
How to setup Letsencrypt for Google Cloud Compute Engine load balancer?

不问归期 提交于 2020-07-17 01:20:13
问题 I've setup my Google Cloud Project to use a load balancer in combination with auto scaling instance templates. Currently the instance group only has one instance. My domain name successfully refers to the load balancers IP. Till these steps everything is working correctly. Now I want to setup SSL for this project. I would like to do this with the Letsencrypt service, however I'm having no success when trying to set this up. In the Google Cloud Engine load balancer window there is an option to

Google Cloud VM Files Deleted after Restart

巧了我就是萌 提交于 2020-06-28 03:55:20
问题 I've restarted my VM instance and found that all of my files are deleted. My VM has a 10 GB SSD persistent boost disk and an additional 50GB SSD persistent disk. Do VM's only save files within the current session? Thanks! 回答1: Google does not delete data upon restart. Be sure the disk containing your data is mounted. Perhaps you restarted after manually mounting & the disk is no longer mounted. You may have also been using the cloud shell instead of your VM which "After the instance is

Which Compute Engine quotas need to be updated to run Dataflow with 50 workers (IN_USE_ADDRESSES, CPUS, CPUS_ALL_REGIONS ..)?

依然范特西╮ 提交于 2020-06-28 03:51:43
问题 We are using a private GCP account and we would like to process 30 GB of data and do NLP processing using SpaCy. We wanted to use more workers and we decided to start with a maxiumn number of worker of 80 as show below. We submited our job and we got some issue with some of the GCP standard user quotas: QUOTA_EXCEEDED: Quota 'IN_USE_ADDRESSES' exceeded. Limit: 8.0 in region XXX So I decided to request some new quotas of 50 for IN_USE_ADDRESSES in some region (it took me few iteration to find

Google Cloud Compute Engine OS Login permission denied issue

天大地大妈咪最大 提交于 2020-06-27 03:55:31
问题 When setting up the OS Login on one GCE instance I get a Permission denied message for a new user of the project. As per the Google Cloud documentation on OS Login, I've set metadata to enable-oslogin TRUE , and the permission for the user in the instance to roles/compute.osLogin , as there's no further Organization or service account required in this test case. Firewall rules are OK too. I've enabled the role Project Editor and it works, but I don't want the user to be an Editor nor a Viewer

HAXM does not support nested virtual machines GCP

僤鯓⒐⒋嵵緔 提交于 2020-06-26 08:03:50
问题 I am trying to use an Android virtual device (AVD) on my android development environment which is a GCP Compute Engine Windows server Virtual Machine. When I try to create a virtual android device I get a recommendation that states: HAXM does not support nested virtual machines How can I create an Android virtual device in side of my GCP Windows Server VM? 回答1: This was indeed a hard problem to solve. Preet Parekh and I finally came up with a solution for this. The results were extremely

Google Cloud Functions include private library

こ雲淡風輕ζ 提交于 2020-06-24 08:47:47
问题 I'm looking to write a custom library in node and I'd like to include that with my Cloud Functions. Since this is shared code, I'd like to be able to use it across all my Cloud Functions. What's the best way to write a library of shared code and have that accessed by multiple Cloud Functions. For example, say I have two Cloud Functions, functionA and functionB. I have a node javascript file called "common.js" that has a javascript function that I'd like to expose to both functionA and

Google Cloud Functions include private library

纵然是瞬间 提交于 2020-06-24 08:47:05
问题 I'm looking to write a custom library in node and I'd like to include that with my Cloud Functions. Since this is shared code, I'd like to be able to use it across all my Cloud Functions. What's the best way to write a library of shared code and have that accessed by multiple Cloud Functions. For example, say I have two Cloud Functions, functionA and functionB. I have a node javascript file called "common.js" that has a javascript function that I'd like to expose to both functionA and

Startup Script in Metadata Not Running (Python, Google Compute Engine, Cloud Storage Trigger)

此生再无相见时 提交于 2020-06-16 17:26:31
问题 I have an app running on Google App Engine, and an AI running on Google Compute Engine. I'm triggering the VM instance to start on a change in a Google Cloud Storage bucket, and have a start-up script that I attempt to store in the metadata of the GCE instance. My cloud functions looks like this: import os from googleapiclient.discovery import build def start(event, context): file = event print(file["id"]) string = file["id"] new_string = string.split('/') user_id = new_string[1] payment_id =

Startup Script in Metadata Not Running (Python, Google Compute Engine, Cloud Storage Trigger)

青春壹個敷衍的年華 提交于 2020-06-16 17:25:14
问题 I have an app running on Google App Engine, and an AI running on Google Compute Engine. I'm triggering the VM instance to start on a change in a Google Cloud Storage bucket, and have a start-up script that I attempt to store in the metadata of the GCE instance. My cloud functions looks like this: import os from googleapiclient.discovery import build def start(event, context): file = event print(file["id"]) string = file["id"] new_string = string.split('/') user_id = new_string[1] payment_id =

GCP-Storage: do files appear before upload is complete

核能气质少年 提交于 2020-06-16 03:49:08
问题 I want to transfer files into a VM whenever there is a new file added to storage, the problem is that i want the transfer to be done only when the upload is complete So my question is : Do files appear even when the upload is still going on ? which means if I build a program that looks for new files every second, would it transfer the files from gcs to VM even if the upload is incomplete or the transfer would start whenever the upload is complete and not while it is uploading ? 回答1: Google