
Including JS files compiled using Figwheel to Uberjar built

感情迁移 提交于 2020-05-17 05:53:06
问题 Here is Figwheel config, app.cljs.edn ^{:watch-dirs ["src/cljs" "src/cljc"]} {:modules {:aff {:entries #{asaas.aff.aff} :output-to "target/public/js/aff.js"} :loc {:entries #{asaas.aff.loc} :output-to "target/public/js/loc.js"} :user {:entries #{asaas.user.user} :output-to "target/public/js/user.js"} :auth {:entries #{asaas.auth.auth} :output-to "target/public/js/auth.js"}} :output-dir "target/public/js/app" :asset-path "/js/app", } The problem is, it just works in dev . How should I go about

How do I deploy a single-page app. written in ClojureScript / Figwheel to a static server?

拈花ヽ惹草 提交于 2019-12-23 07:38:34
问题 I'm playing with Figwheel and writing a simple single-page app that doesn't require any server-side intelligence. In principle, this app. could be placed on any static web-server. But how do I actually deploy it? It looks like the main.js which is in my Figwheel development environment is setting up the figwheel connection. What js and html files do I actually need to put on my static server? Has Figwheel created them, or do I need to create a new main.js and index.html? And where can I find

Code not called from go block, but it works from REPL

蹲街弑〆低调 提交于 2019-12-11 13:44:39
问题 I have code that updates the DOM. new-recipe! calls an API to get a new recipe string. update-recipe-state next updates this state in the screen. Finally we have a call to update-transition-buttons . (defn- add-listener-to-recipe-button! [] "Listens to go button, creates a new recipe and displays it" (create-click-event-listener! (dommy/sel1 :#button-start) #(go (new-recipe!) (<! (timeout 2000)) (update-recipe-state!) (<! (timeout 2000)) (update-transition-buttons! "onboarding")))) ;; define

lein figwheel vs lein cljsbuild auto

安稳与你 提交于 2019-12-07 05:42:36
问题 What is the difference between lein figwheel and lein cljsbuild auto because I believe that they are both used to compile clojurescript. Also is there any benefit to using one over the other? 回答1: Fighweel They are both lein plugins but Figwheel not only compiles cljs into javascript but it also features hot loading which allows interactive programming, actually Figwheel uses cljsbuild for compiling cljs. You can create a figwheel app using: lein new figwheel app If you run: lein figwheel