
How to create a gradient text in react-native

血红的双手。 提交于 2020-12-12 11:20:08
问题 I want to create text with linear gradient color in react-native, but cannot find a suitable way or package to do this. I tried to use this package : https://github.com/iyegoroff/react-native-text-gradient. But, while trying to run an example with expo, it is giving me the following error : TypeError: Cannot read property 'x' of undefined This error is located at: in RNLinearTextGradient (at App.js:26) in RCTView (at View.js:60) in View (at App.js:17) in App (at registerRootComponent.js:35)

Warning: Functions are not valid as a React child. (React-native )

你。 提交于 2020-12-12 09:18:13
问题 I am receiving the error: Warning: Functions are not valid as a React child. I am writing a React Native application. interface RegisterScreenProps { navigation: NavigationContainerRef; } const RegisterScreen: FunctionComponent<RegisterScreenProps> = ({ navigation, }: RegisterScreenProps) => { const { container, headerLogo, headerTitle, body } = styles; return ( <SafeAreaView style={{ flex: 1 }}> <KeyboardAwareScrollView style={styles.container}> <View> <TextInput value={

Warning: Functions are not valid as a React child. (React-native )

走远了吗. 提交于 2020-12-12 09:16:33
问题 I am receiving the error: Warning: Functions are not valid as a React child. I am writing a React Native application. interface RegisterScreenProps { navigation: NavigationContainerRef; } const RegisterScreen: FunctionComponent<RegisterScreenProps> = ({ navigation, }: RegisterScreenProps) => { const { container, headerLogo, headerTitle, body } = styles; return ( <SafeAreaView style={{ flex: 1 }}> <KeyboardAwareScrollView style={styles.container}> <View> <TextInput value={

Expo - increase location accuracy with Geofence

霸气de小男生 提交于 2020-12-12 06:43:59
问题 I could really use some help improving the accuracy of the Geofencing feature. If you look at the following screenshots you can see my location and the location of circle and marker which share the same latLng coordiantes and radius as my geofence. Link to the image If I run the following lines within the app.js file: const taskName = "front_door"; const latLng = { latitude: -37.820711, longitude: 144.994264 }; const radius = 5; Permissions.askAsync(Permissions.LOCATION); Location

Expo - increase location accuracy with Geofence

吃可爱长大的小学妹 提交于 2020-12-12 06:43:30
问题 I could really use some help improving the accuracy of the Geofencing feature. If you look at the following screenshots you can see my location and the location of circle and marker which share the same latLng coordiantes and radius as my geofence. Link to the image If I run the following lines within the app.js file: const taskName = "front_door"; const latLng = { latitude: -37.820711, longitude: 144.994264 }; const radius = 5; Permissions.askAsync(Permissions.LOCATION); Location

Expo - increase location accuracy with Geofence

不想你离开。 提交于 2020-12-12 06:43:06
问题 I could really use some help improving the accuracy of the Geofencing feature. If you look at the following screenshots you can see my location and the location of circle and marker which share the same latLng coordiantes and radius as my geofence. Link to the image If I run the following lines within the app.js file: const taskName = "front_door"; const latLng = { latitude: -37.820711, longitude: 144.994264 }; const radius = 5; Permissions.askAsync(Permissions.LOCATION); Location

IoT 设备高质量的实时音视频传输解决方案

微笑、不失礼 提交于 2020-12-12 04:48:01
12月10日, 实时互动云服务 开创者及引领者 声网Agora 在北京举办了媒体沟通会,发布了首款定义轻互动直播场景的“极速直播”与可降低50%直播带宽成本的“低码高清”两大新产品,同时声网还对面向智能硬件、VR/AR等自编解场景的“实时码流加速产品-RTSA”进行全新升级。 RTSA:实现物联网智能硬件互联互通 根据Analytics数据显示,截至2020年上半年,全球的物联网连接数已经达到了117亿,历史上首次超过非物联网连接数。随着5G基础设施的逐渐完善、智能终端设备的不断普及以及云VR、云手机等新应用场景的涌现, 实时音视频成为物联网人机交互的重要方式 ,然而物联网领域基于音视频的互联互通也面临着诸多挑战,例如生态割裂兼容难全面,不同厂家设备之间的互联互通和互可操作性差的问题,就像是一只站在物联网“房间里的大象”,一直被行业忽略;传统物联网音视频传输以P2P为主,实时互动体验难保障。 针对这些问题,声网正式发布了全新升级的 RTSA-实时码流加速 产品,升级后的RTSA分为 RTSA Lite与RTSA Pro 两大系列,其中RTSA Lite面向资源有限的轻量级设备,拥有 极小包体、超低功耗、低延时、抗弱网 等特性,覆盖平台主要有Linux全平台以及RTOS平台,适用场景主要包含 智能手表、智能摄像头、智能音箱等穿戴式、便携式的智能设备 。RTSA Pro则面向体验优先

Expo Location geofencing not working on standalone devices IOS

生来就可爱ヽ(ⅴ<●) 提交于 2020-12-08 00:51:44
问题 I am unable to run Location.startGeofencingAsync on standalone devices but it is running perfectly fine on simulator. This function gets triggered on Simulator and I can see the logs within this function but as soon as I switch to standalone device, It does not work. Here is the error I am constantly getting when running on the standalone device Error: Invalid parameter not satisfying: !stayUp || CLClientIsBackgroundable(internal->fClient) || _CFMZEnabled() Any help would be much appreciated.

Expo Location geofencing not working on standalone devices IOS

守給你的承諾、 提交于 2020-12-08 00:51:34
问题 I am unable to run Location.startGeofencingAsync on standalone devices but it is running perfectly fine on simulator. This function gets triggered on Simulator and I can see the logs within this function but as soon as I switch to standalone device, It does not work. Here is the error I am constantly getting when running on the standalone device Error: Invalid parameter not satisfying: !stayUp || CLClientIsBackgroundable(internal->fClient) || _CFMZEnabled() Any help would be much appreciated.

Expo Location geofencing not working on standalone devices IOS

浪尽此生 提交于 2020-12-08 00:50:42
问题 I am unable to run Location.startGeofencingAsync on standalone devices but it is running perfectly fine on simulator. This function gets triggered on Simulator and I can see the logs within this function but as soon as I switch to standalone device, It does not work. Here is the error I am constantly getting when running on the standalone device Error: Invalid parameter not satisfying: !stayUp || CLClientIsBackgroundable(internal->fClient) || _CFMZEnabled() Any help would be much appreciated.