
How to build “edit” button in JSF and switch between h:outputText and h:inputText

回眸只為那壹抹淺笑 提交于 2019-12-29 06:34:13
问题 How can I create an "edit" button so that when the button is clicked it will change the h:outputText to h:inputText ? 回答1: Make use of the rendered attribute: <h:outputText value="#{bean.entity.property}" rendered="#{not bean.editmode}" /> <h:inputText value="#{bean.entity.property}" rendered="#{bean.editmode}" /> ... <h:commandButton value="Edit" action="#{bean.edit}" rendered="#{not bean.editmode}" /> <h:commandButton value="Save" action="#{bean.save}" rendered="#{bean.editmode}" /> With

How to build “edit” button in JSF and switch between h:outputText and h:inputText

南笙酒味 提交于 2019-12-29 06:33:14
问题 How can I create an "edit" button so that when the button is clicked it will change the h:outputText to h:inputText ? 回答1: Make use of the rendered attribute: <h:outputText value="#{bean.entity.property}" rendered="#{not bean.editmode}" /> <h:inputText value="#{bean.entity.property}" rendered="#{bean.editmode}" /> ... <h:commandButton value="Edit" action="#{bean.edit}" rendered="#{not bean.editmode}" /> <h:commandButton value="Save" action="#{bean.save}" rendered="#{bean.editmode}" /> With

XML file structure while editing xml file with shell script

这一生的挚爱 提交于 2019-12-25 13:15:13
问题 I am trying to edit a xml file wi9th a shell script. I have found some help like this. But the Structure of my XML file is little different. This is a example of my XML file: <Code> <Type name="abc">this is ABC</Type> <Type name="xyz">this is XYZ</Type> </Code> Here I want to get the this is ABC and this is XYZ text and then append a String with them like this: <Code> <Type name="abc">this is ABC EDITED</Type> <Type name="xyz">this is XYZ EDITED</Type> </Code> I can edit the 'abc' like this:

Edit with bootstrap modal and AngularJS

Deadly 提交于 2019-12-25 08:05:26
问题 I have made bootstrap modal for edit particular data from my data-table. I am able to open popup and able to fetch my data as well, but as i am doing some changes in modal's text box it is suddenly reflect to data-table also (data-table is in another controller). I want to reflect it in data-table only if I am clicking Update button. And if I click cancel button then the previous value should be there. Here is my HTML code: <tr ng-repeat="Filterlist in macAddressListResult" class="text-center

Edit Form PHP PDO

戏子无情 提交于 2019-12-25 07:24:54
问题 I have a table in SQL Server database. I created an "edit.php" where we can update the database. The database connection is established using PDO. I have a lot of Null values in the table. When I click "Edit" option, the form pops out. If I completely fill the records, the database gets updated. Otherwise I get this error message. SQLSTATE[42000]: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver 11 for SQL Server][SQL Server]Error converting data type nvarchar to numeric. The codes for my edit.php are included below:

Managing animated images in PHP

跟風遠走 提交于 2019-12-25 04:55:28
问题 I would like to have some information about this topic. Everybody knows that it's possible to manage and even create images with PHPs gd-library, but is it possible to edit animated GIFs without losing the animation? Hope that someone is wise enough to answer this :) Martti Laine 回答1: It is said on the website of Boutell, the original makers of GD that there are animation functions to GD, but I have never seen them mentioned anywhere in the PHP manual. There are several external classes to

Rails: Use same partial for creating and editing nested items

我的梦境 提交于 2019-12-25 04:14:52
问题 I followed the Getting Started With Rails tutorial to set up a simple blog with comments. I went to apply it to my own scenario: histories with history items. Everything was more or less fine until I realized that I needed to have the ability to edit these history items (kind of like editing comments). I've got it so there's an "Edit Item" link on the partial that displays the history items. It seems to hit the edit action in the history items controller. But I get a form with blank fields

Command Prompt Navigation: Navigating To An Unknownly Named Folder

纵饮孤独 提交于 2019-12-25 03:44:32
问题 So, is there any way to navigate your command prompt to/through a location which's name you don't know exactly? For example the situation is i want to rename the sei.dat file and its located at: C:/programdata/CsD2/Tools/("THE UNKNOWN VERSION NAMED FOLDER")/data/per/sei.dat So as you can see i know where the software is installed however the folder after "Tools" folder is named after the version of the tools (example V0.1.2.6) and it changes often. Is there any command or way to navigate the

Table row disappears when the edit button is clicked

倾然丶 夕夏残阳落幕 提交于 2019-12-25 03:34:53
问题 When I click the edit button, the whole row disappears, as if it was deleted, and does not go into the editMode of the template. The row comes back if you refresh the page. I have tried commenting out code to find an issue there, but that comes back clean. I have referenced other code that does work in editMode, and there is no difference. And I have tried googling. How can I change/add to the code to get it to engage editMode? Created using Meteor platform. html: <template name=


℡╲_俬逩灬. 提交于 2019-12-25 02:53:39
问题 The EN_PROTECTED notify message is sent to the parent of a rich edit control when there is an attempt to change "protected" text. This works for me and I've tried it with both richedit20 and richedit50. Any change to this protected text immediately triggers the EN_PROTECTED message. (Its a little complicated to set it up, but I've done that correctly.) However, the documentation says if the parent returns non zero in response to the EN_PROTECTED message, it will prevent the protected text