
What is the equivalent of the gremlin queries in gremlin javascript?

允我心安 提交于 2020-05-30 08:22:48
问题 How can I write the 3 gremlin queries below with gremlin javascript, please? gremlin> g.V.filter{".*ark.*")}.name g.V().filter({ it.getProperty("name").contains("ark") }) g.V().filter(label().is('person')) 回答1: filter() traversal method expects a predicate or a traversal. Predicates using lambdas are not yet supported on the JavaScript GLV, I've filed a ticket for it: const gremlin = require('gremlin'); const __ = gremlin

403 Forbidden error for Gremlin to AWS Neptune

徘徊边缘 提交于 2020-05-28 06:53:29
问题 Thanks a lot for your help in advance I'm trying to setup my AWS Neptune environment by following the instruction at . The setup seems to be fine, and I could check the status by using the Neptune Notebook install. The status message as: { "status": "healthy", "startTime": "Tue May 12 04:24:52 UTC 2020", "dbEngineVersion": "", "role": "writer", "gremlin": { "version": "tinkerpop-3.4.3" }, "sparql": { "version":

No such property: ToInputStream for class: Script4

。_饼干妹妹 提交于 2020-05-17 08:54:07
问题 I have a situation where I want to import my graph data to database.I am having janusgraph(latest version) running with cassandra(version 3) and elasticsearch(version 6.6.0) using Docker.I have been suggested to use gryo format.So I have tried this command"my_graph.kryo"), graph); but ended up with an error No such property: ToInputStream for class: Script4 The documentation I am following is here.Please take a look and

Java GraphTraversal output Gremlin query

拟墨画扇 提交于 2020-05-15 21:45:12
问题 How to output Gremlin query from a Java GraphTraversal object? The default output ( graphTraversal.toString() ) looks like [HasStep([~label.eq(brand), name.eq(Nike), status.within([VALID])])] which is not easy to read. 回答1: Gremlin provides the GroovyTranslator class to help with that. Here is an example. // Simple traversal we can use for testing a few things Traversal t = g.V().has("airport","region","US-TX"). local(values("code","city"). fold()); // Generate the text form of the query from

How to add vertices to gremlin server in a batch from Gremlin.NET?

跟風遠走 提交于 2020-05-12 08:28:38
问题 I am trying to populate a graph running in gremlin server with data from my SQL database. I would like to read the data from the database, iterate over the results and add them to the graph. This is done in a c# program so I am using Gremlin.NET bytecode. I CAN do this by doing the c# equivalent of the example found here: And the c# equivalent of the answer found here: Adding multiple vertices, changing one

No such property: ToInputStream for class: Script4

天涯浪子 提交于 2020-05-09 06:58:05
问题 I have a situation where I want to import my graph data to database.I am having janusgraph(latest version) running with cassandra(version 3) and elasticsearch(version 6.6.0) using Docker.I have been suggested to use gryo format.So I have tried this command"my_graph.kryo"), graph); but ended up with an error No such property: ToInputStream for class: Script4 The documentation I am following is here.Please take a look and

JanusGraph .net C#

前提是你 提交于 2020-05-09 05:32:32
问题 Hey Can anyone help me figure out how I can connect to remote JanusGraph server hosting several graphs and query a specific graph (by graph name) using C# ? I can connect to the server but I can't query a specific graph. var c = JanusGraph.Net.JanusGraphClientBuilder.BuildClientForServer(server).Create(); var connection = new DriverRemoteConnection(c); var g = Traversal().WithRemote(connection); How we can implement ConfiguredGraphFactory.create("graphName") or

什么是云数据库 HBase 版

坚强是说给别人听的谎言 提交于 2020-05-01 03:00:19
云数据库 HBase 版 (ApsaraDB for HBase)是基于 Hadoop 的一个分布式数据库,支持海量的PB级的大数据存储,适用于高吞吐的随机读写的场景。目前在阿里内部有数百个集群,10000台左右规模的集群,服务数百个业务线,在订单存储、消息存储、物联网、轨迹、wifi、安全风控、搜索等领域有较多的在线应用。 阿里云特别提供HBase产品化方案服务广大的中小型客户。 精心打造的功能 产品内核及架构深度优化 架构高可用,集群可无限扩展,内核深度优化 架构高可用 高可用架构,Master互为主备模式,且HA实时检测,保障业务高可靠;core节点故障时,region可秒级切换 集群弹性扩展 单core节点提供最高10万QPS、最高8T存储空间;磁盘及节点可灵活扩容,可轻松扩展到千台规模,满足千万级QPS及数PB存储空间 低延迟 SSD存储满足0.2k单条 999延迟3ms 平均延迟1ms 内核深度优化 集团HBase规模超过万台,多位PMC、Committer保驾护航 数据备份 支持HBase集群数据备份及恢复 HBase低成本存储 支持HBase低成本存储,存储成本降低50%以上 双集群容灾 支持HBase双集群容灾 构建领域数据库满足多种场景需求 支持SQL、时序、时空、图、检索等诉求 支持实时小对象存储 满足10M以内的对象实时存储,实时访问 支持SQL

Janusgraph using Gremlin query in .net core 3.0

孤者浪人 提交于 2020-04-29 03:28:46
问题 We currently use library in a net core 3.0 application to connect to Janusgraph db. We need to execute below query in janusgraph g.V('12345').outE('myedge').has('datetime',lt(1581922847)).order().by('datetime', incr).limit(100).valueMap().as('time').inV().as('user').select('time','user') The query runs fine as long as we dont have inV() part. If we have inV() , we are facing below error, ScriptEvaluationError: java.util.LinkedHashMap cannot be cast to org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin

Janusgraph using Gremlin query in .net core 3.0

懵懂的女人 提交于 2020-04-29 03:28:17
问题 We currently use library in a net core 3.0 application to connect to Janusgraph db. We need to execute below query in janusgraph g.V('12345').outE('myedge').has('datetime',lt(1581922847)).order().by('datetime', incr).limit(100).valueMap().as('time').inV().as('user').select('time','user') The query runs fine as long as we dont have inV() part. If we have inV() , we are facing below error, ScriptEvaluationError: java.util.LinkedHashMap cannot be cast to org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin