
Detect Google Glass Programmatically

淺唱寂寞╮ 提交于 2019-12-14 03:44:09
问题 From a native application how can we detect Google Glass verses a smart phone from code? Moving correct answer to question: boolean isRunningOnGlass() { return "Google".equalsIgnoreCase(Build.MANUFACTURER) && Build.MODEL.startsWith("Glass"); } 回答1: Another way of doing this would be to use the Build API: 回答2: Using the GDK, you could use: boolean isRunningOnGlass() { return "Google".equalsIgnoreCase(Build.MANUFACTURER) && Build

Barcode Scanner doesn't work on Glass GDK

一个人想着一个人 提交于 2019-12-14 03:44:02
问题 I am new to Glass GDK development and I have a problem with scanning a barcode. I have followed this( post but my barcode scanner still doesn't work. it looks like a photo attached. I had a look also on BarcodeEye project but I don't understand how can I integrate it with my project. Can you please help me? CameraConfiguration public void googleGlassInit(Camera camera) { Camera.Parameters params = camera

How can i get IP of my glass when it is connected by bluetooth to my mobile?

▼魔方 西西 提交于 2019-12-13 19:19:20
问题 I have my glass paired by bluetooth with my mobile. My mobile is connected to a WiFi network (and my glass isn't connected to WiFi, it uses the WiFi of my mobile). I know I can get IP local ip addres with this code: WifiManager wifiMgr = (WifiManager) getSystemService(WIFI_SERVICE); WifiInfo wifiInfo = wifiMgr.getConnectionInfo(); int ip = wifiInfo.getIpAddress(); String ipAddress = Formatter.formatIpAddress(ip); It's work OK if i run this code in a tablet o smartphone, but if i run it in my

Google Glass and Speech Recognizer time delay recognizing results

↘锁芯ラ 提交于 2019-12-13 18:31:55
问题 I am working on a Glass application that will perform "Next Card" and "Previous Card" via speech. The application works just fine, except the time from when the word is spoken to when the action is performed is just over 1 second. This is a long enough delay that it is noticeable. This does not respond as quickly as Google has it with "ok glass". The most obvious change seems to be to implement: EXTRA_SPEECH_INPUT_MINIMUM_LENGTH_MILLIS and/or EXTRA_SPEECH_INPUT_COMPLETE_SILENCE_LENGTH_MILLIS

Implement low-frequency live card in google glass

情到浓时终转凉″ 提交于 2019-12-13 06:24:26
问题 I try to implement low-frequency Live Card using the instruction provided in the GDK guides. I have a layout that I want to render and the LiveCard service class (that extends Service). I also have the Menu: activity to handle menu callbacks, making the menu transparent, and provide a PendingIntent for the card's action using setAction() in the LiveCard service. I also got a successful message when loading the app into Glass but it doesn't show up in my Glass. I'm not sure what else is

EyeGesture and EyeGestureManager clarity needed

房东的猫 提交于 2019-12-13 04:47:44
问题 Google review team requires glassewares to: Dim the screen if there isn't an expectation that a user is looking at it. This is consistent with the "in the here and now" experience of Glass. Glassware should always dim the screen if there isn't an expectation that a user is looking at it. Ideally it behaves like a timeline and dims after 15s. A user can 'rewake' the screen by looking up . Update to be made: If a user is not looking at the results set in the card scroller, dim the screen. This


时间秒杀一切 提交于 2019-12-13 01:24:05
问题 I have a Glass GDK app (open-source on Github) that works fine on XE12. I got the XE16 update yesterday, and now when I run gradlew installDebug to deploy to Glass, I get the message: :onebusaway-android:installDebug pkg: /data/local/tmp/onebusaway-android-debug-unaligned.apk Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_MISSING_SHARED_LIBRARY] Here are the changes I've made to update to XE16: I've changed my compileSdkVersion to "Google Inc.:Glass Development Kit Preview:19" I've updated the gdk.jar in the /libs

Google glass sample projects are crashing

安稳与你 提交于 2019-12-12 18:21:58
问题 So I am attempting to learn to develop for Glass and was going through the quickstart guide today. Attempted to run all of the sample apps and they all crashed upon me attempting to open them. With a picture of caution sign saying "Stopwatch has stopped tap to continue". I tried reimporting the projects restarting glass and nothing worked. Any ideas? Also my glass initally wasnt recognized by eclipse and followed this guide Google Glass ADB devices doesn't find. OMAP4430 driver not installed

Google Glass GDK: Bluetooth discoverable Intent

元气小坏坏 提交于 2019-12-12 16:00:15
问题 I try to make my Google Glass discoverable via Bluetooth in my app by calling the flowing intent: Intent discoverableIntent = new Intent(BluetoothAdapter.ACTION_REQUEST_DISCOVERABLE); discoverableIntent.putExtra(BluetoothAdapter.EXTRA_DISCOVERABLE_DURATION, 120); startActivity(discoverableIntent); But I get the following error message: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{}: android.content.ActivityNotFoundException: No Activity found to handle

popup notifications for google glass

↘锁芯ラ 提交于 2019-12-12 04:30:47
问题 How do i make custom popup notifications for google glass the way it is shown in the google glass commercial. I want my service to run on the background and send timely popups only when necessary. Link for reference Is there a possible way to do so or should I just use only Toast notifications or invoke activities through intents. 回答1: The "popup" design from that