How do I add images to a PyPi readme (that works on GitHub)?

大兔子大兔子 提交于 2020-11-26 11:11:50


In my readme on GitHub I have several images that are present there in my project's source tree which I reference successfully with directives like

.. image:: ./doc/source/_static/figs/moon_probe.png

I would also like to have these images appear when this same readme is generated in PyPi.

How do I (a) ensure that images are present on PyPi for the readme to access and (b) formulate the .. image:: directive to access them?


PyPI will not read your package distributions for the image. You have to use the image's external link, for example:

.. image::

Here I use the image hosted by GitHub, the real demo is on PyPI.

P.S. To get the image's raw link on GitHub, right-click the image and choose Open image in new tab.


If you have your images on Github, navigate to the image then right click on download button and copy link address:

Then you can add it in your file:


It should be rendered properly both on Github and PyPi.

