
force ViewPager to call getItem when going up the backstack

十年热恋 提交于 2019-12-08 04:22:01
问题 I'm trying to create an Android application which contains a single activity with a container and a navigation drawer. The initialy empty container loads fragments which has a ViewPager inside a tab layout in which I load a frgment with a FragmentTransaction : public static void replaceFragmentInContainer(FragmentManager fragmentManager, Fragment fragmentToShow, boolean addToBackStack) { FragmentTransaction transaction = fragmentManager.beginTransaction(); if (addToBackStack) { transaction

Fragement no longer exists for key f0: index 1

喜欢而已 提交于 2019-12-07 08:10:39
问题 I had a nice a pretty ViewPager/FragmentStatePagerAdapter working on my app but after manually adding a Fragment to the FragmentManager I started getting this exception when rotating the screen TWICE . StackTrace: 07-29 19:10:22.360: E/FragmentManager(712): Fragement no longer exists for key f0: index 1 07-29 19:10:22.360: E/FragmentManager(712): Activity state: 07-29 19:10:22.407: D/FragmentManager(712): Active Fragments in 4608be98: 07-29 19:10:22.410: D/FragmentManager(712): #0:

FragmentManager is already executing transactions

不羁的心 提交于 2019-12-07 05:25:51
问题 So I have this problem when using the ViewPager with a FragmentStatePagerAdapter AND then I'm trying to select the current page (i.e. show the second page to the user instead of the first one) that I get this exception from time to time. The issue seems to be concurrency, as the viewpager is still adding/initializing the fragments i.e. currently running a fragment transaction while I'm trying to set the current page. Something like this: pagerAdapter = new MyFragmentPagerAdapter

ViewPager not getting updated using FragmentStatePagerAdapter

别来无恙 提交于 2019-12-07 02:30:35
问题 I've a two fragments , Fragment A and Fragment B . Fragment A lists all products and Fragment B shows detail about the product and its images. Fragment A calls Fragment B and Fragment B fetches data from web service and sets to ViewPager using Adapter . Initially it displays correct image but thereafter it always have the same image. If we fire adapter.notifyDataSetChanged() from any click event in Fragment B then it works perfectly but we have to display as soon as Fragment B is visible

解决 FragmentPagerAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged() ...

早过忘川 提交于 2019-12-06 16:55:36
在一个 Android 应用中,我使用 FragmentPagerAdapter 来处理多 Fragment 页面的横向滑动。不过我碰到了一个问题,即当 Fragment 对应的数据集发生改变时,我希望能够通过调用 mAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged() 来触发 Fragment 页面使用新的数据调整或重新生成其内容,可是当我调用 notifyDataSetChanged() 后,发现什么都没发生。 搜索之后发现不止我一个人碰到这个问题,大家给出的解决办法五花八门,有些确实解决了问题,但是我总感觉问题没搞清楚。于是我决定搞明白这个问题到底是怎么回事,以及正确的用法到底如何。要搞明白这个问题,仅仅阅读文档并不足够,还需要阅读相关几个类的相关方法的实现,搞懂其设计意图。下面就是通过阅读源代码搞明白的内容。 【ViewPager】 ViewPager 如其名所述,是负责翻页的一个 View。准确说是一个 ViewGroup ,包含多个 View 页,在手指横向滑动屏幕时,其负责对 View 进行切换。为了生成这些 View 页,需要提供一个 PagerAdapter 来进行和数据绑定以及生成最终的 View 页。 setAdapter() ViewPager 通过 setAdapter() 来建立与 PagerAdapter 的联系。这个联系是双向的,一方面

Don't restore ViewPager when Activity is restored

ぃ、小莉子 提交于 2019-12-06 14:30:54
The setup of my project is as follows Activity has Fragment and it has ViewPager with pages supplied by FragmentStatePagerAdapter . The data displayed by ViewPager is fetched from network. When Activity is destroyed and restored, it tries to restore the Fragment that was visible in ViewPager when the Activity was destroyed. But the Fragment inside the ViewPager tries to access data structures that are not fully initialized, as a result crash happens. I don't want the Fragment in ViewPager to be recreated . One way that works is to pass null in super.Oncreate(savedInstance) of the Activity .

FragmentStatePagerAdapter first call to getItem wrong with sdk 22-->23 upgrade

*爱你&永不变心* 提交于 2019-12-06 10:43:20
UPDATE 2: Getting rid of all v4 support references fixed it. UPDATE: I started from scratch to see what triggers this behavior. It occurs once I add a check for location permissions. I can't go backwards -- even when I strip out all the permissions code it stays with the incorrectly-bahaving FragmentStatePagerAdapger. I have a FragementStatePagerAdapter that was working just fine for a ViewPager of dynamically created fragments until I changed my compileSdkVersion and target SdkVersion from 22 to 23, using appcompat-v7:23.2.1. Now if I attempt to load, say, A, B, C it loads B, B, C. But then

Android - Attempt to invoke virtual method 'void' on a null object reference

妖精的绣舞 提交于 2019-12-06 00:14:33
问题 Here is the full stack trace of the error: The error started to appear only after I started using fragments in the project, because I want to give JSON feeds. It was fine before when I was creating Tabs, NavigationDrawer etc. public class MainActivity extends ActionBarActivity implements MaterialTabListener{ private Toolbar mToolbar; private NavigationDrawerFragment mDrawerFragment; private DrawerLayout mDrawerLayout; private MaterialTabHost

Remove all fragments from ViewPager populated by FragmentStatePagerAdapter

自古美人都是妖i 提交于 2019-12-05 23:58:11
问题 I have a ViewPager that I am populating with fragments(representing objects from arrayListOfObjects) using FragmentStatePagerAdapter. All works well: mMyFragmentPagerAdapter = new fragmentAdapter(getSupportFragmentManager(),orientation ,rePopulatedfireInfoList); mPager = (ViewPager)findViewById(; initButton(); setTab(); mPager.setAdapter(mMyFragmentPagerAdapter); The fragment adapter extends FragmentStatePagerAdapter. From the primary activity I launch a dialog

Android ViewPager+Fragment生命周期优化

巧了我就是萌 提交于 2019-12-05 23:33:31
一.页面缓存 ViewPager默认会缓存1~2个页面,也就是当前页面的前一个页面和后一个页面,如果后一个页面不存在,则不在缓存,反之会被缓存 offscreenPageLimit的默认值为1 int offscreenPageLimit = mViewPager.getOffscreenPageLimit(); Log.e("MainActivity", "offscreenPageLimit="+offscreenPageLimit); 1.1轮播图 有时,需要使用ViewPager+反射匀速Scroller+ImageView做轮播图时,轮播的图片超过4个就会出现空白的问题,对于这种问题,明细我们需要把 offscreenPageLimit设置为n-1,(n为图片的个数),这样把图片缓存起来(轮播图一般在首页,长期存在,因此也就不要想着及时释放掉这几张图片了) mViewPager.setOffscreenPageLimit(imageList.size()-1); 二. 当前视图 Fragment更新 ViewPager+Fragment也会受到 offscreenPageLimit的影响,对于这个,建议使用n-1模式 List<BaseFragment> fragmentList = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList