
bootstrap 上下页滚动

僤鯓⒐⒋嵵緔 提交于 2019-12-04 07:17:26
   <!DOCTYPE html><html><head lang="en"> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title></title> <script src="js/jquery-1.11.0.min.js"></script> <script src="js/jquery.touchSwipe.min.js"></script> <style> #screen1{ background-color: #ddd; display: block; position: absolute; width: 100%; height: 100%; } #screen2{ display: none; position: absolute; background-color: pink; width: 100%; height: 100%; } #screen3{ display: none; position: absolute; background-color: #00f; width: 100%; height: 100%; } </style></head><body id="orientation"> <div class="screen1" id="screen1" > </div> <div class="screen2" id="screen2">

python初级(302) 6 对象

十年热恋 提交于 2019-12-04 03:28:39
函数可以把收集一些代码,列表可以收集变量(数据),对象可以把函数和数据收集在一起。 一、真实世界中的对象: 以篮球为例:通过颜色,大小,重量,价格等来描述一个球,这些就是球的属性,属性也叫(特性):一个物品(对象)本来就有的东西。 球拿到手,我们需要玩,比如捡球,抛球,拍球或者充气。我们把这些操作称为动作。 真实世界的真实对象(物品)包括两个方面 1、如何描述(属性或特性) 2、可以对它做什么(或是它自己能做什么)(动作) 二、Python中的对象 1、一些概念 在Python中,一个对象的特征也称为 属性 ,动作称为 方法 。 1)球的属性: ball.color ball.size ball.weight 2)球的方法: ball.bounce() ball.throw() ball.inflate() 什么是属性:描述球的特征的一些信息(数字或字符串),也就是一些变量。 什么是方法:对象可以做的一些动作,或是被做的一些动作。它们是一些代码块,可以调用这些代码块来完成某个工作。方法就是包含在对象中的函数。 3)对象 = 属性 + 方法 4)这个点是什么: 对象名与属性或方法名之间的点ball.size, ball.throw(), 称为点记法。 2、创建对象: 1 创建一个类 2 使用类来建立一个真正的对象。这个对象称为这个类的实例。 对象的描述或蓝图称为一个类(class)

HTML Direction rtl issue

别说谁变了你拦得住时间么 提交于 2019-12-04 03:28:38
问题 I am working on a Multilanguage website , where in a table one of the td needs to be arabic stuff - which we know need to start from right. I tried it in many ways but couldnt crack it . Would be really appreciated if some one could help me :( . Here in this text , the content should start from right.. <TD><div dir="rtl"> خیز ای عشق مجرد مهر را از سر بگیر<br/> مردم و خالی شدم ز اقرار و از انکار خود </div></TD> 回答1: The code is: <html dir="rtl"> Updated answer using CSS : Try this: <span style


白昼怎懂夜的黑 提交于 2019-12-03 20:24:24
什么是枚举类型,有什么作用? 枚举类型就是一个用来组织一些有相似之处的常量的对象,作用就是管理常量,让常量更规范,统一。例: enum Direction { Up = 1, Down, Left, Right } 使用时直接用“.”的方式使用: Direction.Up、Direction.Down ... 枚举类型的特点: 1.手动赋值时从第一个开始自动赋值0,后来依次+1, 2.未手动赋值的项只能在第一个,或只能在赋值为数字的项的后面, 3枚举的键值对会被翻转声明(反向映射) 存疑: 联合枚举与枚举成员的类型 官方文档 enum ShapeKind { Circle, Square, } interface Circle { kind: ShapeKind.Circle; radius: number; } interface Square { kind: ShapeKind.Square; sideLength: number; } let c: Circle = { kind: ShapeKind.Square,  // 这里写任何数字都能通过编译,why // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Error! radius: 100, } 来源:

Rotate marker based on driving direction

ぃ、小莉子 提交于 2019-12-03 17:09:18
问题 I have a marker in my Google Maps map that looks like this: When the user is driving, I want to rotate it based on his driving direction. How can I achieve this? I should probably use previous location and current location coords for calculation, but I have no idea how. 回答1: If you use GPS for locating the user then the Location object you get in onLocationChanged contains the bearing. If you only have the two coordinates (e.g. you only have coordinates from network location provider), you

How can I detect the Flowdirection RightToLeft or LeftToRight automatically in WPF

岁酱吖の 提交于 2019-12-03 16:07:51
Is there a way to detect the FlowDirection in TextBox automatically based on the Unicode Characters used? If you have an Arabic text in Excel it is automatically aligned to the right side of the cell. I would like the same logic in my WPF application. Has anyone experience with this and can tell me how to do this? Base your solution in... the relevant code is public bool IsArabic(string strCompare) { char[] chars = strCompare.ToCharArray(); foreach (char ch in chars) if (ch >= '\u0627' && ch <= '\u0649') return true; return false; } Also check

Finding Direction in iPhone like in Compass?

此生再无相见时 提交于 2019-12-03 11:32:53
Do any one have idea for finding true direction using iPhone? I want to implement such application in which I need to find direction in which iPhone is pointing and want to make application same as compass application in iphone 3GS. Does iPhone 3G supports compass functionality? And can any one tell me how compass application find directions so accurately like a real magnetic compass? Please help me for this. I am in a critical situation. Thanks in advance. akshayk80 here is a sample code link from for using magnetometer and Core Location

UGUI 实现屏幕方向输入

北战南征 提交于 2019-12-03 10:27:13
在Unity中实现屏幕输入方向(例如摇杆),一般会用到 Input 类来获取触摸点的屏幕位置,然后根据触摸点的位置变动,计算出输入方向。 但是会存在一个问题,如果游戏界面中有按钮,对按钮的点击事件,也会影响到Input 的触摸点输入,我们希望能避免这个问题。 一个比较好的实现方案就是,不使用Input,而是使用UGUI的触摸事件。 这个方案比较简单,新建一个DirectionInput 继承MonoBehaviour,并且继承IPointerDownHandler,IPointerUpHandler,IDragHandler 三个接口。然后在代码中实现 OnPointerDown,OnDrag,OnPointerUp三个方法。 具体代码如下,可以在其他模块中,读取该对象的direction字段来获取方向。 using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.EventSystems; /// <summary> /// 玩家屏幕方向输入 /// </summary> public class DirectionInput : MonoBehaviour ,IPointerDownHandler,IPointerUpHandler,IDragHandler { private const float MIN_MOVE_DISTANCE = 30f; public

iPhone compass showing to a specific location

独自空忆成欢 提交于 2019-12-03 10:16:36
问题 I am new to objective-c so I want to apologize if my question is too rubbish. I am programming a compass and yet, it is working (thanks to a tutorial). Actual position (Longitude and Lattitude) is given. Is it possible that my arrow within the compass can show me the direction to a specific location (longitude2 and lattitude2)? I have read that I have to consider the magnetic and the true heading of the iphone. 回答1: - (void)locationManager:(CLLocationManager *)manager didUpdateHeading:

How to open a apple maps application with directions from my ios application

一世执手 提交于 2019-12-03 07:36:31
My aim is to open a map application from ios application with directions, I am able to open maps application but it is not showing directions, i have written the code as follows NSString *mystr=[[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@""]; NSURL *myurl=[[NSURL alloc] initWithString:mystr]; [[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:myurl]; Can any one please help me how figure out how to pass parameters to this url and any other? If you mean taking the user to the maps application based on two points, then you can do it like this: Create