
What is the best way to authomatically update project dependecnies

独自空忆成欢 提交于 2020-06-17 09:43:15
问题 I want some of my dependencies to be up-to-date and I want to make sure whenever there is a new version of my dependencies, my project uses the last version of that dependencies. I want to run a job in my Continuous Integration pipeline in order to update my dependencies and run all test in my project to make sure nothing bad happened during update. It can help us to overcome security vulnerabilities sooner And make changes to my project continuously. 回答1: Fortunately after a lot of search

Using DevOps pipelines to create distribution bundles of applications

99封情书 提交于 2020-05-16 22:39:26
问题 We want to create bundles of our applications in order to distribute to clients etc. An application can have more than one component. Ex: an application can have a spring server and a scheduler so in order to distribute this application both jars will have to be given to the client. We want to use Docker/Docker compose to accomplish this. Ex: we give a client a bundle containing a Docker compose file, and they just run docker-compose up to start the application. We currently have a Jenkins

Using DevOps pipelines to create distribution bundles of applications

こ雲淡風輕ζ 提交于 2020-05-16 22:38:31
问题 We want to create bundles of our applications in order to distribute to clients etc. An application can have more than one component. Ex: an application can have a spring server and a scheduler so in order to distribute this application both jars will have to be given to the client. We want to use Docker/Docker compose to accomplish this. Ex: we give a client a bundle containing a Docker compose file, and they just run docker-compose up to start the application. We currently have a Jenkins

Using DevOps pipelines to create distribution bundles of applications

元气小坏坏 提交于 2020-05-16 22:38:07
问题 We want to create bundles of our applications in order to distribute to clients etc. An application can have more than one component. Ex: an application can have a spring server and a scheduler so in order to distribute this application both jars will have to be given to the client. We want to use Docker/Docker compose to accomplish this. Ex: we give a client a bundle containing a Docker compose file, and they just run docker-compose up to start the application. We currently have a Jenkins

Merge-conflicts Automation

送分小仙女□ 提交于 2020-02-06 09:48:18
问题 Using CI/CD approach, one of the principle mentioned, here: Automate wherever possible Merging can be done two ways, based on the scenario: 1) Fast-forward merge 2) 3-way merge Does it make sense to think about automating merge conflicts? 回答1: No. A merge conflict is literally the end result of a failure to automate. Remember: Git is doing its best to ensure that it doesn't lose any data, and a merge conflict is Git telling you in its standard, paranoid fashion that it could lose data and it

Can I download Bamboo built artifacts using Bamboo Rest - API?

流过昼夜 提交于 2020-01-03 13:32:41
问题 This page states: Bamboo's REST APIs provide the following capabilities: Retrieve the artifacts for a build. and here I see the documentation:{projectKey}-{buildKey}/artifact [GET] When I try this link with the bamboo server I have, like: https://my.bamboo.server/rest/api/latest/plan/MY-PLAN/artifact All I get is: <artifacts expand="artifacts"> <link href="http://my.bamboo.server/rest/api/latest/plan/MY-PLAN/artifact" rel="self"/> <artifacts

Jenkins Pipeline sh display name/label

寵の児 提交于 2019-12-31 08:43:31
问题 With Jenkins 2 Pipeline plugin, there's a useful feature allowing a quick overview of the pipeline stages and status of steps, including logging output. However, if you use the "Shell script" (sh) step, there doesn't seem to be a way to label that script with a useful name, so the display merely shows a long list of "Shell Script" (shown in the image below). How can I assign a useful name, or how can I use some other step to accomplish the same effect? 回答1: Update Feb 2019 : According to

Jenkins Pipeline sh display name/label

扶醉桌前 提交于 2019-12-31 08:42:28
问题 With Jenkins 2 Pipeline plugin, there's a useful feature allowing a quick overview of the pipeline stages and status of steps, including logging output. However, if you use the "Shell script" (sh) step, there doesn't seem to be a way to label that script with a useful name, so the display merely shows a long list of "Shell Script" (shown in the image below). How can I assign a useful name, or how can I use some other step to accomplish the same effect? 回答1: Update Feb 2019 : According to

Jenkins Pipeline sh display name/label

徘徊边缘 提交于 2019-12-31 08:42:24
问题 With Jenkins 2 Pipeline plugin, there's a useful feature allowing a quick overview of the pipeline stages and status of steps, including logging output. However, if you use the "Shell script" (sh) step, there doesn't seem to be a way to label that script with a useful name, so the display merely shows a long list of "Shell Script" (shown in the image below). How can I assign a useful name, or how can I use some other step to accomplish the same effect? 回答1: Update Feb 2019 : According to

How to keep AWS APPSync APIs in sync from Dev to Staging to Production?

删除回忆录丶 提交于 2019-12-24 19:13:56
问题 Let's say you have an AWS AppSync API named API-DEV . It hosts the GraphQL Schema, the Resolvers, the Data sources, DynamoDB tables (ex: Dev_Articles ), DynamoDB tables configuration, and DynamoDB data. The API is consumed by approx. 50 instances of the same React app. How would you automate the migration of newest features from API-DEV to API-STAGING ? Note that I want to update everything except data. Ways to go I'm thinking about: Keep a list of things to update, move the staging apps to