
Error: ('HY000', 'The driver did not supply an error!')

蓝咒 提交于 2020-06-17 09:10:45
问题 I have 5 different connection strings which is stored in connstr list and I have a table list which contains data stored in templst. So the contents looks like templst = [lineitem, orders, partsupp, region, cur_cur, T1, T2] connstr = [DRIVER={};;UID=dba;PWD=sql;CharSet=utf8, DRIVER={};host=localhost:8767;UID=dba;PWD=sql;CharSet=utf8, DRIVER={};host=localhost:8768;UID=dba;PWD=sql;CharSet=utf8, DRIVER={}

Error: ('HY000', 'The driver did not supply an error!')

微笑、不失礼 提交于 2020-06-17 09:10:24
问题 I have 5 different connection strings which is stored in connstr list and I have a table list which contains data stored in templst. So the contents looks like templst = [lineitem, orders, partsupp, region, cur_cur, T1, T2] connstr = [DRIVER={};;UID=dba;PWD=sql;CharSet=utf8, DRIVER={};host=localhost:8767;UID=dba;PWD=sql;CharSet=utf8, DRIVER={};host=localhost:8768;UID=dba;PWD=sql;CharSet=utf8, DRIVER={}

Add invalid remarks for each invalid records inserted into the invalid table in oracle

大城市里の小女人 提交于 2020-05-30 07:48:28
问题 I have a cursor which inserts the valid data into valid table and invalid data into invalid table based on several criteria. Below is my cursor logic for the same. create or replace PROCEDURE FIP_VAL_INV_DATA AS l_state_name r4g_lb.mantainenceboundary_evw.jiostatename%type; l_maint_zone_code r4g_lb.mantainenceboundary_evw.maintenancezonecode%type; l_maint_zone_name r4g_lb.mantainenceboundary_evw.maintenancezonename%type; l_state_code r4g_lb.mantainenceboundary_evw.jiostatecode%type; begin for

Python xlib change cursor

时光总嘲笑我的痴心妄想 提交于 2020-05-29 11:08:11
问题 How can I set the cursor for the root window (or any other window) in a python application using Xlib? I have an instance of display and window (the root window). Using the C bindings; I could use XDefineCursor with a cursor I have created with XCreatePixmapCursor. How do I do the same with the python bindings? I want to be able to use a default cursor, or a custom cursor. 回答1: There are two things you want to keep in mind when you need to find the python-xlib equivalent of any libX11

C# changing cursor even when the cursor is outside the Form

纵然是瞬间 提交于 2020-05-09 16:48:22
问题 is it possible to change the cursor even when the cursor is at outside of the form? I used MouseHook by using Win32 API to capture the location of the Cursor when it is outside the form. However, I cannot change the cursor... 回答1: Programs decide what the cursor should look like. Most windows ask for the default arrow. But, say, a text box control asks for an I-Beam. A hyperlink control asks for the hand. Etcetera. And if you hover over a window edge of a resizable window then the program

LOOP into cursor until each IF ELSE true in oracle

江枫思渺然 提交于 2020-04-30 09:21:13
问题 I have written a cursor where I want to LOOP each and every column until it becomes true. So if all the IF statement matches to true then I want to insert the data into VALID table or at last I want to insert the incorrect data into the INVALID TABLE. Below is the cursor. Kindly let me know whether my step is accurate or Do I need to make any changes in that. create or replace procedure fiber_transm_valid_data as begin for cur_r in (select rj_span_id, rj_maintenance_zone_name, rj_maintenance

LOOP into cursor until each IF ELSE true in oracle

跟風遠走 提交于 2020-04-30 09:20:36
问题 I have written a cursor where I want to LOOP each and every column until it becomes true. So if all the IF statement matches to true then I want to insert the data into VALID table or at last I want to insert the incorrect data into the INVALID TABLE. Below is the cursor. Kindly let me know whether my step is accurate or Do I need to make any changes in that. create or replace procedure fiber_transm_valid_data as begin for cur_r in (select rj_span_id, rj_maintenance_zone_name, rj_maintenance

Android Move cursor from one EditText to another one?

随声附和 提交于 2020-04-29 19:40:19
问题 I know these type of question asked many time .but still nobody gave perfect answer for that. I have question : I want to move from EditText1 ** to another **EditText2 . I had already detect to editText1 but how to move cursor to editText2.? In short I had to move my cursor position from one editText1 to another EditText2 directly. 回答1: I faced this type of issue and found the solution as below. Here I have two editText , if I press "a", my cursor will move to next step . I used below code


拈花ヽ惹草 提交于 2020-04-08 06:42:21
模块 1 import pymssql,pyodbc 模块说明   pymssql和pyodbc模块都是常用的用于SQL Server、MySQL等数据库的连接及操作的模块,当然一些其他的模块也可以进行相应的操作,类似adodbapi、mssql、mxODBC等,我们在实际用的时候选择其中一个模块就好,对于每一个模块都有相应的支持版本和支持平台,大家可以自行查阅文档 模块安装 1 pip install pymssql   关于pip的使用我在我的另一篇博客里提到了 模块使用   我们利用python来进行数据库的操作,那么第一步就应该是连接数据库,这里我们用pymssql模块中的connect方法连连接,在pyodbc模块中同样也是利用connect方法。 使用 connect 创建连接对象 connect.cursor 创建游标对象,SQL语句的执行基本都在游标上进行 cursor.executeXXX 方法执行SQL语句, cursor.fetchXXX 获取查询结果等 调用 close 方法关闭游标 cursor 和数据库连接    pymssql模块连接 ''' pymssql模块连接SQL


牧云@^-^@ 提交于 2020-04-07 02:38:08
[1].创建表空间 CREATE TABLESPACE SYPRO_201310 DATAFILE 'F:\ORACLE_11G\oradata\orcl\SYPRO_201310.DBF' SIZE 10M AUTOEXTEND ON 在指定的F盘下创建一个名SYPRO_201310.DBF的文件初始空间是10M当空间不足时自动增加 [2].删除表空间同时删除表空间所有硬盘上的物理文件 DROP TABLESPACE SYPRO_201310 INCLUDING CONTENTS AND DATAFILES [3].查看当前用户所有表空间 SELECT * FROM DBA_TABLESPACES [4].创建用户liutao 密码 liutao 默认表空间 SYPRO_201310 临时表空间 TEMP CREATE USER liutao IDENTIFIED BY liutao DEFAULT TABLESPACE SYPRO_201310 TEMPORARY TABLESPACE TEMP [5].用户授权-连接数据库的权限 GRANT CONNECT TO LIUTAO WITH ADMIN OPTION [6].用户授权-数据库管理员DBA角色 GRANT DBA TO LIUTAO WITH ADMIN OPTION -- 创建表空间 CREATE