Number of days between two dates C++
I saw examples for C#, Java, but for C++ i cant find solution to calculate how many days between two dates. For example between 2012-01-24 and 2013-01-08 Thanks! This is one way. #include <iostream> #include <ctime> int main() { struct std::tm a = {0,0,0,24,5,104}; /* June 24, 2004 */ struct std::tm b = {0,0,0,5,6,104}; /* July 5, 2004 */ std::time_t x = std::mktime(&a); std::time_t y = std::mktime(&b); if ( x != (std::time_t)(-1) && y != (std::time_t)(-1) ) { double difference = std::difftime(y, x) / (60 * 60 * 24); std::cout << std::ctime(&x); std::cout << std::ctime(&y); std::cout <<