Date.UTC(2013


二次信任 提交于 2021-01-26 10:26:48
数据图表前端组件在物联网和实时监控的场景有广泛的应用,当前比较流行的有Echarts、HighCharts等组件。本文主要讲解如何通过DolphinDB的Web数据接口和JavaScript来展示 DolphinDB time-series database 的数据。 DolphinDB提供了基于HTTPS协议的接口,可以通过HTTP的post方式提交查询语句并返回JSON格式的结果。具体用法可以参考 DolphinDB Web API 。 DolphinDB的返回数据格式是列式的JSON字符串。例如,一个表返回JSON如下: { "sessionID": "3691974869", "userId": "admin", "resultCode": "0", "msg": "", "object": [{ "name": "", "form": "table", "size": "11", "value": [{ "name": "second_time", "form": "vector", "type": "second", "size": "11", "value": ["13:03:50", "13:03:51", "13:03:52", "13:03:53", "13:03:54", "13:03:55", "13:03:56", "13:03:57", "13:03

Modify a csv file line by line

|▌冷眼眸甩不掉的悲伤 提交于 2021-01-23 06:35:20
问题 I have a big file that I want to modify every line in it. I want to use PHP to do it quickly : My file is CSV file ; 20010103,02,00,00,0.9496 20010103,03,00,00,0.9504 20010103,04,00,00,0.9499 I want to make it like this to be able to use it late with Highchart: [Date.UTC(2001,01,03,02,00,00),0.9496], [Date.UTC(2001,01,03,03,00,00),0.9504], [Date.UTC(2001,01,03,04,00,00),0.9499], How canI loop every line and make this modification ? 回答1: See the fgetcsv and fputcsv PHP functions. It will

Modify a csv file line by line

南笙酒味 提交于 2021-01-23 06:33:54
问题 I have a big file that I want to modify every line in it. I want to use PHP to do it quickly : My file is CSV file ; 20010103,02,00,00,0.9496 20010103,03,00,00,0.9504 20010103,04,00,00,0.9499 I want to make it like this to be able to use it late with Highchart: [Date.UTC(2001,01,03,02,00,00),0.9496], [Date.UTC(2001,01,03,03,00,00),0.9504], [Date.UTC(2001,01,03,04,00,00),0.9499], How canI loop every line and make this modification ? 回答1: See the fgetcsv and fputcsv PHP functions. It will

Modify a csv file line by line

半世苍凉 提交于 2021-01-23 06:33:53
问题 I have a big file that I want to modify every line in it. I want to use PHP to do it quickly : My file is CSV file ; 20010103,02,00,00,0.9496 20010103,03,00,00,0.9504 20010103,04,00,00,0.9499 I want to make it like this to be able to use it late with Highchart: [Date.UTC(2001,01,03,02,00,00),0.9496], [Date.UTC(2001,01,03,03,00,00),0.9504], [Date.UTC(2001,01,03,04,00,00),0.9499], How canI loop every line and make this modification ? 回答1: See the fgetcsv and fputcsv PHP functions. It will

使用RxJs WebSocket,HighCharts和Angular实时数据

…衆ロ難τιáo~ 提交于 2021-01-21 14:04:12
Highcharts 是一款纯JavaScript编写的图表库,为你的Web网站、Web应用程序提供直观、交互式图表。当前支持折线、曲线、区域、区域曲线图、柱形图、条形图、饼图、散点图、角度测量图、区域排列图、区域曲线排列图、柱形排列图、极坐标图等几十种图表类型。 点击下载Highcharts最新试用版 在本教程中,我们将向您展示如何使用RxJs Websocket和官方的Highcharts Angular包装器可视化实时更新。您可以通过单击此GitHub链接访问整个项目。 备注 在本文中,使用随机数据来更新图表。没有服务器端代码的实现。 创建此项目有两个主要部分: 第一部分是设置Angular项目。为此,请遵循此Angular指南中的标准说明:设置本地环境和工作区。 第二部分是通过以下三个简单步骤来使用RxJsWebSocket和Highcharts设置Angular项目: 步骤1 由于我们将使用默认协议WSS(WebSocket协议),因此配置项目中的第一步是WebSocket import {webSocket}从rxjs/webSocket包中导入。 顺便说一句,如果你不熟悉WSS,这里是当有订阅的插座会发生什么的简短说明: 该rxjs管是用于撰写运营商的方法。订阅时收到的Emitted值仅被推入数组中并分配给data属性

Static Highcharts graphic with external csv data and dynamic footnote

给你一囗甜甜゛ 提交于 2021-01-07 02:17:34
问题 I have a highcharts graphic, which consists of a static javascript code and external dynamic csv data. (The external CSV data is updated daily, the Javascript code remains unchanged). Now I would like to add a footnote, e.g. using "caption", which should also be dynamic. How can I make the footer dynamic? The jsfiddle example is here: https://jsfiddle.net/martindfurrer/kx5ebgny/ caption: { text: 'The Javascript code is static, the data is in a csv file. This text should also be dynamic, i.e.

Static Highcharts graphic with external csv data and dynamic footnote

霸气de小男生 提交于 2021-01-07 02:17:07
问题 I have a highcharts graphic, which consists of a static javascript code and external dynamic csv data. (The external CSV data is updated daily, the Javascript code remains unchanged). Now I would like to add a footnote, e.g. using "caption", which should also be dynamic. How can I make the footer dynamic? The jsfiddle example is here: https://jsfiddle.net/martindfurrer/kx5ebgny/ caption: { text: 'The Javascript code is static, the data is in a csv file. This text should also be dynamic, i.e.