
Best-practice for continuous integration and deployment

走远了吗. 提交于 2019-12-20 08:40:35
问题 Continuous integration concept has just been integrated in my team. Assume we have an integration branch named Dev . From it derived 3 branches, one for each specific current project : Project A Project B Project C First, Teamcity is configured on a dedicated server and it goals is : Compiles and launches unit and integration tests from versioned sources from each branch including Dev Then, of course, each project branch (A,B and C) must be tested in a cloned production environment so that

Bluemix build pipeline set node and npm version

六月ゝ 毕业季﹏ 提交于 2019-12-20 03:07:17
问题 I want to deploy an angular 2 app on bluemix. The code is located at github and i want to deploy my app when i push something. So i created a pipeline. First the build pipeline: to build the angular app i need angularCLI, so i want to install it. Unfortunately the default node version is 4.2 but the cli needs at least 6.9. Here is my build-shell-command: #!/bin/bash # The default Node.js version is 0.10.40 # To use Node.js 0.12.7, uncomment the following line: #export PATH=/opt/IBM/node-v0.12

Continuous Integration vs. Continuous Delivery vs. Continuous Deployment

江枫思渺然 提交于 2019-12-17 14:58:24
问题 What's the difference between these three terms? My university provides the following definitions: Continuous Integration basically just means that the developer's working copies are synchronized with a shared mainline several times a day. Continuous Delivery is described as the logical evolution of continuous integration: Always be able to put a product into production! Continuous Deployment is described as the logical next step after continuous delivery: Automatically deploy the product

Configure android.enableAapt=false on travis yml file

人盡茶涼 提交于 2019-12-12 09:37:26
问题 In my android's I have the following: android.enableAapt2=false My is located in my ~/.gradle/ in my local machine. I am wondering how I can add android.enableAapt=false to my yml file. I tried to add it under global but that didn't work there was no errors but in robolectric it needs to be set if you are using gradle:3.0.0-beta3 . language: android jdk: oraclejdk8 env: global: - ANDROID_TARGET=android-25 - ANDROID_ABI=armeabi-v7a - android

Can I automatically update a live site after each commit using TFVC and Azure?

烈酒焚心 提交于 2019-12-11 19:41:18
问题 For each commit I want to have a live version with the committed code using TFVC and Windows Azure. If a developer commits something I want to be able to test it on How can I setup this using azure and TFVC? 回答1: See below URLs for details on how to do that: -- Easier option 来源:

How can I prevent Sidekiq processing new jobs based on code version?

梦想的初衷 提交于 2019-12-11 06:56:26
问题 We are deploying versions of a sidekiq worker to Cloud Foundry as part of a continuous delivery pipeline. We need to stop workers processing new jobs if they are no longer the latest version. So: Worker v1 is running and performing a 30 min job. We deploy v2 of the worker code. v1 should continue with current jobs but not start any new ones. CloudFoundry won't allow us to send USR1, so we need a solution that allows the workers to determine if they are the latest version before every job

Continuous Integration, Continuous Delivery, Continuous Deployment from their application perspectives

旧街凉风 提交于 2019-12-10 20:45:15
问题 I am using Visual Studio, TFS 2015, Visual Studio Team Services, and Azure/ Local or Remote IIS for achieving Continuous Integration. I am reading from below stackoverflow Continuous Integration vs. Continuous Delivery vs. Continuous Deployment Me / my team check in the code to TFS repository and configured automated build each time I check in the code; is it Continuous Integration? I have configured the build. It runs nuget package manager, runs Tests, performs Build and drops the built

Kubernetes CI/CD pipeline

限于喜欢 提交于 2019-12-10 19:32:56
问题 My company has decided to transition to a micro/service based architecture. We have been doing a bunch of research for the last couple of months on exactly what the architecture of this thing is going to look like. So far, we've settled on: Dotnet core for service development (although being language agnostic is somewhat of an end goal) Kafka for message brokering Docker Kubernetes Ansible We have a pretty basic proof of concept working, which seems to have ticked all the right boxes with the

VSTS: How to get all linked work items since last successful release to production?

假如想象 提交于 2019-12-08 02:45:00
问题 We are using Visual Studio Team Services w/ GIT and VSTS Release Management. We are running a continuous delivery model using pull requests. So each merged pull request triggers a potential release from an according build that ultimately would end up in production. Each release lists the linked work items associated to the according direct pull request. VSTS states: All work items that were included in commits will be displayed in the below list. Comparing current release with %previous

Setup publish to folder using VSTS

两盒软妹~` 提交于 2019-12-07 17:43:34
问题 I was using publish to folder option through Visual Studio by right-clicking on the project -> publish -> publish to folder. Result was always ready-to-copy project with applied transformations. I wanted to automate this process using VSTS and have setup build on VSTS. I used next steps: - NuGet restore - Build solution - Publish Build Artifacts to $(build.artifactstagingdirectory) - Windows machine file copy from $(build.artifactstagingdirectory) to remote machine using admin login and