
Why is there an additional pair of curly braces on the Inno Setup Preprocessor:#emit page?

|▌冷眼眸甩不掉的悲伤 提交于 2020-12-06 16:51:19
问题 I've been looking through Inno Setup documentation and found this: ( Filename: "file2.ext"; DestDir: {{#MyDestDir}} Why do we need to use an additional pair of curly braces here? Mustn't we type it like this instead DestDir: "{#MyDestDir}" ? 来源:

How do I add images to a PyPi readme (that works on GitHub)?

大兔子大兔子 提交于 2020-11-26 11:11:50
问题 In my readme on GitHub I have several images that are present there in my project's source tree which I reference successfully with directives like .. image:: ./doc/source/_static/figs/moon_probe.png I would also like to have these images appear when this same readme is generated in PyPi. How do I (a) ensure that images are present on PyPi for the readme to access and (b) formulate the .. image:: directive to access them? 回答1: PyPI will not read your package distributions for the image. You

How do I add images to a PyPi readme (that works on GitHub)?

 ̄綄美尐妖づ 提交于 2020-11-26 11:01:26
问题 In my readme on GitHub I have several images that are present there in my project's source tree which I reference successfully with directives like .. image:: ./doc/source/_static/figs/moon_probe.png I would also like to have these images appear when this same readme is generated in PyPi. How do I (a) ensure that images are present on PyPi for the readme to access and (b) formulate the .. image:: directive to access them? 回答1: PyPI will not read your package distributions for the image. You

Sphinx decorated classes not documented

风格不统一 提交于 2020-08-11 05:34:21
问题 I'm documenting my library with Sphinx. And I have decorator logic_object : class logic_object: """Decorator for logic object class. """ def __init__(self, cls): self.cls = cls self.__doc__ = self.cls.__doc__ And I have gravity class that decorated by logic_object : @logic_object class gravity: """Basic gravity object logic class. :param float g: pixels of acceleration :param float jf: jump force """ #There is more not important code. My Sphinx .rst file is: Mind.Existence ===================

Python “See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.”

烂漫一生 提交于 2020-08-04 05:44:02
问题 I have seen the following statement in a number of docstrings when help() ing a class: "See help(type(self)) for accurate signature." Notably, it is in the help() for scipy.stats.binom.__init__ and for stockfish.Stockfish.__init__ at the very least. I assume, therefore, that it is some sort of stock message. In any case, I can't figure out what the heck it means. Is this useful information? Note that, being "outside" of the class, so to speak, I never have access to self . Furthermore, it is

Documenting and detailing a single script based on the comments inside

醉酒当歌 提交于 2020-08-01 18:16:15
问题 I am going to write a set of scripts, each independent from the others but with some similarities. The structure will most likely be the same for all the scripts and probably looks like: # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Small description and information @author: Author """ # Imports import numpy as np import math from scipy import signal ... # Constant definition (always with variable in capital letters) CONSTANT_1 = 5 CONSTANT_2 = 10 # Main class class Test(): def __init__(self, run_id,

Documenting and detailing a single script based on the comments inside

末鹿安然 提交于 2020-08-01 18:14:49
问题 I am going to write a set of scripts, each independent from the others but with some similarities. The structure will most likely be the same for all the scripts and probably looks like: # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Small description and information @author: Author """ # Imports import numpy as np import math from scipy import signal ... # Constant definition (always with variable in capital letters) CONSTANT_1 = 5 CONSTANT_2 = 10 # Main class class Test(): def __init__(self, run_id,

Whats the equivalent of swagger for sdk's? [closed]

本小妞迷上赌 提交于 2020-07-22 11:03:48
问题 Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it's on-topic for Stack Overflow. Closed 2 years ago . Improve this question Is there somewhat of a standard out there that people use to document their libraries and frameworks? Ideally, it would make use of JSON or YAML and would allow for generation of HTML pages that present it nicely. 回答1: The most common approach to SDK documentation

Doxygen cannot parsing the structure documentation in the source file

一笑奈何 提交于 2020-06-29 04:08:33
问题 Doxygen cannot parsing a structure documentation inside .c file(and cannot create a corresponding .tex file) but parsing correctly from a separate .h file Assumptions: Does the structures inside .c file where generally the functions are documented are not visible to doxygen parser? Workflow: doxygen run >parsing from files>create a pdf The final generated file is missing the structure documentation inside .c file but all other structures inside a separate .h files are documented and find

Documenting generic S3 methods in R so that user can see documentation?

喜欢而已 提交于 2020-06-29 03:36:03
问题 I am extending the print() function by a method print.dmdSchemeSet() . This functions has additional arguments which I obviously have documented in the source files using roxygen2: #' Generic print function for \code{dmdSchemeSet} #' #' @param x object of type \code{dmdSchemeSet} #' @param ... additional arguments - not used here #' @param printAttr default \code{TRUE} - attributes are printed #' @param printExtAttr default \code{FALSE} - additional attributes are not printed (e.g. \code