
Why does UDP have a length field in the header and TCP does not?

て烟熏妆下的殇ゞ 提交于 2020-05-24 10:12:21
问题 Why does UDP have a length field in the header and TCP does not? I am guessing that the length of the segment in TCP is inferred from the IP header but one should be able to do the same for a UDP datagram 回答1: According to TCP/IP Illustrated Volume 1 , the length field is redundant. That's all Stevens says on the matter. I personally believe it was to make the UDP header length (in bits) divisible by 32 :) 回答2: There is a 96 bit pseudo header conceptually prefixed to the TCP header that

How to rename h1 text with javascript (on wordpress)

ぃ、小莉子 提交于 2020-05-17 08:49:20
问题 I would like to rename a h1 text in the header for any single page, is it possible with a script? The line of the title is: 回答1: Like this I wrap in a page load event and then use the closest known selector If you have class="titoloheader" the code is even simpler than using div[data-row=middle] h1 If you want to change only on pages with /articoli/ you can test pathname: const url = new URL(location.href); if (url.pathname.split("/").indexOf("articoli") !=-1) { document.querySelector("h1

In Spark, how to write header in a file, if there is no row in a dataframe?

懵懂的女人 提交于 2020-05-16 04:36:16
问题 I want to write a header in a file if there is no row in dataframe, Currently when I write an empty dataframe to a file then file is created but it does not have header in it. I am writing dataframe using these setting and command: Dataframe.repartition(1) \ .write \ .format("com.databricks.spark.csv") \ .option("ignoreLeadingWhiteSpace", False) \ .option("ignoreTrailingWhiteSpace", False) \ .option("header", "true") \ .save('/mnt/Bilal/Dataframe'); I want the header row in the file, even if

Use 'navigation' and 'route' inside header present in class - React-navigation v5

你。 提交于 2020-04-10 05:31:43
问题 I'm stuck as I want to switch to the V5 version of react-navigation. With v4, I used to pass my params and use them with : Set : this.props.navigation.navigate('MyDestination', {myParam: 'value'}) Get : this.props.navigation.getParam('myParam') With v5, some things changed and I now can't use the this.props.navigation since it's not seemed to be known by the app. My code is splitted so I have my App.js that only refer to the Navigation class : import React from 'react'; import { StyleSheet,

Spark 2.3.0 Read Text File With Header Option Not Working

心已入冬 提交于 2020-04-10 03:53:10
问题 The code below is working and creates a Spark dataframe from a text file. However, I'm trying to use the header option to use the first column as header and for some reason it doesn't seem to be happening. I cannot understand why! It must be something stupid but I cannot solve this. >>>from pyspark.sql import SparkSession >>>spark = SparkSession.builder.master("local").appName("Word Count")\ .config("spark.some.config.option", "some-value")\ .getOrCreate() >>>df = spark.read.option("header",


时间秒杀一切 提交于 2020-04-08 11:51:22
location / { proxy_pass http://localhost:3000; proxy_http_version 1.1; proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade; proxy_set_header Connection 'upgrade'; proxy_set_header Host $host; proxy_cache_bypass $http_upgrade; } 来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/sanduzxcvbnm/p/12658303.html

02.Jquery Mobile介绍以及Jquery Mobile页面与对话框

蓝咒 提交于 2020-04-07 18:27:40
一、 为什么要学 Jquery Mobile JqueryMobile 是jquery的移动版本,懂基本的jquery知识,会简单的html+css就可以完成很多复杂的功能,还有就是这个框架在企业中用的也是比较多的 二、 Adobe Dreamweaver CS6 环境搭建以及软件破解 软件安装步骤: http://www.phonegap100.com/article-79-1.html 软件下载链接地址: http://bbs.phonegap100.com/thread-135-1-1.html 三、 Jquery Mobile 页面的基本组成 1.<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width" /> 通常情况移动设备以900px的宽度显示页面,加上这句话,可以使页面的宽度与移动设备的屏幕宽度相同 2.页面基本组成 <div data-role="page"> <div data-role="header">头部</div> <div data-role="content">被容</div> <div data-role="footer">底部</div> </div> < s ection id="page1" data-role="page"> < h eader data-role="header"><h1>标题<

IdentityServer 部署踩坑记

眉间皱痕 提交于 2020-04-07 16:43:25
IdentityServer 部署踩坑记 Intro 周末终于部署了 IdentityServer 以及 IdentityServerAdmin 项目,踩了几个坑,在此记录分享一下。 部署架构 项目是基于 IdentityServerAdmin 项目修改的,感谢作者的开源付出,有需要 IdentityServer 管理需求的可以关注一下,觉得好用的可以给个 star 支持一下 https://github.com/skoruba/IdentityServer4.Admin 实际部署的有两个服务,一个是 IdentityServer 项目( https://id.weihanli.xyz ),一个是 IdentityAdmin 项目(< https://id-admin.weihanli.xyz >)。 两个服务都是部署在一台服务器上,这一台服务器上部署一个单节点的 kubernetes,两个服务都是部署在 k8s 上并通过 NortPort 的方式对外提供服务,外面有一层 nginx 做了请求转发同时提供对外 https 的支持。 最初的 nginx 配置如下 server { listen 443; ssl_certificate /home/pipeline/.acme.sh/*.weihanli.xyz/*.weihanli.xyz.cer; ssl_certificate

PHP 页面编码声明方法详解(header或meta)

随声附和 提交于 2020-04-07 04:58:22
php的header来定义一个php页面为utf编码或GBK编码 php页面为utf编码 header("Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8"); php页面为gbk编码 header("Content-type: text/html; charset=gb2312"); php页面为big5编码 header("Content-type: text/html; charset=big5"); 通常情况以上代码放在php页面的首页 用header或meta实现PHP页面编码的区别 一、页面编码 1. 使用 <META http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=xxx"> 标签设置页面编码 这 个标签的作用是声明客户端的浏览器用什么字符集编码显示该页面,xxx可以为GB2312,GBK,UTF-8(和MySQL不同,MySQL是 UTF8)等等。因此,大部分页面可以采用这种方式来告诉浏览器显示这个页面的时候采用什么编码,这样才不会造成编码错误而产生乱码。但是有的时候我们会 发现有了这句还是不行,不管xxx是哪一种,浏览器采用的始终都是一种编码,这个情况我后面会谈到。 请注意,<meta>是属于html信息的,仅仅是一个声明,它起作用表明服务器已经把HTML信息传到了浏览器。 2


不问归期 提交于 2020-04-07 04:56:32
用php的header来定义一个php页面为utf编码或GBK编码 : php页面为utf编码 header("Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8"); php页面为gbk编码 header("Content-type: text/html; charset=gb2312"); php页面为big5编码 header("Content-type: text/html; charset=big5"); 通常情况以上代码放在php页面的首页 用header或meta实现PHP页面编码的区别 一、页面编码 1. 使用 <META http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=xxx"> 标签设置页面编码 这个标签的作用是声明客户端的浏览器用什么字符集编码显示该页面,xxx可以为GB2312,GBK,UTF-8(和MySQL不同,MySQL是 UTF8)等等。因此,大部分页面可以采用这种方式来告诉浏览器显示这个页面的时候采用什么编码,这样才不会造成编码错误而产生乱码。但是有的时候我们会 发现有了这句还是不行,不管xxx是哪一种,浏览器采用的始终都是一种编码,这个情况我后面会谈到。 请注意,<meta>是属于html信息的,仅仅是一个声明,它起作用表明服务器已经把HTML信息传到了浏览器。