
For three digit exponents Fortran drops the 'E' in the output

落花浮王杯 提交于 2019-11-30 09:21:00
I'm just coming to Fortran90 from Python and, honestly, the hardest part so far has been getting used to the formatting codes for writing output. I've run across a formatting problem that I can't seem to google or fiddle my way out of, I have searched this site for an answer but didn't find anything helpful. I'm doing a calculation and writing the output to file. I'm formatting the results of the calculation with the following code write(file, ('13ES11.2)') kappa Some of the values are very small so I end up three digit negative values. So something that should look like this, 10e-100 But

How to check a number in a string contains a date and exponential numbers while parsing excel file using apache event model in java

我的梦境 提交于 2019-11-29 17:23:56
I am parsing an excel file which contains many dates like 13-4-2021 and some numbers in this 3,7%,2,65% format.So i am parsing that excel file and i am getting the data in a string to write them in a text file.So my problem is that i am getting the date in a whole number like 44299, while it is actually in 04/13/2021 format in the excel sheet.And another case is i have some numbers with percentage like 3,7%,2,65% which are coming like 3.6999999999999998E-2.So i can convert the number to a date using SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy").format(javaDate) Here is the code i am using private static

Dynamic Programming in Mathematica: how to automatically localize and / or clear memoized function's definitions

醉酒当歌 提交于 2019-11-29 09:37:01
问题 In Mathematica 8.0, suppose I have some constants: a:=7 b:=9 c:=13 d:=.002 e:=2 f:=1 and I want to use them to evaluate some interlinked functions g[0,k_]:=0 g[t_,0]:=e g[t_,k_]:=g[t-1,k]*a+h[t-1,k-1]*b h[0,k_]:=0 h[t_,0]:=f h[t_,k_]:=h[t-1,k]*c+g[t-1,k-1]*d But this is really slow and in need of dynamic programming, or else you get an exponential slowdown: g[0, k_] := 0 g[t_, 0] := e g[t_, k_] := g[t, k] = g[t - 1, k]*a + h[t - 1, k - 1]*b h[0, k_] := 0 h[t_, 0] := f h[t_, k_] := h[t, k] = h

Recursive power function: Why does this work if there's no initial return value?

橙三吉。 提交于 2019-11-29 00:43:54
because power(base, exponent) has no return value unless exponent is 0, initially, shouldn't power(base, exponent -1) return 'undefined', and therefore be unmultipliable, initially? So, I am having trouble following the logic of this code. Why/how does it work? function power(base, exponent) { if (exponent == 0) return 1; else return base * power(base, exponent - 1); } It could be more concise: function power(base, exponent) { return exponent == 0? 1 : base * power(base, --exponent); } Howerver an iterative solution is very much faster: function powerNR(base, exp) { var result = 1; while(exp--

How to check a number in a string contains a date and exponential numbers while parsing excel file using apache event model in java

a 夏天 提交于 2019-11-28 11:52:20
问题 I am parsing an excel file which contains many dates like 13-4-2021 and some numbers in this 3,7%,2,65% format.So i am parsing that excel file and i am getting the data in a string to write them in a text file.So my problem is that i am getting the date in a whole number like 44299, while it is actually in 04/13/2021 format in the excel sheet.And another case is i have some numbers with percentage like 3,7%,2,65% which are coming like 3.6999999999999998E-2.So i can convert the number to a

Exponential Operator in C++

独自空忆成欢 提交于 2019-11-28 00:40:29
I am taking a class in C++ and I noticed there are only a few math operators to use. I also noticed that C++ does not come with an exponential operator within its math library. Why must one always write a function for this? Is there a reason for the makers of C++ to omit this operator? paxdiablo You don't write a function for this (unless you're insane, of course). There's a perfectly good pow function defined in the <cmath> header. Aside: if you try to use ^ as a power operator, as some people are wont to do, you'll be in for a nasty surprise. It's the exclusive-or (XOR) operator (see here ).

Calculating e^x without using any functions

[亡魂溺海] 提交于 2019-11-27 19:32:34
We are supposed to calculate e^x using this kind of formula: e^x = 1 + (x ^ 1 / 1!) + (x ^ 2 / 2!) ...... I have this code so far: while (result >= 1.0E-20 ) { power = power * input; factorial = factorial * counter; result = power / factorial; eValue += result; counter++; iterations++; } My problem now is that since factorial is of type long long, I can't really store a number greater than 20! so what happens is that the program outputs funny numbers when it reaches that point .. The correct solution can have an X value of at most 709 so e^709 should output: 8.21840746155e+307 The program is

Fastest Implementation of Exponential Function Using AVX

混江龙づ霸主 提交于 2019-11-27 14:49:26
I'm looking for an efficient (Fast) approximation of the exponential function operating on AVX elements (Single Precision Floating Point). Namely - __m256 _mm256_exp_ps( __m256 x ) without SVML. Relative Accuracy should be something like ~1e-6, or ~20 mantissa bits (1 part in 2^20). I'd be happy if it is written in C Style with Intel intrinsics. Code should be portable (Windows, macOS, Linux, MSVC, ICC, GCC, etc...). This is similar to Fastest Implementation of Exponential Function Using SSE , but that question is looking for very fast with low precision (The current answer there gives about

Does Pandas calculate ewm wrong?

本秂侑毒 提交于 2019-11-27 08:09:07
When trying to calculate the exponential moving average (EMA) from financial data in a dataframe it seems that Pandas' ewm approach is incorrect. The basics are well explained in the following link: http://stockcharts.com/school/doku.php?id=chart_school:technical_indicators:moving_averages When going to Pandas explanation, the approach taken is as follows (using the "adjust" parameter as False): weighted_average[0] = arg[0]; weighted_average[i] = (1-alpha) * weighted_average[i-1] + alpha * arg[i] This in my view is incorrect. The "arg" should be (for example) the closing values, however, arg[0

Convert exponential to a whole number in PHP [duplicate]

醉酒当歌 提交于 2019-11-27 04:42:37
Possible Duplicate: Convert exponential number to decimal in php Is there a way to convert an exponential number to a whole number in PHP using built in functions? A format function? 1.2378147769392E+14 to 123781477693917 number_format(1.2378147769392E+14,0,'','') However, for working with large numbers, if you want to keep precision, you should look into BCMath extension 来源: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4964059/convert-exponential-to-a-whole-number-in-php